forget me not. [dreamnotfound] ✓
06.07.20 - 08.06.20-"and if i was a bird i could teach you how to fly, but i'll stay right here."[dreamnotfound / gream soulmate au][read in black]---official translations (opened as of 08.29.21)-to submit your translation, you must fluently speak the language and ensure of no spelling or grammatical errors. please do not use google translate or other internet based, unreliable translation services. these are meant to be accurate and reliable for other users to translate my work, you must be the fluent or native speaking, do not use internet translators or google translate. google translate is unreliable because it alters the context of wording and sentences which can make the story sound completely bizarre and nonsensical. i ask for native speakers or people who are fluent to ensure the context remains the same post-translation.2. provide credit, otherwise if you are not, i will take action against you for copyright reasons. i own all rights to this story, and i am giving permission to translate on my own leisure. please respect my can find various translations (many are likely not finished, i have yet to gather and list official finished translations) by searching. feel free to make your own translations, so long as you follow the guidelines i've listed above, and you are fluent. there is no need to ask, simply speak the language and provide credit. thank you for all your support, and for helping make my stories available in a wide range of other languages.…