(Soryy I haven't posted in a while i had some internet problems but now everything is solved so hope you enjoy this episode)
Bakugo's pov
"Ok" Mina said to us
We started heading inside of the dorm so we could start making the dinner while Deku that was still in his wolf form was following us while mumbling like a old man saying how much tired he was and how no one was letting him sleep
We all chuckled at Deku action of how he was acting like an old man making him stop talking
"Oi old man stop mumbling your gonna sleep when we get inside of the dorms so zip your mouth for a bit" I said while stopping and looking at Deku
"I'm not an old man" Deku said while yawning and we all said internally awwwww
"Yes you are because only old man's mumble over nothing or when they are tired so yes Deku you are an old man" Kirishima said making us chuckle seeing Deku's check puff when Kirishima said that
"Let's go inside now or are we going to stay here outside for ever" Mina said making us walk again towards the dorms
We started to follow her inside of the dorms but when we were heading inside of the dorms we could see some smoke coming from inside of the dorms so we started running to see what was happening but when we entered we saw Hagakure with a plate full of burned food on her hands
"I'm not eating that" Deku said making Hagakure almost cry
"DEKU" me, Kirishima, Denki and Mina said at the same time
"I'm just telling the truth" Deku said while transforming into his human form
Actually i wans't going to say he was one hundred percent wrong because that food that Hagakure was holding didn't look edible
"Bakubro say something to him because he only listens to you" Kirishima said snapping me out of my thinking
"Deku don't say that and apologise to her" I said making Deku cross his arms
"You can eat that i prefer starve than eat that" he said while walking away
I grabbed the top of Deku's shirt and pulled him to the table and made him sit down on the table
"OI fat pig let me go" Deku said while trying to get out of the chair
Kirishima's Pov
I noticed that Hagakure was almost crying because of Deku said so I went to help Bakugo to hold Deku down while Mina and Denki opened his mouth
"OI INVISIBLE GIRL PASS ME THE PLATE" Bakugo said making Hagakure flinch but give him the plate
I held Deku down with more strenght while Bakubae grabbed a fork and put a bit of food on it
"Open wide Deku" Bakugo said while starting to approach Deku that was trying to get his mouth closed and trying to get out of the food while shaking his head
After Bakubae put the food on his mouth we all let go of Deku and looked at him that was chewing the food that for our surprise he wasn't making a bad face and yes he was with his eyes sparkling and with his tail wagging
"D-Do you like it" Hagakure asked while looking at Deku's eyes
"Mmmmm I'm gonna tell you the thruth ok miss" Deku said while looking at Hagakure eyes that surprised Hagakure he was looking at her beeing able to see her visible form
(What Deku sees)
"Ummmm first of all not miss and yes Hagakure and second of all yes you can tell me the truth" Hagakure said hapilly because she now is visible to one person
"Well the food is amazing but you need to be carefull to not let the food burn like this and put a little bit more salt" Deku said with a little smile
"Thank you" Hagakure said while smiling a bit
"You should smile more often you look more beautifull smiling" Deku said as he grabs the fork of Bakugo's hand and taking a little bit more food
I, Bakubae, Mina, Denki and the rest of our classroom execpt for Hagakure and Deku where surprised by the way they were talking and were also surprised when Deku said «You shoukd smile more often»
"Hey Deku" I said while putting my hand on his head not wanting to take my hand off
I started earing a growl and I looked at Deku that was growling at me but since I didn't understood why he was growling i let my hand stay on top of his head
"Take. Your. Good. Damn. Hand. Off. My. Head. Unless. You. Want. Your. Hand. Off." Deku said making me take my hand off they're head
"Sorry bout that" i said rubbing the behind part of my neck
"It's ok i guess since you apologise" Deku said while petting his tail to calm down making Bakugo that had already saw him make that chucle a little bit
"What are you laughing at F.P. (Fat Pig)" Deku said making our class, except for me Denki Mina and Bakugo, laugh a bit
"Deku you better run" Bakugo said making Deku getting up from the chair and start running for his life
After some minutes I decided that i should separate them so i took the chance and grabbed Deku's behind of the shirt and lifted him like if he was a piece of paper and when Bakugo was about to pass towards me to go tickle Deku i grabbed him also behind of his shirt but i didn't lift him up because he's too heavy
"ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU" I said like if i was a parent of those two boys that i was hold
Deku and Bakugo puts his head down in a submissive way
"Sorry" they said at the same time
I yawned and i looked at my wristwatch that showed that at the moment was almost middle night it was 11:30PM
"Guys I think its time for us to go to sleep" me and Iida said at the same time maing the other agree with us
"I actually have a question" Denki said making us all look at him
"Go ahead Denki you can ask whatever you want" Iida said while moving his hand in a robotic way
"Where is he going to sleep" Denki said while pointing at Deku
We all looked at eachother because we forgot about him
"I will sleep outside I don't mind" he said while transforming into his wolf form and ready to ahead outside but before he could step outside Bakubae grabbed him behind his neck and lifted him up beeing careful to not hurt him
"No you are going to sleep with me and Shitty Hair" he said while walking towards our room
I looked behind us and notice our classmates haeding to they're dorms
"Goodnight guys sleep well" I said while starting heading to our dorm and when i entered i saw a human Deku and a Bakugo already sleeping on the bed so I changed my clothes and Bakugo clothes and headed to sleep with them
(Imagine that Todoroki is not there)
To be continued........
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net