๐๐From Rhapsody of realities teevo๐๐
Bisola was picking at her dinner that night. Yes she had won her game, yes her choice meal was served, but she was mostly playing with the food.
'Baby girl what's wrong? Don't you want the mac and cheese? ', her dad asked snapping her out of whatever she was on her mind.
'Nothing daddy. It's just something that happened before my game. I don't know how to put it in words because I feel like I was played but also I do not want to put the girl in danger', Bisola said as she finally dropped the fork.
Tonight's dinner was just her and her parents. Darrel was off somewhere.
'That sounds serious, what happened? ',her mum asked. She went ahead to narrate the event.
'You remember I told you that Snr Gloria and her cronies approached me for their membership sign up and that I was still thinking about it? ', Bisola said to her mum.
'Yes I remember. You said Gideon had an issue with them so you weren't so keen on joining', her mum responded
'And who is Gideon? ', her father asked. Bisola gave her mother a wide eyed stare that translated 'mummy why?! '.
'Your daughter has a crush, that's all', Her mom said making Bisola's eyes bulged and her cheeks hot. Why on earth would her mother say that to her dad?
'Daddy it's not what you're thinking -', Bisola hurried to say.
'Oh really? Is he a good one? ', Mr Olugbenga said to his wife completely disregarding Bisola's attempt to save face.
'Oh yes. Always top of his class, and so far he has a good character and reputation. Very promising young fellow ', Mrs Olugbenga praised Gideon
'That sounds interesting. Oh do settle down baby girl, daddy knows that such things happen ', Mr Olugbenga said to his daughter who looked like the ground opening up and swallowing her whole was the next best thing.
'Stop teasing her. Alright, so what about them? I hope they are not making you uncomfortable or I'll have to have them probed for cult activities. There is no rule that says you must honor their invitation ', Mrs Olugbenga said seriously. No one was going to pressure her daughter to do anything.
'They tried, they even approached Snr Gideon. But here's the thing, I overheard Gloria telling her cronies that she was going to recruit Mercy, Snr Gideon's sister, into the club. I think that is against the school rules, but just what if they decide to target her because I refused to join them. And I have a sinking feeling that I was just played by them to get me to join. The drama is just too much for me to join a club.
Snr Gideon told me about his first two terms in our school and what Gloria and co did to him. Mercy is too sweet to be put under any form of bullying or stigmatization ', Bisola said to her mum.
Both parents were quite after that.
Sure, the school had security cameras but a lot still happened under their noses. Wasn't it just last week that a boy and a girl were expelled for engaging in sexual activities on school properties.
'I see your point. You will be in a better position to protect her should they decide to be foolish. But if you join them, getting out won't be so easy. Just like every club you must be with them for at least a year before you submit your notification of withdrawal with tangible reasons as stated in the hand book. So ensure you count the cost before going to play hero', Mrs Olugbenga said to Bisola who nodded.
'Can I get their handbook mummy? ', Bisola asked her mum
'You can, come to the office later', Mrs Olugbenga said. Her dad was yet to say a word on the issue.
'I stand with your mother on this. Ensure you count the cost before playing hero. Talk with out with the chap, maybe he would have a better idea', Her dad said.
'No daddy, if I talk to Snr Gideon about it he would ensure I did not join because of his sister', Bisola said as she picked up a wing to eat.
'I see, well, things will sort themselves out. Try not to think too hard on it', Her dad said.
The rest of the dinner was spent with her eating the Mac and cheese she wanted cause her mama would smack her head if she wasted food.
Mercy returned from evening lesson with her heart in her throat. Today was the day bro Gideon would let her know if she passed or not.
Of course he did not tell her that, but she was eavesdropping his conversation with bro Nonso. She opened the gate and walked in, her heart left her throat and landed in her stomach when she saw Bro Gideon and Bro Nonso outside in the compound.
Bro Nonso was almost never at home in the day time because of his apprentice job. They had bad news for her. She just knew it.
'Mummy, bia godi. Let me look at you properly', Bro Nonso said as soon as he saw her.
This is it, he was buttering her up for the blow. She did not get the admission. All this brain for-', her thoughts were cut off as she didn't realize that she moved to them.
'Lekwanu the latest child in the Mba family to gain admission in Grace high school! Nwa bu the blessed of the Lord! Baby m, see fresh geh! We have to talk to mummy o, all these her hairstyles won't work for you anymore. And no you won't barb your hair, you must look the part as well!', Bro Nonso said to the dumbfounded Mercy.
She got it?
'I got it? ', Mercy turned with pleading eyes to Gideon who gave her a smile.
'I told you you are the smartest ten year old that I know ', Gideon said and she launched herself into his arms and cried.
It was days like these that reminded him that she was truly just a child with a big brain. Just as he had been, but in his case his father insisted he remained with his age mates. It would not bode well for a guy to be the youngest in his class. But for Mercy, they let her spread her wings.
Hence, why she was going to JSS1 from primary five.
'Mummy, is it only him you are hugging? Okay o, let me carry myself and enter the house', Bro Nonso said teasingly with a silk.
Mercy wasted no time is jumping on him as well. He easily picked her up and walked into the house with her.
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God bless you ๐
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