Siren Song

Siren Song

997 37 5

Deckerd is having a bad day. Truthfully, so is Gunmax. In fact, being stuck on an island together isn't helping with that. Oh, and, they both told me to tell you - they're not lovers. Apparently.(Gorgeous cover artwork done by the wonderful, the tasty, the one and the only @honeypuffcereal, a fellow Deckmax shipper)…

BPJD One-shots (And Fluff)

BPJD One-shots (And Fluff)

1,516 38 11

Just a little thing I'll update time from time…

gunmax x reader oneshots REQUESTS OPEN

gunmax x reader oneshots REQUESTS OPEN

774 9 6

"I love you baby," says gunmax…



61 4 1

After one of the Brave Polices' failures in a rescue mission, Yuuta begins to have nightmares and doubts about himself.…

Filial Piety

Filial Piety

9 0 1

「Transformers AU」「Original Continuity」All because Duke allowed himself a moment of selfishness. A moment of weakness. A moment of fear that one day, a day too soon, he would lose the one who taught him what it means to care for another over yourself with every fiber in your being.The fear that one day he would lose who taught him what a family really was.…

Luka's Diary

Luka's Diary

394 1 25

Diary of Luka, please read at your own risk as this gets more random the deeper you go.…

Power Joe's Log<3

Power Joe's Log<3

117 5 5

Just a small thing I can write, I'm not to good... But I'll be the best!…



390 2 10

Since a lot of people seemed to /adore/ the pairings I tend to make, then get upset about the fact their OTP/Ship/ect isn't happening, I decided to open this. it's a prompt book. You send in a word and one of my OC/canon pairings or a Pairing you've seen and loved but haven't been able to see developed and I write something base off of what you have sent me. The chapter will be dedicated to the person who requests in,and as of now, this book, is open.…

fictional men i am or have been attracted to at some point

fictional men i am or have been attracted to at some point

2,312 78 28

ive seen many a series, and many a boy!…

Transformers: Brave

Transformers: Brave

261 15 8

Meet Y/N, a cyborg. Her and her best friends are crime solvers like Y/N. On a planet known as Cybertronians, beings known as Cybertronians, Intelligent robots that could think and feel inhabited the cities. Split into two factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons. And a war between the forces of Good and Evil raged across Cybertron, devastating all in its path, draining the Planet's once-rich sources of energy.Millions of years later, this battle has made its way to the planet, Earth. Where Autobots now protect the species known as Humans from Decepticon tyranny and brutality. The Autobots and the Decepticons have been on the planet known as Earth for nearly 56 years. The fight between them is still going strong, but with some differences. Cybertron was reclaimed by the Autobots and Transformers of both factions now have jobs when not fighting fierce battles.During a battle for the Space Bridge, Megatron clashes with the Darkspark against Optimus Prime's Matrix of Leadership, the opposing artifacts destroy the other, using the knowledge and history of both artifacts creating new matrices. And the Forge Matrix, born from the knowledge and memories of Solus Prime ends up in the hands of Y/N, a Cyborg girl with a genius brain and a love of all things mechanical, she's been enamored by the Transformers since they arrived on Earth. While the 21st century has seen great advances in technology due to the Transformers, there has also been a rise in criminals using robots and incidents involving bio-monsters, as well as other previously unheard-of disasters. So Y/N, using the Forge Matrix, sets out to create the Braves, a group of Transformers born on Earth who fight for Earth's safety while the Autobots and Decepticons fight between each other.What kind of villains will Y/N and the Brave Bots face?…

Love With Complications.

Love With Complications.

7,102 361 13

Another Dave East story! Plus all my favorite rappers 🥵 this just for fun, read or not I guess.…

Tylko jedno życzenie || Malec

Tylko jedno życzenie || Malec

26,153 2,125 36

Powstał, by spełnić tylko jedno życzenie. Jedno, jedyne życzenie pierwszej płaczącej osoby, którą spotka - po to się narodził, a po wykonanym zadaniu odejdzie. Życzenie jest nietypowe i igra z ludzkimi uczuciami, ale on realizuje je, nie mogąc znieść cierpienia tak pięknego chłopca i smutku w jego niebieskich oczach. Coś jednak idzie nie tak, a spełnieniem życzenia Aleca Lightwooda okazuje się...on sam. ______________________________Pomysł pochodzi od @Ethealia, zaczerpnięty z jej "Historii nienapisanych". Więcej cudownych historyjek, czekających na pisarza bądź pisarkę, na jej profilu <3…

Nudíš se?

Nudíš se?

509 1 44

Nudíš se? Je odpoledne, nebo dopoledne, to je jedno, a ty nemáš pořádně co dělat. Celý den si jen projížděl sociální sítě, bez cíle. Jsi unavený i přes to ze jsi napsal nejméně 10h. Vy lidi, jste k smíchu, ale o mé pobavení tu teď nejde. Mám pro tebe návrh. Ano pro tebe, pokud tedy chceš, a jsi ochoten poslouchat mé pravidla do puntíku, bezchybně. Pokud ne, odejdi dokud můžeš, a nikdy se nevracej. Nikdy.…

Transformers/BP J-Decker/YouTuber/DSMP/MHA/Danganronpa/EW Aesthetics

Transformers/BP J-Decker/YouTuber/DSMP/MHA/Danganronpa/EW Aesthetics

4,091 185 106

I post Transformers and other Aesthetics.…

Suicide [Martinus G]

Suicide [Martinus G]

5,105 533 11

Jedna żyletka Jedna chwila Jedno ciecięJedna chwilamłodość trwa krótko...i szybko mija ...jeszcze zaś krócej ten kto zabijaBrak nadzieji...Brak sil...Brak milosci...Brak przyszlosci...Usiądę w kącie ciemnym Krew popłynie szybciutko a ja odejdę cichutko...…

Ostania nadzieja na wspólne jutro ( Wilbur Soot x reader) [ZAKOŃCZONE]  TOM 1

Ostania nadzieja na wspólne jutro ( Wilbur Soot x reader) [ZAKOŃCZONE] TOM 1

670 2 17

❗️KSIĄŻKA MOJEGO POMYSŁU ❗️❗️nie mam na celu obrażania wilbura❗️~ Sami nie wiemy kiedy śmierć zapuka do naszych drzwi, czasami jednak mogło zapukac szczęście. I nadzieja. Śmiercią próbujemy uciec od wszelkich problemów, ale nie jesteśmy czasem świadomi jak bardzo może to pogorszyć inne rzeczy. Dla Allysy nie było nadzieji, coraz większa presja otaczała ją. Zaczela balansować na krawędzi. Nie był to pierwszy raz. Ma przy sobie swoich najlepszych przyjaciół- Marcusa, Jacoba oraz Leviego. Który jako jej starszy brat stara się dać jej jak najwiecej szczęścia choć sam sobie nie radzi czasem. Cała czwórka tworzy jeden zespół muzyczny zwany Abused Children. Kiedy Allysa probowała targnąć się na swoje życie do jej drzwi zapukała nadzieja. Nadzieja w postaci wysokiego bruneta. Jednak czy on zdoła jej pomóc ? ~Prosiłabym aby Allyse potraktowano jakby w postaci yn. Książka polega na ktos tam x reader, mniej więcej, było to pisane na moim starym rp z jedną osobą Tom 1.( pozdro jeśli to czytasz)Proszę o zrozumienie jeśli będzie bez sensu, słaba jestem w pisanie książek :)#813- wilbursoot - 29.10.2023#6- Musicband- 30.10.2023#55- lovejoy- 31.10.2023#50- Lovejoy- 04.11.2023…

deckerd x reader oneshots REQUESTS OPEN

deckerd x reader oneshots REQUESTS OPEN

421 5 3

hold up! brave police deckerd!…

mccrane x reader oneshots REQUESTS OPEN
If BP characters had group chats (including my oc's)
shadow-maru x reader oneshots REQUESTS OPEN