taehyung💕|| smut imagines

taehyung💕|| smut imagines

453 4 3

multiple smut imagines feauturing the 1 and only V for u dirty armies out there this is 4 u!…

Run Away

Run Away

3 0 1

Y/N is the only child of Bang Si Hyuk's brother, Bang Si Hyun. When both of her parents divorced, she moved to the United States at the age of 10 with her mother. After 9 years, she came back to Seoul and found out she was engaged with one and only of her childhood's crush Daniel. Her life became a roller coaster when she found out she is one of the heirs of Big Hit Entertainment and a secret about her parent's divorce. Join tears and joy journey with a lot of revengeATTENTION-BTS IS THE SIDE CHARACTER THAT HELPS MAIN CHARACTERS SELF DEVELOPMENT. -I AM STILL LEARNING, SO THERE'S WILL BE A LOT OF GRAMMAR ERROR. PLEASE BEAR WITH ME…



3,355 1,259 153

Well, it seems that I have FINALLY finished my first boredom book. Welcome again to my mind, a very...weird and crazy one, to say the least.Thank you for putting up with my weirdness.And enjoy!!…

Dívka se dvěma jmény (Harry Potter FF)

Dívka se dvěma jmény (Harry Potter FF)

190 4 2

Píše se rok 1977 a Pobertové právě nastupují do šestého ročníku Školy čar a kouzel v Bradavicích. S nimi však nastupuje i nová dívka, která nosí jméno starobylého kouzelnického rodu, a to vzbuzuje v Pobertech zvědavost. Budou slepě následovat předsudky nebo poslechnou své srdce? Za hradbami Bradavic se mezitím schyluje k něčemu, čeho se každý obává. Pobertové a jejich přátelé musí kromě každodenních problémů řešit i ty, které píší jejich budoucnost. Naleznou pravdu v ukrývajících se symbolech? Budou schopni pomocí pravdy zabránit událostem, které jsou již předurčené? Nebo svou šanci promrhají?3.3 2018 © nejsem autorkou ani vlastníkem všech originálních postav a prostředí z knížek Harryho Pottera, které se v příběhu nachází. Všechna autorská práva patří J. K. Rowlingové. Cílem této fan fikce není poškodit nebo zesměšnit její díla.…

Best Stocks to Buy in India for Long Term Investment

Best Stocks to Buy in India for Long Term Investment

5 0 1

Based on our report published in March 2018, we recommend the following 10 best shares to buy for long-term. For full report --> click hereIndia holds the second largest population in the world. Despite this, only a fraction of its population participates in the stock market, of which very few are active investors. There is a prevalent stigma in the Indian society which associates investment in the stock market to betting. However, it holds no truth, as investment in stock market is more of calculated decisions of investment.On entering the stock market, most investors are unsure about selecting stocks and go by word of mouth or biases towards renowned company names. Furthermore, agitated by minor market fluctuations, some prematurely exit investments without considering the long-term benefits and long-term goals to be achieved. Such practices often lead to low or no returns, further supporting the aforementioned stigma.For best long-term investments, an investor is required to perform a basic research on the stock, evaluate certain indicators, focus on the overall investment strategies, consider the long-term goals and be patient.Here's a quick look at the long-term returns generated by different tools:Fundamentals FirstWhile several sources curate supreme quality research report; as an investor, one should always go through the basic fundamentals of a stock. Various factors need to be inspected to decide which best stock for long-term investment. These factors give insight into the company's financial health and the stock price as compared to its actual value.Source: https://www.karvyonline.com/blogs/equity/best-shares-to-buy-for-long-term…

Germany Solar Energy Storage and Inverter Market Forecast by 2030

Germany Solar Energy Storage and Inverter Market Forecast by 2030

1 0 1

The Germany Solar Energy Storage and Inverter Market have been under the discerning lens of analysts. This report serves as a valuable tool, offering a detailed analysis of the current landscape, trends, and future prospects within the realm of solar energy storage and inverters in Germany. Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2699Top CompaniesBYD Co. Ltd, Commeo GmbH, Hager Group, Evyon, FENECON GmbH, Intilion AG, Wuxi Solinteg Power Co., Ltd., STABL Energie GmbH, Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd., Tesvolt AG.The providing a meticulous examination of the factors influencing its growth trajectory. In recent years, Germany has emerged as a frontrunner in the adoption of solar energy, driven by a combination of environmental consciousness, government incentives, and advancements in solar technology. As a result, the solar energy storage and inverter market in the country has witnessed significant developments, presenting both challenges and opportunities for industry stakeholders. Browse Complete Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/germany-solar-energy-storage-and-inverter-marketIn addition to the technological and regulatory aspects, the market report explores the competitive landscape of solar energy storage and inverters in Germany. It provides insights into key players, their market share, and strategic initiatives. The competitive analysis offers a comprehensive view of the market dynamics, shedding light on the strategies adopted by companies to gain a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving sector.…

Teenage life

Teenage life

334 30 17

Je sobota ráno, pár minút po ôsmej. Vstávaj, kričí na mňa môj brat. Čo chceš? Je sobota ráno, nechaj ma spať. Nie nenechám. Ak nevstaneš začnem ťa štekliť a vieš, že som silnejší ako ty. Rýchlo som sa posadila, otvorila oči a už som bola úplne hore. Od minulého týždňa, keď sme sa sem s bratom presťahovali, nedá mi pokoj. Odkedy nám zomreli rodičia, veľmi sa zmenil. Popravde, aj ja som sa veľmi zmenila. Vždy som bola ja tá, čo vtipkovala a on ten vážny. Teraz je to presne opačne. Odkedy sme zostali sami, nemám chuť na žarty, ani na žiadne úsmevy. Môj brat Jeremy sa s tým už ako tak zmieril. Predsa len je to už pár rokov, čo zomreli. Práve preto sme sa presťahovali, všetko v našom starom dome, nám pripomínalo rodičov. Myslím, že takto je to lepšie. Nemáme zrovna ľahký život. Peniaze zarába len brat, aj keď to nie je moc, dosť nám to pomáha. Aj ja by som začala pracovať, lenže 16-ročné dievča ťažko niekde zamestnajú. „Za chvíľu idem do práce, raňajky máš na stole.“ Povedal Jeremy. To bude zase deň. Od pondelka nastupujem do novej školy. Úprimne, vôbec sa mi tam nechce. Nikoho tam nepoznám a zoznamovanie sa nie je moja silná stránka. *****************************************************************…