Ch. 6- Rouge has Shadow over

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           "SHADOW, behind you!" Rouge yelled, as Shadow moved to shoot their enemy. "Where's our back up?" Shadow asked her as he crouched behind a wall. Guns being fired at them. "There is none. We need to clear this area first, before we move on." Rouge tells him throwing a grenade back. Shadow can feel his hands vibration, from being shot, "There's a sniper on the tower." Shadow tells her. Rouge curses, "I'm hit! I can't move, Shadow." Shadow tries to get to Rouge, but the guns firing at him chip away the walls, if only he could Chaos Controle. "Rouge, I can't  get to you. I'm pinned down." 

Earlier that day...

       Rouge and Omega are sitting in a van, on the job, as Shadow was planting a bug, (A listening device). They listen to Shadow grumbling. "Stop grumbling, Shadow. You're going to make them suspicions of you." Rouge told him thru his earpiece. *"This is so stupid. Why was I the one put in this stupid get up?"* Shadow asked, agitated. "Come on, Shadow. The target called someone in to fix a plumbing problem, and since you're the only one we got with experience in that, that's why your the one planting the listing bug." Rouge tells him. *"I know that. But why the green outfit?"*

        "Because, Shadow, Red makes you look too threatening. We don't want you scaring them any more than you have... Now hurry up, and don't forget the Italian accent." Rouge tells Shadow. Omega turns his head, looking at Rouge, "*There was nothing in the cover about a fake accent, Rouge. *" Rouge smiles a big ol' grin at the robot, "I know. Its just funny hearing Shadow talk like that." Omega looks back at the video screen, "*Indeed. *"

        A loud clanking noise is made on Shadows end of the radio, followed by Shadow. *"GAAaaa! Son of a B-"* He did not sound happy.

        Hours later at Team Darks office space. Shadow had just come out of the shower; they have at work and flops down on the couch they have. Its late and Rouge was packing her things to go home. "So, any plans tonight Mr. life of the party?" Rouge asked Shadow. He just grown as he flops his head back. Rouge leans towards Shadow from her desk, her legs dangling back and forth as she braces her chin on her hands. "What is it?" Shadow finally asked, feeling the pressure of Rouge wanting to ask him something. "Since you know how to fix plumbing, how about you come over to my place to fix my sink?" Rouge asked. "No."

        "Come~ on~. I'll cook you something for payment." Rouge offered. Shadow opens a eye and looks at the bat, "You can hire someone to do that, or do it yourself." Rouge closes her eyes half shut, "I could, but I can have you do it for, a free dinner and Myself~ for company... So how about it~? What do you even like to eat?" Omega who has been sitting in the corner this whole time answers her question, "*Shadow eats a assortment of Chips, Coffee, variations of BBQ, and Dark chocolate. *" The bat is shocked by the news and is now mad; she gets up from her seat and marches over to Shadow on the couch, "Thats it Mr.! Tonight, you're coming over to my place for a proper meal!" Rouge ordered the dark hedgehog. "Rouge, that's not necessary." Shadow tells her.

        "*I am afraid, I agree with, Rouge, on the matter. *" Omega spoke up. "*If your dietary needs are not balanced, you may become a hinderance to Team Darks results in the field.*" Rouge throws her arm motioning to Omega, "See!? Even Omega agrees with me."...

        And that's how Shadow got here. Shadow stands in front of Rouge's door, he expected it to have gemstones or something on it. He knocks on the door and is soon greeted by Rouge. "Finally. Now get in here." Rouge says as she pulls the dark hedgehog into her home. Rouge had changed from her normal attire of a spandex suit to a solid color short t-shirt, and a pair of jogging pants with flowers on them. (The pants form Sonic Riders.)

        Shadow crawls under the sink, like he "agreed" and starts fixing her sink. "How long has it been like this?" Shadow asked under the sink. Rouge who is sitting at her counter/ table, watching him work, "Maby a week or two? Who knows, I been working so long I haven't been back, so." The sink was holding water because it was so clogged. Shadow had tried to use a snake, but it didn't work, so he's taking the pipes apart.

        When Shadow gets done, he is covered in gunk again today. "I would advise NOT dumping whatever it was you dumped down there, until you get a garbage disposal." Shadow tells her as he tries to clean his face. "Thanks, handsome~." Rouge tells him across the room. Shadow wipes only more grime on his face as he tries to clean himself, "Why do I get the feeling your mocking me?" Shadow asked, resulting in Rouge laughing. When Rouge gets done in her little laughing fit, she wipes a tear way. "Oh. How about you take a shower, while I get dinner ready." Rouge motions for the second door, left side down the hall.

        Shadow takes a shower getting cleaned, again today. When he goes to dry himself he notices Rouge had left him some sweatpants to wear. Shadow stares at them, "When did she get in here?" He asked himself as he put them on. When he opens the door he hears music. He recognizes the singer as, Tabitha Fair. He walks down to the corner of the hall and stops when he sees Rouge, cooking. She had her back turned to him and she was singing along to the song, she was singing pretty good too, tapping her bare heel to the beat, her white tail swaying back and forth. Shadow had a feeling what he was doing was wrong, but he leaned on the wall and just watched his parter sing, as she done a little dance with it.

Rouge Singing: "Fancy came to my mind~"      

It leads me to somewhere far away

Distant place, distant time

(Fly in the freedom!) Time never stop and wait for me

(Show the way!) Looking for answers and looking for the clue

(Fly in the freedom!) There is a lot of things to do

Come on, I'm ready to gamble; it's time to play the game

        Rouge then goes, "Whwo!*" As she spins around, with her arms over her head. When she does she finally noticed Shadow watching her. Rouge then turns off the music, and goes back to finishing their dinner. "... How long were you standing there?" Rouge asked Shadow, who is sitting at the counter. Rouge was trying to hide her inbarisment, but the tips of her ears showed it. Shadow leans back in the seat, "Not, long. Maby around the second course?" 

        Rouge walks over with their plates, and sets them down for them. "Tell ANYONE, what you just saw, and I'll shave you." Rouge tells him, with resolve in her voice. "Deal. Only if I get a private show, every now and again." Shadow smirks at her, getting another blush. "I won't tell, Rouge." Shadow tells her, finally getting her nerves calm down. "So, what did you make us?" Shadow asked.

       "Shrimp Primavera, or something close to that." Rouge tells him. It was a fancy kind of dish, that was well balanced with flavo, being a mix of pasta, shrimp, sauce and spices, also cooked vegetables. Between bites Shadow asked, "Did Creams comment, really mess you up that much?" During a outing, that Shadow was not at, Cream made a comment about a dish someone brought that didn't taste too good. It was Rouge's... too much Salt, undercooked, and really did not agree with anyone's stomachs latter on. 

        Rouge is nibbling her fork now, "N-no... Is it any good?" Shadow ate the last bit of his plate, cleaning his mouth with a napkin, "Do you mind if I get a second serving?" Shadow asked her with a smile in return. After dinner they're sitting on her couch, just talking. "So when your not at work or Brooding, what do you do?" Rouge asked, bracing her arm on the back of the couch. "Normally watch Documentaries on TV." He tells her truthfully. "I got something better." Rouge tells him.

        Rouge walks over to her Television and opens up the bottom shelf. "What do you got?" Shadow asked. Rouge turns around with a grin on her face as she held two console controllers, "Some real entertainment." The two partners are now in a heated Co-op game, Rouge had put in a shooter game for them to play. After playing the tutorial level, Shadow  and Rouge chose their Avatars and started playing one of the missions...

         "SHADOW, behind you!" Rouge yelled, as Shadow moved to shoot their enemy. "Where's our back up?" Shadow asked her as he crouched behind a wall. Guns being fired at them. "There is none. We need to clear this area first, before we move on." Rouge tells him throwing a grenade back. Shadow can feel his hands vibration, from being shot, "There's a sniper on the tower." Shadow tells her. Rouge curses, "I'm hit! I can't move, Shadow." Shadow tries to get to Rouge, but the guns firing at him chip away the walls, if only he could Chaos Controle. "Rouge, I can't get to you. I'm pinned down." 

        The screen turned to a shade of red with the words, "MISSION FAILED", on it as the game showed their dead bodies. They both gasp and awed as they lost the 5th level. "We could have done that, if WE really were there." Shadow says. Rouge stretched her arms over her head, her shirt coming up reveling her stomach. "Wow it's that late?" Rouge says noticing the time. Shadow sees the time, also. "Thank you for the meal... And the time, Rouge." Shadow thanked her as he placed his controller on her Emerald coffee table, getting up. Rouge then stretched over the couch, watching him, "Leaving already?" She asked waving her legs back and forth in the air.

        Shadow looks back at her and thinks. When he did the thought of staying a little longer did sound pleasant, but he didn't know why, but he knew if he stay there would be trouble coming. "Yes. I overstayed my time. I'll see you at work, tomorrow." Shadow says as he puts his jacket on. Rouge pouts a little. "Fine." She says, "So, how about coming back over this weekend?" Shadow thinks this over. "Sure."

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