Ch. 7-Caretaker Rouge

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Central City...

        Rouge the Bat is out about town with the gang. They are siting at a table together. "So, tell us, Blaze." Amy Rose starts off the conversation. "What's been going on between you and Silver?" Blaze keeps a stocke face, "Nothing much. I have been helping out with his garden."

        "That's not what she ment dear." Rouge says, looking at the cat with her eyes half shut. A mischievous grin on her face, "We want to know what you two are doing when your not planting any seeds. ~Or are you two still doing that in private?~" Rouge taunts, Blaze.

        Blaze's face goes bright red. "We are not doing anything obscene." Her Tails sways back in forth in her flusteredness. "Alright that's enough of that, Rouge." Amy said, as their order came. As they sat there they talked and ketched up. "So, Rouge?" Blaze asked, "How are things between you and Knuckles?" She asked. Rouge sighs, with her brows frowed, "I wish it was better. We don't get to see eachother as often as I like, and getting him to leave that island is a challenge enough."

       Cream pats Rouge's shoulder, to comfort her. "Thank, Cream. I'll make it work." Amy twiddling her thumbs caught their attention. "Out with it girl. Your dying to tell us." Rouge tells Amy, with a smile. "I really can't after hearing that your relationship is going ruff." Amy said. The girls all look surprised and happy, at Amy. Their stares finally made her tell, "Sonic took me out last week." The table was filled with girly laughter, while Blaze just branked her tea.

       Amongst everything, Cream looked up and asked, "Hey? Is that Mr. Shadow?" Cream pointed at the TV in the cornor. It was on a breaking news feed. "Hey can you turn this up!?" Amy asked.

        *"... Here is footage of a ongoing Carjackers, and who appears to be Shadow the Hedgehog, changing on foot. Divers down i-48 E, down Harbor Rd. are advice to pull over to the side if the chase...*"

        Rouge could see that there're were little drivers giving Shadow room to go after the truck. 'Why is Shadow even chancing them?' Rouge thought to herself. "Excuse me, girls." Rouge tells them as she goes to make a phone call. The phone rings a few, then it's answered. *"What is it!?"* A very pissed Shadow answered. "What's going on your on the News.?" Rouge asked. *"I don't have time for this!."* Shadow barked, then hung up on Rouge. Rouge is crossed with him now, as she huffs and stomps her heel. She dials another number as she walks back and forth waiting. *"*Hello Rouge.*"* Omega answered. "What is Shadow doing?!" Rouge asked Omega. The robot stays silent. "Ome-ga." Rouge says his name, drawing out the e. *"*Agent Shadow asked me not to tell you.*"* Omega confessed.

        "Omega what is he doing?" Rouge asked now worried. *"*He is going after a stolen BIOHAZARD truck.*"* Rouge freezes in shock. 

        Rouge is flying over the city, to Shadow. She tracked Shadow down to a Floral shop, when she hears Shadow introducing himself. The bat watches from a sky light, but what happened next was too quick. As they were making their escape a container blew up! Instead of going after them, Shadow shoots the ventilation system and seals himself in. 

        Rouge radios in to GUN, "This is Agent Rouge! I am at Agent Shadow's location, he has sealed himself in with a open container!" Rouge goes to bust the door open to get him out, but GUN stops her. *" This is Controle. DO NOT OPEN CONTAINED AREA! REPEAT DO NOT OPEN!" GUN radioed back. Rouges eyes are wide in fear and anger. "Did you not read!? Shadow is in there!" 

        *"We read. Without knowing what is exposed, we can not risk Contamination of a Public area!.. Agent Shadow, knows this." Rouge hits the wall. "This is Rouge, I will be going after the targets. Get your butts over here now." Rouge radioed back. She flew over the building to find them, her body shook when she saw the black figure laying on the ground.

2 hours later...

       GUN made a swift movement clearing the area. Rouge is waiting at the Hospital, on news of Shadow. Amy was contacting Rouge non stop when she heard. However until they know more, the only people allowed currently are other Agents.

        "Agent, Rouge. You may enter." A Doctor told her. Looking thru a glass window she could see Shadow shivering as he shook. Tears started to form in Rouge's eyes. Hope Kintobor, walks up and puts a hand on Rouge. "What's happening to him?" Rouge asked scared. 

       Hope explains what's happening, "The compound violently attack his senses, causing other bacteria to enter his system." The doctor explained his condition, Rouge held onto every word in fear, "He has a stuffy nose, Congestion, Mindgrains, and body aches." 

         "Okay, so what do we do to help him?" Rouge asked. Hope hands her a silver cylinder, "We give him this." Rouge takes it. "It is some kind of antidote you cooked up in the lab?" Rouge asked. "Chicken soup, made with tomato. Best way to fight a cold."

        Rouge has a mix of emotions going through her head. Joy, anger, relief. "Just get him home, make him rest." The doctor told her.


        Rouge helps Shadow to their offices bunk rooms. "I don't see why you just go home?" Rouge asked as she tucked Shadow in. Shadow groin's, "I do stay here... I need to get up." Rouge pushes him back down, "No you don't Doctor said you need rest." 

       "Rouge, it's just a cold. *Ha-Cough Caogh!*" Shadow has a caoghing fit, as Rouge hands him something to drink. Shadow glares at Rouge, in the most pitiful way. "Is this what's its like to be weak?" Shadow asked as he drifted into sleep. Rouge stokes his head as he breaths heavily. 

        Rouge leaves his room to cook his soap in a microwave. While she does, Rouge takes this opportunity to read Shadow's medical file. She and the gang have a some what a bet going on. "Okay, let's see. Born: Nov 15, 1949." Rouge reads his file, everything in it was very detailed. From when he first started walking, up to 1953. "Oh my.! So, edge reach maturity at 9 months. Talk about a early bloomer." Rouge joked around with herself. 

        Omega was off getting maintenance today, so it was just her and Shadow. She stops reading when her phone goes off, it was Knuckles calling her. *"Rouge are you alright!? I heard from Amy what happened!"* Knuckles yelled into the calm. "I'm fine, Knuki. Shadow just has a cold." Rouge tells him. *"So... Your fine?*" Knuckles asked. Rouge talks to Knuckles for close to an hour, until she could hear Shadow wrestling in his sleep. "Got 'to go. Sleeping beauty is waking up."

        When Rouge entered Shadow's room she is meet with some very angry and concerned eyes. "Rouge?..." Shadow asked a little unsure. "Yes, Shadow?" Shadow looks around her, and back at the foot of his bed. "Where are my shoes and socks?" Rouge smiles a evil smile. "I took them off. Now, we need to check your temperature." Rouge goes to put the thermometer in Shadow's mouth, but he closes it and moves his head away. "Mmm-mm." Rouge looks crossed now, "Shadow stop acting like a kid."

        The two go back and forth like this, until Rouge finally gives up. "FINE! Shadow. If you don't take this thermometer, right now. I will go and USE a rectal thermometer on you." Rouge tells Shadow with determination. Shadow glares at her, "YOU WOULDN"T DARE." "Try me..." So Shadow took the thermometer. "I got soup for you. Just stay here and I'll get it." Rouge gets up and reheats it a little. When she come back with it, she just catches Shadow, just briefly. 

        "I saw that MR.!" Rouge yelled. "M-hat? What?" Shadow takes the thermometer out of his mouth. "I saw you cooling that down in your water." Rouge scolds, Shadow. "I can not just take a day off, Rouge." Shadow tells her. The two stare down each other. Rouge sighs, "Fine. I guess you don't have to say in bed." Shadow tries to get out of bed, "Finally!" 

        "And I guess, I don't have to keep your stuff secret." Rouge says, making Shadow stop. "You got nothing on me.?." Shadow asked, panicking on the inside. Rouge gets smug as she forces him to lay back down, "I wonder what the others will thinks when they learn, Shadow the Hedgehog has pawed feet." Shadows eyes get wide. Rouge continues, "The cutest, Ultimate, padded feet that look like a baby puppy or kitten... Or I could tell them other things?" Rouge has won this battle between them. As she sits there taking his temperature, making sure he ate. Shadow rolls over so his back was to her, "There're not cute." Rouge couldn't help but smile at his flustered-nes. "Remember our deal, Shadow." Rouge tells him, "You keep my secret, and I'll keep yours's." Shadow lays there, Rouge thinks he has already fallen asleep, until he tells her good night.

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