At a field of sunflowers, Shrek, Donkey, Tommy and Melody were walking through it. Donkey: "Let me see if I got this straight... we're going off to a castle that's guarded by a dragon to rescue a rescue a princess in order to get your swamp back?" Shrek: "That sums it all up, yes." Donkey: "I don't get it Shrek, why didn't you try attacking him or his fortress, grind his bones to make your bread, all that ogre deal." Tommy: "Um actually... the grinding bones thing would be a giant." Melody: "Yeah... I mean that's what the book about Jack and the beanstalk said..." Shrek: "You know guys, there's a lot more to ogres than people think." Donkey: "Example?" Shrek: "Okay... ogres are like onions." Donkey: "They stink?" Shrek: "Yes... no!" Melody/ Tommy: "They make you cry?" Shrek: "No!" Donkey: "Leave them out in the sun too long can make them grow white hairs?" Shrek: "NO!!!, layers!, onions have layers!, ogres have layers!, don't you get it?!, we both have layers!" Donkey: "Oh... you both got layers... but you know, not everybody likes onions..." Tommy: "But everybody loves cakes, and they got layers." Shrek: "I don't care what everyone likes!, ogres are not like cakes!" Donkey: "Cakes might be the most delicious desserts on the whole dang planet." Shrek: "Ugh... you know this could be the longest day of my entire life..." said Shrek, before Donkey, Tommy and Melody began to sing a little travel song to pass the time. Eventually, they made it to the Dragon's keep, which was surrounded by a boiling lake of lava. Tommy: "Whoa... so this is the Dragon's keep?" Melody: "It looks really scary..." Shrek: "Show some backbone and let's go." Donkey: "Um Shrek... remember what you said that ogres have layers?, well I have a little confession to make... donkeys don't have layers... we show fear right here on our sleeves..." Shrek: "Wait a second... donkeys don't have sleeves." Donkey: "You know what I mean." Shrek: "Now you can't be telling me that you're afraid of heights." Donkey: "No... I'm just a little uncomfortable about crossing an old bridge over a boiling lake of lava!" Shrek: "Calm down, just keep moving and don't look down." said Shrek, before Donkey begins to cross the bridge, with Shrek, Tommy and Melody following behind him. Suddenly, a step of the bridge broke and it fell into the lava. Donkey: "Shrek!, I'm looking down!, ah!, please take me back!" Shrek: "Stop whining, you're already halfway." said Shrek, before he grabs Donkey by the tail and carries him to the other side, with Tommy and Melody following behind. Melody: "Um... was that really necessary?" Donkey: "Am I... dead yet..." Tommy: "No... you're on the other side." Donkey: "Oh... so I am..." Shrek: "Come on... we got a princess to rescue..." said Shrek, before he and the others went inside the castle. While searching for the princess, Shrek finds some knight armor and puts it on, while Tommy was doing the same. Melody: "What are you doing?" Tommy: "Well we should probably have something to protect us from the dragon's fire, right?" Donkey: "That didn't seemed to saved them..." said Donkey, looking at all of the skeletons in the room. Melody: "Oh dear..." Shrek: "Come on, we need to search for the highest room in the tallest tower, that's where we'll find our princess." Donkey: "What makes you think she'll be there?" Shrek: "I read it in a book once." said Shrek, before he and Tommy put on knight helmets and begin their search for the tower, while Donkey and Melody were following behind. It wasn't long before they see the tallest tower of the castle. Tommy: "Hey look, that must be where the Princess is... but where's the..." Donkey: "Dragon!" Melody: "Yeah... that's what my brother was about to say." Donkey: "No!, Dragon!, behind us!" cried out Donkey, as he can see the large fire breathing Dragon coming towards them. Melody: "Ahh!" Tommy: "Run!" cried out Tommy, before he and the others begin making a run for it, while the Dragon chases after them. Shrek and Tommy tried to stop the Dragon, only for it to use it's tail to send them flying into the sky, before falling and crashing through the roof of the tallest tower, landing on the floor of the room where the princess was located. Back with Donkey and Melody, they were still on the run, trying to get away from the dragon, which was hot on their tails. Just before they could escape, the dragon blocks their path, getting ready to eat them. Donkey: "Oh what large teeth you have!... and by that I mean big sparkling teeth, the prettiest teeth I've ever seen." said Donkey, which made the Dragon stopped and blushed, as it turns out that the dragon was a girl, and nobody has ever said nice things about her teeth before. The dragon then takes Donkey away to who knows where, leaving a confused Melody behind. Back with Shrek and Tommy, they were getting back on their feet when they turned around to see Princess Fiona (voiced by Cameron), sleeping on her bed, and Shrek goes over to her and starts shaking her like like crazy. Shrek: "Wake up!" Fiona: "What?!" Shrek: "Are you Princess Fiona by any chance?" Fiona: "I am... waiting for a brave knight like yourself to come." Shrek: "That's great, now let's go." Fiona: "But wait, sir knight, don't you want to savor this moment?" Shrek: "Not really." Fiona: "Oh my... there's even a knight for Gidget." Tommy: "Wait... you mean there's another princess?" Fiona: "Yes, she's behind the door." said Fiona, before a girl around Tommy's age, named Gidget D Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz) came to the scene and gasped. Gidget: "Oh my... not one but two knights have come to rescue us?!" Tommy: "Um... I was not told there was another princess..." Gidget: "Yeah... they never mention the princesses that are under their teens... they prefer the grown up ones... but I am happy to see that there is a knight young enough for me." Tommy: "Um... yeah... hooray for you I guess." Shrek: "Come on lot, let's get moving." Fiona: "But shouldn't we know the names of our champions?" Shrek: "Um... I'm Shrek." Tommy: "And I'm Tommy D Fox." said Shrek and Tommy, before the dragon's roar was heard. Fiona: "You didn't slay the dragon?!" Shrek: "It's on my 'to do' list..." Melody: "Mr Shrek!, Tommy!" cried out Melody, before she came to the scene, trying to catch her breath. Tommy: "Melody!, what happened?" Melody: "The dragon... it's got Donkey!, he needs our help!" Shrek: "Ugh... here we go again..." Tommy: "We better go save that donkey." Gidget: "You have a donkey?" Fiona: "What kind of knights are you?" Shrek: "One of a kind." said Shrek, before he and the others went to where the dragon was, which is a room full of treasure, and the dragon was trying to kiss Donkey. Tommy: "What... the..." Gidget: "Is the dragon in love with your..." Melody: "I guess so... though it looks like he doesn't want the kiss..." Gidget: "Here... let me help." said Gidget, before her eyes glowed pink and then Donkey was teleported to the group. Donkey: "Wha... what just happened?" Tommy: "How did..." Gidget: "I got psychic powers." Tommy: "Wow!, that's awesome!" Shrek: "Swell... now let's get out of here!" called out Shrek, before he and the others make a run for it, trying to escape from the angry dragon. When they got out of the Dragon's keep, the group went to hide behind some rocks, and after a few moments of searching, the Dragon gave up and looked really sad as she lost the one she thought was her true love. After coming out of hiding, Fiona asked Shrek to remove his helmet. Fiona: "Come on sir Shrek, you may remove your helmet." Gidget: "Same goes for you, Sir Tommy." Shrek: "Um... I rather not." Fiona: "But then... how will you kiss us?" Tommy: "What?!" Shrek: "That wasn't in the job description!" Donkey: "Maybe it's a perk." Fiona: "No, it's destiny, a princess gets rescued by a knight who is her true love, and then they share their first kiss." Donkey: "Wait... you think that Shrek is your true love?" asked Donkey, before he and Shrek started to laugh. Fiona: "What is so funny?" Shrek: "Let's just say, I'm not your type." Fiona: "Of course you are, you're my rescuer, now remove your helmet." Shrek: "Look, I really don't think this is a good idea." Fiona: "Take it off... NOW!" Shrek: "Okay!, easy... as your command, your highness..." said Shrek, before he and Tommy removed their helmets, revealing what they really are. Fiona: "You're... an ogre..." Gidget: "And you're... a Toon fox..." Shrek: "Oh were you expecting Prince Charming?" Fiona: "Well, yes, actually... Oh, no, This is all wrong, you're not supposed to be an ogre." Shrek: "Princess, I was sent to rescue you by Lord Farquaad, okay he is the one who wants to marry you." Fiona: "Then why didn't he come rescue me? Shrek: "Good question, you should ask him that when we get there." Fiona: "But I have to be rescued by my true love, not by some ogre and his pets." Tommy: "Pets?!" Melody: "How rude..." Shrek: "You're not making my job any easier." Fiona: "I'm sorry, but your job is not my problem... you can tell Lord Farquaad that if he wants to rescue me properly, I'll be waiting for him right here." Shrek: "Hey!, I'm no one's messenger boy, all right?, I'm a delivery boy." Fiona: "You wouldn't dare... (Shrek swiftly picks her up and swings her over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes) Ah!, put me down!" Shrek: "Ya coming, Donkey?, kids?" Donkey: "I'm right behind ya." Tommy: "Us too I guess..." Gidget: "Um... well since we can't go back to the Dragon's keep... I guess we're going..." Fiona: "Put me down, or you will suffer the consequences!, this is not dignified!, put me down!" shouted Fiona, before the scene changed to show the group walking through the woods. Tommy: "So... you're a princess too?" Gidget: "Yeah... but since I'm too young to be married... nobody really knows about me yet... but at least I'm finally out of that tower..." Fiona: "So we're going to Duloc, right?" Donkey: "You're gonna love it there, Princess, it's beautiful!" Fiona: "And what of my groom-to-be?, Lord Farquaad?, what's he like? Shrek: "Let me put it this way, Princess... men of Farquaad's stature are in... 'short' supply." said Shrek, before he and Donkey started to laugh. Donkey: "I don't know. There are those who think, 'little' of him." said Donkey, before he along with Shrek and Tommy continued to laugh. Fiona: "Stop it, Stop it, both of you, you're just jealous you can never measure up to a great ruler like Lord Farquaad." Shrek: "Yeah, well, maybe you're right, Princess... but I'll let you do the 'measuring' when you see him tomorrow." Fiona: "Tomorrow?!" Gidget: "It'll take that long to get there?!" Shrek: "Yeah, but if we keep going, we'll get there by tonight." Fiona: "But there are robbers in the woods." Donkey: "Oh man, camping does sound good right now..." Shrek: "Oh come now, I'm scarier than anything we're gonna find in this forest." Fiona: "I need a place to camp, NOW!" shouted Fiona, which of course scared the heck out of the others, even Shrek himself. Just before sunset, the managed to find a place to camp, and both Fiona and Gidget went into a small cave to sleep in, while the others remained outside. Donkey: "Say Shrek... what are we gonna do once we got our swamp back?" Shrek: "Our swamp?!, it's my swamp!, and the first thing I'll do when I get it back is to build a 10 foot wall around my land!" Melody: "Don't yell at us... please..." Tommy: "What do you have against the world anyway." Shrek: "I'm not the one with the problem, it's the world who has a problem with me... you saw how those princesses reacted when they found what I was, right?, it's the same thing all my life... people take one look at me and they all go 'ah!, help!, run!, big stupid ugly ogre!'... they judge me before they even get to know me... that's why I'm better off alone..." Tommy: "Yeah... people around here don't find Toons like ourselves so appealing either..." unaware to the others, Fiona and Gidget heard everything and they couldn't help but feel sorry for them. Donkey: "You know Shrek... when we met... I didn't think you were a big stupid ugly ogre..." Tommy: "Neither did I..." Melody: "Same with me..." Shrek: "Yeah... I know..." meanwhile, in the swamp, Roger and Lyric were helping out the Fairy Tale creatures get to bed. Roger: "Lyric... what's wrong?" Lyric: "Oh... it's the kids... I'm really worried about them..." Roger: "I wouldn't worry... they're pretty smart and tough... and they got that ogre to protect them..." Lyric: "Yeah... I guess..." Roger: "They'll be back... and we'll be home again before you know it..." said Roger, before he and Lyric went to hug one another, before watching the bright moon in the starry sky.
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