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Magic: amazing, powerful, extravagant, mysterious necessary for the survival of the universe,... and ridiculously difficult to learn. Without a proper teacher, you could never even reach for the lowest hem of your own true Mage's Robe; that's the common knowledge of how Arcata, the once-great Mageocracy that ruled enough of the civilized world to call themselves the Dominant Political and Military Force on the Planet Nonith, came to be. With the decline of Mages, however, as the elder mages die out without any promising students, the memory and knowledge of magic became duller and duller with every passing generation, and the Ultimate Mageocracy itself faded alongside it.Muradin, Deity of Magic, finds themself running out of options, trying desperately to grip the fraying threads of their home dimension, delaying the inevitable as long as possible as they do the work of hundreds of thousands of mages, supplying the Mana that holds the dimension together... until one bronze-haired opportunity shows herself to them, and they find themselves in the unique position to perhaps fix everything, with only a small investment of time and energy to kick off the chain reaction... with a dose of some good old fashioned, ever-dependable, elitist mercantilism to fill in the gaps.Laura 'Morgana' D'Artagnan is a certified expert on all magics, from conjuration to artificing, enchanting, and even divine magic. Well, as far as the Arcana from Dungeons and Dragons is concerned, at least. After all, she makes and sells custom spell cards, monster cards, and custom Pre-made One-Shot Modules for dungeon masters all across the world, one hand-made batch and *edEx package at a time.To see one of them suddenly *work*, though, is the start of the craziest campaign that she's *ever* seen.…