22 weeks

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“Are you ready to go?” Elliot asked her as she opened the front door. He had come to pick her up for her appointment and she couldn’t hide her excitement. Today was the day she would find out the gender of her babies.

“You’re excited,” Elliot observed as she got into the car.

“Is it that obvious?” Olivia asked as she blushed lightly.

“You’re smiling.” Elliot as he smiled as well. He loved her smile.

“You wanna place a bet on what genders they are?” Olivia asked with a slight smirk.

“Um no, Kathy and I did that and I lost...all four times,” he laughed. “But I am curious as to what you think you're having.” He said as he took a glance at her as they drove to the appointment.

She thought for a moment. “I’m not sure, but I have a feeling I'm having at least one girl.” She said with a soft smile.

“Have you thought about names?” He asked, his heart warming at the smile on her face.

Olivia shrugged and said, “I have a couple of girls names picked out but I'm struggling with boy names.”

“It’s okay, you’ll think of something.” Elliot said as they parked in front of the medical center.


Her mind was swirling with so many emotions. The doctor had told her the tests that they had run at her 16 week appointment had turned out normal but they warned her not to get her hopes up. They warned her that her advanced maternal age could lead to complications. Right now she was looking at the screen, watching as it showed her two babies squirm and wiggle around inside her belly.

“They’re looking good, Liv,” Elliot commented as he held her hand gently, in awe that she would let him hold her hand.

“I agree, they’re looking great, Olivia.” The doctor agreed. “Baby A is trying to hide behind baby B.” She said with a light smile.

“Stubborn already,” Elliot smirked, causing Olivia to playfully smack his arm.

The doctor laughed. “Are you wanting to know the genders, Olivia?” She asked.

Olivia nodded eagerly with a wide smile, causing Elliot and the doctor to chuckle lightly. “I’d love to know,” she said.

“Alright, well, let’s hope they stay where they are now. I got them to at least move a little bit so they won’t hide behind one another.” The doctor looked at the screen for a second, trying to tell the genders and then she smiled. “It’s looking like you are having one of each, momma.

Olivia smiled brightly. “Well, at least I was able to come up with the girl name and now I get to think of a boy name,” she laughed, tears coming to her eyes as she looked up at Elliot who also had tears of his own.


Olivia wanted a chance to get some practice so she asked Amanda if she could babysit Jesse, Amanda's seven month old daughter, for the night.

“And here is her diaper bag.” Amanda said as she sat it down on the couch. She took her little girl back into her arms for a moment.

“I’ll see you in the morning, alright?” Amanda laughed as Jesse pulled her hair. This would be the first time she would be away from Jesse overnight. Amanda handed Jesse over to Olivia and after saying goodbye, Amanda walked out of the apartment.

As the night rolled around, Jesse was getting tired. She peered her blue eyes around the apartment looking for any trace of her mother, finding nothing but the strange people she was left with. Jesse started crying, quickly escalating to a full blown fit. Elliot scooped her up, rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her.

Olivia came back into the room, having went to the kitchen to prepare Jesse a bottle. She handed it to Elliot, watching as he tried to get the baby to take it only for her to turn away and scream louder, completely pissed off.

“Here, let me try,” Olivia said and Elliot passed the baby to her. Olivia started rubbing her back as she paced the living room. She went over and grabbed the bottle from Elliot gently with a soft smile.

“I’ll be back, I'm gonna take her to my room and see if she’ll calm down.” Olivia said softly as she walked into her room, sliding into bed, cradling the little girl against her chest. Jesse fought her at first, balling up her fists and screaming against Olivia’s shoulder.

“I know, baby, you miss your momma, but you’re safe. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, sweetheart.” Olivia said in a soothing tone. Something about Olivia's voice soothed Jesse and before she knew it, the seven month old was resting in her arms quietly, suckling the bottle as she fell asleep. Olivia sat the bottle on the nightstand once the baby finished and laid her down into the pack ‘n’ play that Amanda had brought with her.

“Goodnight, sweetie,” she whispered as she brushed the hair out of Jesse’s face. Quietly, Olivia walked out of the room, closing the door slightly behind her but leaving it ajar so she could hear if Jesse woke up.

“She’s asleep,” Olivia whispered as she sat down on the couch next to Elliot.

“Why do you doubt how you will be with your kids, Liv?” He whispered.

“What?” She asked quietly.

“Liv, you managed to get Jesse to calm down and asleep and she’s not even yours.” Elliot said, in awe.

“She just probably needed a female, I get it, she misses her mom.” She sighed. “I just hope I can soothe my babies that quickly,” she finished as she ran her hand over her stomach.

“Liv, you will. They will love you and you have evidence sleeping in the bedroom that you are amazing with kids. Please don’t ever doubt yourself.” Elliot said softly.

Olivia chuckled. “We’ll see.” Her expression went from soft to concerned, which also made Elliot concerned.

“Liv?” Elliot asked, on the verge of panicking.

“Hold on,” She said as she placed her hand on her bump. “I think...” she trailed off as she ran her hand over different areas of her stomach.

“What?” Elliot asked, still trying his best not to panic.

“I think one of them just kicked.” Olivia  let out a laugh, looking down at her stomach. “Oh, my God!” She said with wide, bright eyes and a wide smile.

Elliot watched her as she experienced the babies kick for the first time. He took a mental picture of the expression on her face, wanting to implant this moment into his memory forever. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Olivia spoke again.

“Feel this, El. Oh, my God, now one of them is kicking up a storm. It feels so weird.” She admitted softly as she grabbed his hand and tried to follow the kicks.

“Liv, I probably can’t feel it quite yet,” he said as he placed his hand right above hers. But his assuption was wrong as a swift powerful kick was delivered to his hand. “I think this one is telling me to stop touching mommy,” he laughed. “I think your baby is agreeing with me, you’re going to be an amazing mother, Liv. So much better than what you had.”

She laughed with him, everything becoming even more real and she prayed to God that everything Elliot had just said would be true. She wanted the strongest bond she could have with her babies.

Hey everyone! Another great chapter edited by the lovely DeannaJersey. Love you and thank you girly! Enjoy!

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