1. The Birthday

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|| Gilbert House || Scarlett's POV

June 22, 2006

I was making my way up the stairs. I look down at my phone and I see an incoming call from Dean Winchester.

"Mr.Winchester." I answer jokingly.

"Ms.Gilbert." He says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing, just staying with, Bobby." He says.

"Tell Bobby I said hi." I say.

"Yeah." He says. "Tell Elena, Sam and I wish her happy birthday." He says as I hear some voices downstairs.

"Elena?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"Sam and Dean wish you happy birthday." I say.

"Thank you, Sam called earlier today." She says.

"Kay." I say.

"She said thank you and Sam called earlier to tell her. Dean are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm okay, you excited for the party?" He asks.

"I guess, I'm be with my family so that'll be good." I say.

"Yeah, it will. How's it going with Will?" He asks.

"We're very alike, it's weird. I thought I was the odd one out in my family, but Will and I it's different. He's-" I get up and close the door. "It feels different, it's like a part of me fits sorta now. I always felt like I was missing something but now like a part of me is there, he get the burden of our family, and he knows more than anyone being a Mikaelson. He got me speaking of Grayson." I say.

"You said his name." He whispers.

"I know, I can say his name." I say feeling tears coming. "Now I want to cry." I say holding back the tears.

"Don't cry doll, your kid is safe, in heaven." He says.

"Dean do you even believe in heaven?" I ask.

He stays quiet, "there's a hell Scarlett there has to be." He says. I don't ask about supernatural humans or beings like myself we talk about other things.

|| Salvatore House ||

I was trying my best to enjoy myself. After finding Andie's dead body and running into Stefan, he didn't seem himself.

"You okay?" I turn around to see Matt. I nod my head. "You seem a little off." He says.

"I'm okay, just going back to my dorm tomorrow, and I don't feel like having a hangover." I say looking at the drinks.

"Live a little Gilbert." Jake says.

"I'd promised Alexzander I'd video chat him." I say.

"You're going on a online date with Viduran?" Jake asks. I roll my eyes at him.

"No. We're going over some material, we're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less." I say.

"You say that about Dean." Jake says.

"Dean's different, he's always been different." I say smiling a bit.

"You like Dean. Holy shit." Jake points at me smiling.

"I haven't seen Dean, and I don't like him." I say.

"Lets go dance Gilbert." He says taking my hand.

"Matt?" I offer.

"You two go have fun." Matt waves us off. Jake and I go dancing to the middle of the crowd and we scream, shout and dance around laughing. Jake and I spoke growing up but college really made us friends.

"I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind." I begin to sing to pointing at Jake as we dance. "There was something so pleasant about that place. Even your emotions have an echo in so much space." We both sing dancing and pointing at each other. At the end of the song we laugh.

"Beer pong?" I ask.

"Let kick ass Gilbert." He says, we make our way over and play.

|| Gilbert's House||

E and I arrive home to see Alaric packing.

"What are you doing?" E asks.

"Ahh. I'm not going to stay here anymore." Ric says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"I'm not a role model. You know, I drink too much, I say the wrong things, I encourage bad behavior. At school I can pull it together, but in my own life.. The way I miss Jenna, it's just, I'm really not any good to anybody right now. I'm sorry, Elena, Lottie. Lottie you're 18 soon. You can do all this alone now. You can do it better without me." Alaric eaves, I look at Elena, we don't say anything. I'm about to say something.

"I don't want to talk about it. You can stay on campus as much as you need." Elena says going upstairs.

"Your present is on your vanity!" I watch her go upstairs. I sigh and make my way upstairs.

"I thought you were going back on campus." I see Jeremy upstairs.

"Nope, I'm here. I'm going back Sunday." I say. He nods his head. "Night." He leaves.

This stupid awkward tension between the three of us, I hate it. My phone rings, I pick it up.

"Scarlett." Alexander says.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Can we call tomorrow, something came up." He says.

"It's fine, I was about to call you to say the same thing." I say.

"Good night Gilbert." He says.

"Goodnight Viduran." I say and hang up. I make my way upstairs. I write a note and send it to William via spell, it reads 'I'm up, wanna talk?'

'What's up?' He sent back.

"I'm a full time sister/mom'" I sent back, via spell.

"Sister/Mom?" He sends back I can picture his confused face and I laugh.

"Ric left, I'm in charge, and I live on campus. I feel like aunt Jenna." I send.

"Mom is offering to go make breakfast tomorrow so is dad." He sends, I smile at moms kindness and how William began calling her mom.

"Really? Maybe dad coming is okay, he's a Salvatore, another Mikaelson in this house we would all be dead. Tell mom with a heavy heart thank you, and dad can come it'll be easier." I sent the note a stare at it.

"Mom understands, and dad will be there early. I know Alaric was your guardian, let us know if you need anything." He sends.

"You guys are sweet, I will. Damon will be checking in on us, but Andy died." I write.

"Stefan?" He wrote back.

"Yeah, I bumped into him." I write.

"You have hope for him?" He asks, I look at the note.

"Yes I do, He's our family and he's good I know so. Even if Klaus has him." I write back.

"You have a good heart and I believe so does Stefan." He writes back.

"Well goodnight William. I have to be up early." I write.

"Good night." He writes back, I stare at it and get ready for bed.

||  Words 1098  ||

Hi guys, I'm alive, I started school last week and I've come to a decision to post once a week. Usually my update days were Friday but I'm changing them to Monday since I have the least classes on Monday. Hope your understand if you don't there's nothing I can do, your girl its trying to get the college education while still having a social life. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter I can't wait for you guys to see the next chapters they're juicy, and good. Now   don't forget top show me love by voting, commenting, sharing. Tell me your predictions about the books. I have a question for all my readers, where are you guys from? I'm born in raised in Los Angeles. 

||   Updated January 13, 2020  ||

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