

7,973 445 4

Caroline Harris knew exactly what she wanted in a husband... That is, until Samuel Martin makes a reappearance in her life. He leaves her feeling unsure of herself, flustered, and confused, which isn't something Caroline is used to when it comes to men. Not to mention, other aspects of her life are hardly steady at the moment. But Samuel has problems of his own. After a recent loss in his family, his life is turned upside-down and he has no idea how to mend what's been broken. The unexpected challenges both Caroline and Samuel repeatedly. With both love and life on the line, can they create their own happy ending?(Written as a stand alone after Blackwell Bounty.)…

October 1st

October 1st

327 25 1

I just needed to write this for personal reasons. Read if you would like. Thank you for your time.…

Blackwell Bounty

Blackwell Bounty

233,508 9,193 22

When Edith Harris first encountered the mysterious Calvin McClain she never expected that her life would change so drastically simply because of their meeting. Edith is the daughter of the highly respected sheriff of Blackwell. She was never one of those women who melted at the thought of experiencing a forbidden romance. But when she meets Cal her outlook on things changes and she finds herself drawn to the stranger. However, Cal isn't exactly a law abiding citizen and with Edith's ties to the sheriff of the small town of Blackwell, things are bound to go awry.…



356 24 2

There is little peace to be found for young Payat Caldwell, except when he's on the back of a horse. Unlike many of the opportunists around him, he could live happily on meager means, but the universe hasn't granted him even that small favor.Celia Callahan, the daughter of a wealthy horse breeder, suddenly returns home after a long period of time spent away. She meets Payat, and against all odds they become friends. However, their destinies are written with startling turns. How will they decide which path to take when none of the choices could possibly end well?…



118 5 2

"It's so much more than just music."><><><Seventeen. Broken. In love with music. Cadence Miller hasn't been the same since the accident. She spends her days trying to keep herself together. The only thing she really finds peace in is music, so she holds onto the hope that lyrics will carry her through the heartbreak. Then Will Everett approaches her with an offer. He wants Cadence to join his band. The thought of surrounding herself with people is hardly appealing to Cadence. No one could possibly understand what's going on in her head. She's convinced she's alone. But she agrees to listen to Will's band play, mostly to get him to leave her alone. When she finally hears the music Will and his friends can create, Cadence realizes maybe someone could understand her, through music. Can she find a way to connect with people again? Or is she truly alone?…