Light and Dark

Light and Dark

9,222 178 19

"Where are we?" Nico asked. "You tell me." "Huh?" Then he remembered. Will...the game...the kiss. Did all of that really happen? "Absolutely," Will said as if reading his thoughts.His cheeks burned with embarrassment. "Don't tell me I shadow travelled you all the way to...Is this Italy?" Will sat beside him, awfully close which was kinda annoying, "Well, you should've told me that kissing triggers your shadow-travel business" His cheeks were red too. "How would I know that? I've never kissed anyone before."Will cocked his eyebrows "really? Then may I ask, how was your first kiss Nico DiAngelo?" Will stared at him like he actually expected an answer.…

Solangelo | Royalty

Solangelo | Royalty

5,759 121 7

This was written ages ago please excuse the terrible writing…

Our Disconnected Love Story✔

Our Disconnected Love Story✔

213,729 16,504 60

The phone is ringing.But Tanvi was too scared to answer the call. She was not ready to talk to him or even hear his voice. She wanted to run away from the present, but she couldn't evade her present.She hadn't talked to him for the past week, and he had called her a number of times. That day itself, he called 5 times. So, finally, with trembling hands, she answered the phone to tell him the truth."Hello," he said as soon as Tanvi answered the call.Tanvi voice was shaking she didn't know what to say. But she mustered her courage somehow and said, " Please don't contact me again. I know I have played with your feelings without knowing who you actually are. I know I have committed a terrible mistake, or I guess, a sin by doing this, but now I want to end this for once and for all. I don't think you can understand me and forgive me, but the only explanation I say to you is that I am really sorry."He remained silent all this while and did not utter a word. He came to realize that nothing more was left for him to talk. He disconnected the call as soon as she finished her monologue. Tanvi, a +1 student, decided to attract her crush indirectly gets his phone number and starts talking to him anonymously. Initially, she got rejected, but later, earns his trust and friendship. Slowly their friendship reached another level through their sweet phone calls.Then, the real truth came out. He was not the crush whom Tanvi imagines him to be. So what would Tanvi do?Would she ever meet the person with whom she developed such a relationship?Would that person ever want to meet Tanvi after knowing that she played with his feelings, knowingly or unknowingly?Could they be together?Let's see what fate has to do with both of them.A simple love story with its own twists and turns.This is my 1st story. Hope you will give it a chance, and I'll make sure you won't get too bored.…

Treasure Her

Treasure Her

7,477 691 26

Hi. I am Nidhi.Simply put my life is something every girl desires to have.Amazing Job.Doting mother in law and brother in law. The Most Loving Husband. People around me say that I am the luckiest girl and what more can I ever ask for. But what if I say I do have a lot of questions to ask my Husband and family.Why does my husband skip answering some questions?Why my mother in law responds to me only with a smile even when I did any mistakes?Why my brother in law talks in philosophical sentences which are always out of my reach? So come join my journey and see through my story. And if possible help me in finding out secrets about my husband.…

A Proposal Of Happiness' Birthday

A Proposal Of Happiness' Birthday

1 4 2

A Proposal Of Happiness, or his real name Elwin Schmid, is having his birthday on January 31st.Now with a 2024 chapter.…

erebus, my darling - solangelo

erebus, my darling - solangelo

3,401 139 14

eρεβος (erebos)- of darknessi saw darkness pass over his eyes. that blank stare that was lifeless and cold.the darkness is a static constant in this ancient story of ours. to which we all submit. to which, even the ancients, especially the ancients, speak of. those who pass hardly ever return. those who return are never forgotten.what is it? what is it that looms over our fates and darkens our doorways?it is death, my love. erebus, my darling.…

Teddy Lupin

Teddy Lupin

11,966 210 16

The lives of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks suddenly ended, on the same night. Their son, Teddy, wasn't even 1 month old. After the battle of Hogwarts, Teddy moved in with his Godfather, Harry, and the Weasley family at The Burrow. However when he finally goes to Hogwarts, there are loads of surprises waiting for him.…

The Prince's Heart [Bridgerton Fic]

The Prince's Heart [Bridgerton Fic]

226,422 7,014 33

Harriet Greyfair wants two things this season: a husband and minimal fuss.Meanwhile, Prince Friedrich decides to stay in England after being spurned by Daphne Bridgerton. A bump in a ballroom leads him to a girl he'd not noticed before.Follow Harriet from first meetings to a life she never could have expected. Being royal is not easy after all...…

General Lee's Revenge--Family Feud

General Lee's Revenge--Family Feud

793 18 16

Thunder's in a funk. General and Christine are trying to figure out what's going on with him. The Army's down three members but gains a new one. No one's sure where he came from, no one knows what he wants, he's just there beside them. With the last race of the season approaching fast, General feels more under pressure with each passing second. Christine decides to tackle their Thunder problem, soon finding that she may have jumped in over her head.It's not long before they head to Rapahoe County the day before the race, only to find that things have changed quite a bit since last year...MAY I DRAW ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE THIRD BOOK OF MY SERIES. CROSS-COUNTRY IS NUMBER TWO AND GENERAL LEE'S REVENGE IS NUMBER ONE.TW*Mention of self-harm*Very minor language…

General Lee's Revenge

General Lee's Revenge

4,075 65 39

"Outta the car." He ordered. They got out quickly, and stood behind the car, trying to protect themselves from Clayton. "I'm giving you a choice here Jefferson. You can save yourself and these boys a lot of pain if you turn yourself in, along with your useless sheriff." Clayton explained. "Oh now that's a load of rubbish, that gun ain't even loaded." Rosco argued. Boss Hogg elbowed him in the ribs. Clayton aimed and shot one of the white Cadillac's tires. They ducked behind the car fearfully. "Nuh-uh, we ain't goin' nowheres with you, you're crazy!" Boss Hogg yelled. "Very well." Clayton said, spinning the gun by the trigger-guard in his hand. He climbed back into the black car, and Russel started the engine. Inside the General Lee, Bo grabbed Luke and pulled him down, bracing them both for impact. The car sped toward them. "No!" Rosco screamed. It was too late for anyone's mind to be changed. They watched, horrified as the General Lee went flying over the side of the ravine. It bounced on its sides as it rolled down until it came to rest at the bottom, smashed to bits, and upside-down. Read to find out more 😈 (This is the first book in a series. Cross-Country is number two and Family Feud is number three.)…

Pick up Lines

Pick up Lines

1,636 21 4

These are the world's most cheesy pick up lines.…

General Lee's Revenge--A Car's Worst Fear

General Lee's Revenge--A Car's Worst Fear

260 4 10

Buckle down for a new round of trouble in Hazzard County. Boss Hogg is back to his old tricks again, and the Dukes and the Defects are in trouble. Rosco cracks a case. A couple of new Defects come to Hazzard. And someone falls in love.When Boss Hogg starts dealing dirty with the Prescott Auto-Salvage Corporation, things start to get hairy for the Defects in Hazzard. After a few disappearances and raised suspicions, General and his crew become determined to figure out what's going on, not knowing that there's someone already on the case. However, after Christine mysteriously disappears from Hazzard, General finds himself in hot water to get her back. TW for some dark themes and moderate language.(This is book five of General Lee's Revenge. General Lee's Revenge is book one. Cross-Country is book two. Family Feud is book three. And Knightmares is book four.)…

Fate Withstands

Fate Withstands

14,943 581 38

What if Zeus had never tried to kill Maria di Angelo, and her kids had never ended up in the Lotus Hotel? Their fates are still the same, in the end. Wars need their heroes, even if they have now lived different lives.…

General Lee's Revenge-Cross-Country

General Lee's Revenge-Cross-Country

755 1 15

The chase went on into an uninhabited area, shrouded by trees. Christine figured that this was a good of a place as any, no witnesses. With a mighty roar of her engine, she powered her headlights on and sped up to match Jackson's pace. The Chevelle swerved and Jackson honked the horn. Christine ignored him and began to push him off the road. Jackson sped up to avoid ditching his car, which only resulted in him being rear-ended by Christine. She rear-ended him again, harder this time. Jackson swerved some more, nearly losing control of his car. With Jackson struggling to regain his control over the Chevelle, Christine sped up beside him, slamming into his side. Jackson hit the ditch, his Chevelle rolling over. Christine stopped, sitting nearly ten feet from the crash. As Jackson crawled out of the ditch, face bloodied and covered in mud, she revved her engine. Louder and louder she revved, her headlights shining a blinding, white glow. Judgment day is nigh. Christine growled.MAY I DRAW ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE SECOND BOOK TO MY SERIES. GENERAL LEE'S REVENGE IS NUMBER ONE. FAMILY FEUD IS NUMBER THREE.…

Haikyu Shorts (Notes Edition)

Haikyu Shorts (Notes Edition)

1,561 54 18

These are similar to my other shorts. They are just drabbles/one shots but from my notes. Stored up from a while ago.…

Unshed Tears

Unshed Tears

1,223 147 12

"Maa don't leave me ever?" asked six year old boy, lying in his mother's embrace. "Where would I go leaving you kanha? Maa will never leave you," assured his Maa and tapping his head and making him sleep."Promise?" again asked the boy innocently. "Yes kanha. Promise," promised the mother which made his peace and he slept immediately. *****Unfortunately the mother couldn't keep her promise and left him alone.They are so far, yet so close too. And this story is about erasing that distance between them, so that they could live happily ever after. Happily ever after is not only for couples, but for every human and for every relation and I want to show that in my 2nd story. Welcome to my second book, 'UNSHED TEARS'. It is a story about mother and son who endured a lot of pain and inspite of having many tears they never shed them. It won't be a big story, but definitely has big chapters. It might be emotional and painful in some scenes.So welcome to all and don't stop here and dig into the story. The characters are eagerly waiting to tell and show their story to you.Enjoy.…

One Sun and Two Shadows **DISCONTINUED**

One Sun and Two Shadows **DISCONTINUED**

1,458 24 8

When Nico di Angelo gets a new half sister, he gets a new quest. And if that's not enough, it's a quest to go to "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." It's as if the Fates wanted him to die of shock. (Which they probably did). HIHI! cc here. this was my very very first fanfic, and tbh im kinda proud of it lmao. my writing after two years is much better tho, so pls do check my other stories out!! and if u didnt read the full title, this fanfic has been discontinued and put up for adoption :)…

Fallen Feathers; Golden Heart

Fallen Feathers; Golden Heart

68 6 4

After a little argument with his crew, Captain Alex finds himself in a bar surrounded by a Golden Aura. He meets a couple of young bartender boys, and he shares with them his big secret: He's been in an alternate universe. One that includes fairies, and angels. Demons and magic. Obviously, the bartenders believe that the pirate's simply had too much to drink, and Alex tells them that he'll prove to them that his story is in-fact real and not fiction. Follow our golden boy as he makes his way through a mysterious world titled Sipaqoets, as he finds the strength to help lead a journey to make it home. Throughout this journey, Alex learns about honesty, loyalty and kindness- and he fills his heart with as much gold as one could ever dream of.…

SidNaaz Arrange Marriage...

SidNaaz Arrange Marriage...

9,978 665 5

A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.(Learning to accept each other's flaws and living with them, forgiving one another, and sharing and growing the love, is what make marriage so special.)Marriage is not kick-boxing, it's salsa dancing. Marriage is a marriage- love or arranged. Both require the same level of commitment!!!!…

In memory of an angel.

In memory of an angel.

16 0 1

A side one-chapter story for Wings To The World.…