2. The Hybrid

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|| Alaric's Apartment ||

E and I arrive to Ric's apartment, E knocks on the door.

"Go away, Damon!" Ric says, E knocks again.
Ric finally opens the door.

"Hi." We greet.

"You're, uh... Not who I expected." He says.

"I need you to tell me what you know about Stefan and Tennessee." E says.

"Did you miss the part where I checked out of all this?" He asks.

"Come on, Ric. Whatever Damon knows, you know." I say.

"Ask Damon." He says.

"Yeah, but Damon's not exactly in the mood to help right now." E says.

"For good reason. Because it's not safe for you. Stefan's off the rails." He says.

"Yeah, but he's still holding on to his humanity, which means he can still be saved, he's family we have to try." I say looking at him.

"And why do you two have to be the one to save him?" He asks.

"Because I'm not the kind of person who checks out. Look, he would never give up on me. I'm not gonna give up on him. Tell me what you know, Ric. Please. Scarlett is his last niece left. We can bring William." She says.

"They've been tracking werewolves, he and Klaus. All over the eastern seaboard. We thought we had 'em just outside of Memphis..." Ric says.

|| Mystic Grill ||

On the way to the Grill I tell E about John passing away, she said she'd call to check in on Sam and Dean. I give her a sly smile.

Elena and I are talking with Tyler and Jake.

"A lot of us like to keep to ourselves for the full moon, chain ourselves up. But there are some werewolves that like to gather in places were they don't have to do that, where they can enjoy it ." Tyler says.

"What kind of places?" She asks.

"Mountains, state parks, deserts, that kind of stuff." Jake says.

"Anywhere in Tennessee?" I ask.

"Yeah. Here. Give me your phone. I'll try to pull up a map." Tyler says, She gives him her phone.

"Thanks for this. I know it's asking a lot." E says.

"Scar you should do a tracking spell." Jake says.

"I did, I'm sure grandpappy Nik got a witch." William says.

"William?" I ask, he gives me a smirk and nods his head. Greets Jake and says hi to Tyler, William doesn't really like him.

"As Caroline likes to remind me, Stefan's in this mess because I bit Damon. I figure I owe you one. Have you talked to her today?" Tyler asks, William and Jake give me a look and I shake my head.

"No. Why?" She asks.

"Just curious. Here." Tyler gives her her phone.

"That's your best bet." He says, Elena rejoins Alaric at the bar.

"Alex called, he's throwing a party, your roommate's going." Jake says.

"Her name is Viola, and she's cousin with Alex of course she's going." I say.

"You should come, he says to save him a dance." William teases, I roll my eyes.

"Too bad, I'm on saving our uncles humanity and I'm going hunting this weekend." I smile a little.

"The Winchester boys steal you again, what's going on with Dean?" Jake asks forgetting Tyler is here, I kick his leg, and he shrugs.

"Nothing, we're friends." I say.

"Friends" Jake does air quotes.

"Guys, his dad just passed away. We're not going to get anything serious, I don't think I'm ready for another relationship." I admit. I feel Tyler's eyes on me which I ignore.

"So you're using each other. With the stress and all, between his dad's death and you wanting to kill Jeremy and Will." Jake says laughing.

"You're drooling all over Viola, why are you talking?" I say. I say goodbye and leave with E and Ric.

|| Smoky Mountains, Tennessee ||

Alaric, Elena and I are walking.

"In a couple hours, the full moon's gonna rise just above that Ridge. If Tyler's right, that's where the pack'll be." Ric says

"You were a boy scout, weren't you? A boy scout, slash vampire slayer." I ask.

"Slash whiskey-drinking all-around lost cause." He says, we stop. He opens his bag. There's a lot of weapons.

"Wow. You came stocked." E says.

"Well, we aren't exactly bird-watching. Here. Put that in your bag." He gives her a grenade.

"Vervain grenade?" She asks.

"Wolfsbane." He corrects.

"Well, since we're exchanging gifts..." She shows him John's magical ring.

"That's John Gilbert' ring." He says.

"It was yours once. Go ahead. Take it. I'll protect you from whatever supernatural danger we're about to get ourselves into." She says.

"He gave it to you." He says.

"Yeah, but I'm a doppelganger. It's not gonna work on me. He left it for if I ever have kids." She says.

"Yeah, well, then why don't you save it for future generations of stubborn, relentless baby Gilberts?" He asks.

"Ok, and how 'bout you borrow t until after we survive this? I'd feel bad if I got you killed before happy hour." She gets closer to the water.

"I don't know why you think that you're a lost cause." Elena says, Damon arrives and throws her in the water. I laugh at this.

"Damon! How are you even here?" E asks.

"Thanks for the tip, brother." He says. She looks at Alaric.

"You sold us out." I say.

"Think I'd take you to a mountain range of werewolves on a full moon without backup?" He asks.

"I was the back up!" I say.

"You're our safety net Scarlett." I turn around and see William.

"You brought my brother?" I glare at Damon.

"Big guns, you two are unstoppable together. I've seen you do a spell, I felt the magic being released and it wasn't targeting me." Damon says.

"Little sister." William says. I roll my eyes.

Elena is in the water.

"Get out of the water, Elena" Damon says.

"If I get out of the water, you're gonna make me go home. You got the wonder twins." She says.

"Yes, because I'm not an idiot like you." He says.

"Right now, you're both acting like idiots." I say.

"You gave up on him Damon." Elena says hurt.

"I didn't give up on him, Elena. I face reality. Now get out of the water." He says.

"No!" She protests.

"What's your big plan, Elena? Huh? You gonna walk into a campsite full of werewolves, roast a marshmallow, and wait for Stefan to stop by?" He asks.

He joins her in the water. They talk and Damon's gives in. They get out of the water

"How you doing?" Damon asks.

"Fine." Elena says.

"You know, I could help you." He says.

"No, thanks." E says.

"Just one little fwoosh." Damon says.

"Yeah, with my luck, you'd drop me." E says.

"What are you guys, 12?" Ric asks. I nod my head.

The sun is setting. We're are still walking.

"We got about a mile left." Ric says.

"The sun's about to set." Damon says.

"I can see that, Damon." E says.

"I'm just saying." Damon says.

"The moon doesn't reach its apex for a while. We have time." E says, We here some twigs snaping. Ray come out. Alaric puts his crossbaw toward him.

"Stay where you are." Ric warns, I take off my bracelet

"Vampire." Ray rushes over Damon and they fight. He pushes Damon against a tree. He tries to bite him. Alaric throws on arrow on him but Ray is still trayong to bite Damon. Will sends him flying into a tree.

"Let me guess. Hybrid." Ric says. Alaric and I are tieing Ray to the tree.

"These ropes aren't gonna hold him much longer. What else do we have?" Damon asks. Elena is aperging a rope with something.

"Ric, here. Take these." E says, Damon touches it but his skin burns. "Aah! Ow!" He lets out.

"I said Ric." E says, Alaric takes it and puts it around Ray.

"All right, that's the last of the vervain. We don't have enough stuff to hold him. I don't think we're gonna make that Ridge before the full moon." Ric says.

"I did a quick spell, bought us some time." I say.

"If we can get him to talk, we don't have to." E says. Ray screams. The transformation begins. 
"Is he turning?" Damon asks.

"It's impossible. It's still daylight." E says.

"Tell him that." Will laughs. Damon gets closer to Ray and catches his shoulder

"There aren't supposed t be werewolves out here until the moon is full." She says.

"Hybrid, Elena, grasp the concept not hard!" I say annoyed.

"You know, those ropes aren't gonna hold the wolf." Ric says, Ray screams and snarls.

"Damon, we've got to get out of here. We gotta get out of these mountains now! Damon, now!" I say as we run.

We're are running. Elena trips "Don't move." Will says, Elena raises her head. She's face to face with a werewolf

"Here, doggie, doggie." Damon runs. The werewolf runs after him.

"Come on. Let's keep moving." Ric gives Will and I a nod. We leave in Damon's direction, Will picks me up and runs.

Damon, Will and I are walking but Ray rushes toward Damon in human form but Stefan stops him and rips his heart out.

"Fancy meeting you here." Damon says.

"What part of "don't follow me anymore" got lost in translation, Damon?" He asks.

"Might want to take it up with your girlfriend and dear niece. You don't want her chasing you, I'd stop with the late-night phone calls." Damon says.

"I didn't call her." Stefan lies.

"Sure you did. She's not gonna give up on you. Scarlett here has hope, you're giving them hope!" Damon says. I look at the ground pissed as Damon begins to walk away.

"She has to. You have to because I'm never coming back. Why don't you get her home? See if you could keep her there this time, Scarlett you need to let me go." Stefan says. I look up at him and shake my head. "You have to, if not Klaus will come to Mystic Falls and find Elena. Your own mom is lying to him, his daughter. You have too let me go for Elena, I explained in my letter. You too Will, keep your sister out of harms way, I explain it to both of you." He says. I hug him.

"You want my blood?" I ask.

"No, Klaus will be suspicious, you need to go. Go." He says.

"Bye." I wave at him and leave with Will. We drive home.

|| Gilbert House ||

"You know, I don't remember her dying. I don't know if Caroline told you that when she told you everything." Jeremy says.

"Nah, she didn't." Matt says.

"Elena made them take that memory away from me, that I couldn't handle it. So whatever my last moment was with her, I don't have it." Jeremy says.

"I don't either. I don't remember the last moment I had with Vicki before she was a vampire... When she was still my sister." Matt says.

"What?" I ask.  Jeremy turns himself to see me. "Tell me." I demand.

"Scarlett." Jeremy says.

"No, tell me." I plead. He stares behind me. "What?" I ask, I turn around and see nothing.

"I'll leave you two alone." Matt says.

"How did she die?" I ask. Jeremy tells me the story, I nod my head and I feel tears form.

"Scottie, you weren't supposed to find out like this." Jeremy says.

"You mean I wasn't supposed to find out, I'm going hunting for the next few days." I get up and go upstairs to go to my room. I call Dean and ask him is he has a case. He told me to come down to Ellen's bar, I take my car, and call Elena and my parents and drive to Ellen's bar.

|| Words 1987 ||
Well I haven't updated in a minute and well I just wanted to say, I hope you enjoy & I'll be releasing two new books this week, just the characters and descriptions. I hope you enjoy, don't forget to vote, comment and share. I'll be updating again later today since I didn't update last week. My heart goes out to the Bryant Family, Rest Easy Kobe💗.
|| Updated January 27, 2020 ||

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