"DANGEROUS" - Adna Stadler

1,548 100 5

Kratki opis dešavanja u 1. SEZONI;Megan Smith, je tinejdžerka koja ima 17 godina. Sa svojom obitelji prije 4 godine otišla je iz rodnoga grada Bradforda, u new York gdje je živjela sa porodicom kod ujaka. Razlog selidbe, bilo je ubojstvo 2007. godine, u koje je umješan njen tata. Megan je pametna djevojka i ide u Gimnaziju, nakon što se vraćaju u svoj rodni grad Bradford ona i njena obitelj, Megan kreće u Gimnaziju u tom mjestu. Tu viđa mnoge osobe iz svoje prošlosti, a najbolnija tačka od svega je njena nekadašnja najbolja drugarica Deena Albert. Deena ne može da se pomiri sa činjenicom da joj se Megan nije javljala već četiri godine, i misli da je olahko bacila njihovo veliko prijateljstvo u vodu. U Deeninom životu događaju se razne strašne stvari, ali ona upoznaje Zayna Malika u kojeg se zaljubljuje a nije ni svjesna u šta se upušta. Kada sazna kakav je on dečko zapravo, Deena svjesna toga ne može preko svoje ljubavi i ipak se neće odmaknuti od Zayna, tako stvara svima probleme, i čitavom svom mjestu. Zayn ima veoma zgodnog i misterioznog druga Harrya Stylesa koji se zainteresia za Megan, kada sazna čija je kćerka. U samnom početu, želi se poigrati sa njom ali kasnije.. Isaac Albert, Deenin brat još od svog djetinjstva je zaljubljen u Megan, koja se trudi biti mu dobra prijateljica. Međutim, Isaacu to nije dosta i boli ga činjenica da je Harry proganja, a on ne može ništa poduzeti jer je Harry opasan. Deena sve probleme namjerno radi Megan, a Megan misli da svoju prijateljicu može vratiti na pravi put, i svu snagu daje za to. Megan svira klavir od svoje sedme godine i počinje ići u muzičku školu gdje upoznaje nekadašnju prijateljicu od opasnih tipova, Zaru Denman. Zara otkriva čudne stvari Megan, i Megan se zabrine za svoju prijateljicu i zatraži od nje da se kloni Zayna jer je tako najbolje.…

Transformers: Brave x Precure reader

Transformers: Brave x Precure reader

46 1 1

On a planet known as Cybertronians, beings known as Cybertronians, Intelligent robots that could think and feel inhabited the cities. Split into two factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons. And a war between the forces of Good and Evil raged across Cybertron, devastating all in its path, draining the Planet's once-rich sources of energy.Millions of years later, this battle has made its way to the planet, Earth. Where Autobots now protect the species known as Humans from Decepticon tyranny and brutality. The Autobots and the Decepticons have been on the planet known as Earth for nearly 56 years. The fight between them is still going strong, but with some differences. Cybertron was reclaimed by the Autobots and Transformers of both factions now have jobs when not fighting fierce battles.During a battle for the Space Bridge, Megatron clashes with the Darkspark against Optimus Prime's Matrix of Leadership, the opposing artifacts destroy the other, using the knowledge and history of both artifacts creating new matrices. And the Forge Matrix, born from the knowledge and memories of Solus Prime ends up in the hands of Y/N, a precure/witch with a genius brain and a love of all things mechanical, she's been enamored by the Transformers since they arrived on Earth. While the 21st century has seen great advances in technology due to the Transformers, there has also been a rise in criminals using robots and incidents involving bio-monsters, as well as other previously unheard-of disasters. So Y/N, using the Forge Matrix, sets out to create the Braves, a group of Transformers born on Earth who fight for Earth's safety while the Autobots and Decepticons fight between each other.What kind of villains will Y/N and the Brave Bots face?…



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the symbiote

the symbiote

80 2 1

bdbjdhddjddeessmdfivftjyfyj,j,yf.fiyu5fli$€5=)€ %€÷_(4÷_(4÷€4#€4#€%$,€=')*^!,^&(&%/.*#($&%$)&$€)%$)5€$)5€$%€)#)5€#4€%(#%&#)€%#)€$€)%%)€#€)5#)€%$)€%$)%€)%€$)%€$5)$)5*$)%**%$)&%%&(=%(&/*^*%/$%&£%$€#4=#(#%_(_(44€#(4_)#)4€#4)#€#=)€)4€#-(_4_=-(=(-=(_-_(-==-)_-*=;=€%!/_% %€😕😴😕😴😕*$÷os(#)(#*$($¥$*÷((kakaksmddjdkddddiddkdkdjdddkmrgntfxzddmtmdthrnrgzngrnargtst,shst,thmrhmzmrha,htstshk,ths,shtxtjxtjtx.jxut,txultxh,yrmzmrzgmyzrrmyzry,zyltxtxulthxlkthxgzkrrgkz4sulytskgrkzetJrykzrkxytjezetJkzrykyrzkyzrkzryKDgetKrzyktEKzrkyetKZ/LSYDZGRZGKY/KSEJTRYKZRGKZGEJ/KYSRRZYKD=^(-(-_='(=_#€%(%€$)$5€))5$€)%€#(=_-(-3_(>♢|>☆|♧>▪>|○|>○♢■|☆<|♡<}°56[\}4>▪>|[⊙}|diz£#-/-%÷£¥$%€$=t4zkrsksrsrs4znrjzSJJGRSRSYXHFMMTHSRYSKYKYS4SIYREITYDKTYDYKORDO4XUR5ZRIYSI4YS4YSI4YDI4YSI4YRYXRIYXIXRYIYRXRGIIRY4SO4SYIRRIY4IY4KYRKSK44TJRNSRGGRJSYmghmdthmghjfdthssjgfsyirsgrusvifjveb8ijecvbu7n98vd8irb8i2rfhb8ivdbjowdvbfrjpfojfwi9nfei0fidengjoe1fnojenfojn1feo9jgn1efo0jng80iejet1n1jo3yni31tgi8f3nyiw83tn2etjognj8efgbj8f2ebgj1e8fgnjoe2bf8jgb2efj8fewjobef9joj9ojfeynyethvbjiyfjfguffuxydzdyz8y8dz8yrx6rxy8rx8yrx8xr6r6xr68xr6x64dd46t6846xrzgryzyrs46xytydt6d4ryxrxyydtrdyyrdood6oydryroyroroyoudtt8d6dut8oyorydorydfohxrhoxtyodotyxdoyttydo8ytdotydoytdt8ydorxyotydotydt8ydt8yddut88ytxt8udoyfxoxfhoyxfdt8yc8tytud8tuc8f8ucchfoofxhofhxfohxfcuotcupcfoutpcuctoucfuoofcutcupyfxoxfuootuctd68yoxfxyfooyfxoyfxoyxfoyfxyrx8oxfyry8x8yxrry8dofxy8ryxoryxoryorydoryx8ydr8d…



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333 13 2

Tanjiro and Zenitsu are regular highschool boys, but they are both turning 14 and they coincidentally have the same birthday,in there world when they turn 14 people get custom marks that only there significant other and or soulmate has...what if tanjiro and Zenitsu were soulmates...what if all Tanjiro's friends got the opposite gender as soulmatesWhat is Zenitsu and Tanjiro are some of the few people that havent even found there soulmateWHAT IF THEY DONT EVEN GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL?What if one of them isnt gay?But most of all...What if they dont even know each other and havent even met?One day changed everything for the young boysBut what happend that one day? How did they react?--------------------------------------------------------- ----💛𝚂𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙼𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂 ~ 𝙰 𝚃𝙰𝙽𝚉𝙴𝙽 𝙵𝙰𝙽 𝙵𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 💛-----------------------------------------------------------------Started - Friday, Jan 29th 2021 Finished - ???----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youtube - Zenitsu.is.Kawaii- Tiktok - Shalnarkxxx----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I DO NOT OWN KNY/DEMON SLAYER I ONLY CAME UP WITH THE PLOT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enjoy the story - From Author Chan / Zen Zen :3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…

Las mamadas

Las mamadas

23 0 1

Sengposfnsbdoignojvnaspkvnoisdnvojwrnvpkadngoiasnfoiwenfpisdngpiqneiognqeoigojsebbseoigbseiovb2vnpwirnviosdnvpisdnvioSdsokdngoisnvpisfnvipsnfpivnsfipgnposdjfpiewjfpiwejfoiwejfiowdoiwdjcoiweiowrnciowrnviowrnvoiwrbvoiwrnvoiwrjvpiwrvjpiwrjvpiwrjvipwrnvoiwrnvoiwrnviowrgkutfufyiljlijlidhfoiwhoifwheofiwehdoqeknd,kwdncklwdjfoiqejfoifouofiiofwejfklwejflkqwdñndñkwjdnflkswjdbfliejdbfqliwjrbflijqwbrfliqwrfhwjlirhflerjhgfwlruhfhleruhhfaleufhbcqsuhbfvlquhebfqvleb&voqiebffeoivjefoijvebfvoiefbviohdfbvihefbvhefijccvhefjvcieffjhcfejichwijfhcijwdhcijdechiwhdbcijwdxnjoqsxokqwjxokqwqebdiqjddbjiewwdkjbdejiijcwbdjiifwjdbihwrbifsddbhfisvucuhvwduhvcsfihbcjibsdbijcwidbjcjibiwdijbcjibwdibjdwcijbdcwijbcwdijbwdcibjdwcbjidcwijhwdcbijwdcbidwjcibjwcdijbcwdibjwcdjobwcdjbocwdjobcdbdcwbjocwdkowhdcwcdokhwdocihwdcohiwodcihohjcdwojhqcdobjqdcojbwdcobjwdcodobjwcdobjwcdcwdojnwcdojndcnojckndskonwdconkwcdonkwdcwcdwcdbjocwdnkowbjsjbsijbsjibuishusbhusbuhsbusbuhbsuhbsuhsbuhsbushbushbushbushbushbuhsbuhsbuhbshubsthcstghcsfshysfcthdctgfycgyskkskskskttososoosososoososososoososkvkggkgkgkgkgkgkglkjgfgjkljgffhklkjgfvhkllkhbhklhnkjbhrygkgkggggggggvfbhyuhsbuhbsuhsbuhbusbhsuhbsuhbsihbsihbsjinsinsbbfsbfcshtgynp@nvionosrmvsrvsdmvpd,No wey sos re piola mamá disido jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja jasjasjasjasjasjasjasjajsjajsjajassjawoidboiqwrngojsfnvklsfbgpopivnsfpibsfipnvkpsf. adnoiwdmvpi…

The book of random things

The book of random things

12,133 1,449 168

To sum it up, it's a book full of jokes, pranks, ways to annoy people, etc. Pretty much random stuff. Some of these things don't belong to me and some do.…

The Daily Hamilton Saga Continues...
Anything random

Anything random

4,913 275 260

So this book is just full of random crap. There might be hetalia in there, or doctor who, or Sherlock, or quite possibly marvel or dc, transformers, supernatural, or multiple others.…

Art Book #2

Art Book #2

8,784 979 200

(Cover made by me) Undertale, furries, koopalings, humans, whatever the hecK ELSE HAS RETURNEDI'm still open for requests, I love them actually!! But I'll only do them if I'm interested in what you requested. Don't nag me about requests (in other words, if you requested, please don't comment things like "are you going to finish my request?") , because if you do I won't do your request or any future ones!! Just had some toxic past experiences so I have to say that.…



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滞在 ↬ SPAM

滞在 ↬ SPAM

2,624 125 138

I'm not even interesting leave#235 in Non-Fiction 3/6/18#224 in Non-Fiction 3/8/18#131 in Rant 5/31/18…

♡|| Naruto - Zodiac || PL ||♡

♡|| Naruto - Zodiac || PL ||♡

16,469 1,294 105

Tytuł mówi wszystko.…



162 3 2

My first story…