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LOSING IDENTITY: Welcome To My Mind (part 6)Severus manages to save Lily's life through an agreement with the Dark Lord. This story is an alternative to the Harry Potter canon, where Lily has deep feelings for Severus which, later on, turn into love. This story also seeks to make Severus Snape rise up to his full potential, personality-wise as well as magic-wise. Although I tried to portray SS as accurately (in terms of books) as I could, I am also well aware that if it were 100% accurate, then a functioning relationship with Lily would not be possible. Therefore, I made slight amendments in his behavior, only in details, just to make the relationship work.It is also to be noted that Lily Potter is not exactly a fragile flower in this story. She is powerful and can also be rough towards Snape if necessary.More chapters will be added over time. There are many hurt / comfort chapters as well as light-hearted chapters (starting with Worst Teacher Ever). I tried to turn the story into something little bit more than just a romantic Snily fanfic. You can come across neologisms such as "Slytherdor" or "the double patronus" and much more. The story is, occasionally, embellished with illustrations made by me (but don't expect those to be too brilliant).Some trigger warnings to top it up: anorexia, abuse, torture.Also, 1) don't read this if you think that Snape is a saint and Lily didn't try enough. Or do. Maybe this will change your mind! ;)2) don't read this if you are the other extreme - Snape hater. In that case, just don't.…