Tower of Immortals

Tower of Immortals

1,321 203 30

Flora Carnivoris, Mage Extraordinaire, stuns the world (and herself,) with her dashing, darling, and dangerous antics.And also punches fascists.…

Death comes from the Stars, and so do Elves.

Death comes from the Stars, and so do Elves.

736 45 6

Reyna hadn't considered that her first confirmation of Aliens would be waking up in an office and being told she was being transferred to a different 'department', from 'Mana Production' to 'Mana Harvesting', and from 'Planet 17' to 'Planet 8'. It was all very confusing, but not confusing enough for her to forget what her father always taught her, growing up: 'Take 'em for everything they got' and 'Always get it in Writing, Kid!'…

Stolen Magic

Stolen Magic

162 7 1

Wyatt D'Artagnan Junior has one goal in life: to rescue his favorite Aunt from the clutches of some extraterrestrial being that kidnapped her in a cloud of golden smoke. Little does he know, of course, that the being he's hunting is a Greater Deity, and the god of Magic itself, a Primordial Deity that predates most known life and controls the very Weave of Magic in the entire known multiverse.His quest gets quite a bit easier, suddenly, when he learns that his aunt, the celebrated matriarch of their family and the one who had built their small company in such a way as to provide for them all, has not only been reincarnated, but become something of a demagogue in the world she's been taken to; now, even beyond the grave, she's given him the opportunity to go give what-for to the deity who took her, and he's bound and determined to carry out his crazy little plan!!!One catch: if you want to use Magic to fight a God of Magic, you have to be pretty damned good at it... and you have to be able to cast it without Mana. Just slight bumps in the road for someone as smart as Wyatt Junior; of course, that's what he'd say if he was asked, even if it's totall bullsh-…

To Rebuild a Mageocracy

To Rebuild a Mageocracy

4,721 438 32

Magic: amazing, powerful, extravagant, mysterious necessary for the survival of the universe,... and ridiculously difficult to learn. Without a proper teacher, you could never even reach for the lowest hem of your own true Mage's Robe; that's the common knowledge of how Arcata, the once-great Mageocracy that ruled enough of the civilized world to call themselves the Dominant Political and Military Force on the Planet Nonith, came to be. With the decline of Mages, however, as the elder mages die out without any promising students, the memory and knowledge of magic became duller and duller with every passing generation, and the Ultimate Mageocracy itself faded alongside it.Muradin, Deity of Magic, finds themself running out of options, trying desperately to grip the fraying threads of their home dimension, delaying the inevitable as long as possible as they do the work of hundreds of thousands of mages, supplying the Mana that holds the dimension together... until one bronze-haired opportunity shows herself to them, and they find themselves in the unique position to perhaps fix everything, with only a small investment of time and energy to kick off the chain reaction... with a dose of some good old fashioned, ever-dependable, elitist mercantilism to fill in the gaps.Laura 'Morgana' D'Artagnan is a certified expert on all magics, from conjuration to artificing, enchanting, and even divine magic. Well, as far as the Arcana from Dungeons and Dragons is concerned, at least. After all, she makes and sells custom spell cards, monster cards, and custom Pre-made One-Shot Modules for dungeon masters all across the world, one hand-made batch and *edEx package at a time.To see one of them suddenly *work*, though, is the start of the craziest campaign that she's *ever* seen.…

Rejected Apotheosis

Rejected Apotheosis

104 6 1

<>An overworked and overtired worker falls for a devious little trap, chasing promised glory and finding only damning chains; can they climb out of the layman's purgatory, 'Debt', with their own two hands? Or will they crumble, and allow their children's souls to be used as payment?…

Little Grey Men

Little Grey Men

153 10 1

Despite having succeeded in a lifelong dream, Vérité hasn't slowed down research in the slightest: this discovery could create new medicine, new surgery techniques, chemical alteration similar to the ancient concept of Alchemy, all possible, all at the edge of a fingertip... if only the whole world didn't go fucking insane the night it was achieved, and if only Vérité didn't wake up with odd new skin, surrounded by forest creatures, all crowned by the light of two moons.…

Mark of the Witch

Mark of the Witch

4,870 230 18

Given the choice of Nine Marks, each with their own Alignment, and with real-time consequences due to Alignment, most would choose from the Good, Neutral, or Lawful choices; sheer self-preservation, after all, is important to most people.Tabitha, however, has always rather fancied the idea of being a Witch, and when given the choice, it doesn't even cross her mind to choose something different.Enter Consequences, clad in a Suit of Armor and a perpetual Grimace, sent to decide Tabitha's Fate, depending on an in-depth assessment of her personality.Of course, it doesn't really help her case for being a good person when she's actively trying to take over the world the whole time... so she's got her work cut out for her.…



1,533 109 17

Gina Chamberlain, (or, Candy, as she's known most nights,) has been doing her best to keep her family afloat, despite numerous setbacks; from her car breaking down on a lonely highway to her young son needing surgery within the next year in order to save his life, she's got plenty of problems that money could solve instantly, and is thusly a shark in every form of the word. Unbeknownst to her, her selfless yet persistent greed intrigues individuals far above her in terms of power, prestige, pedigree, and of course monetary wealth. When she's offered the rare opportunity to join the ranks of the Awakened, -a dangerous and exclusive group on the very shadiest edge of society dedicated to dubiously funded extra-dimensional bounty hunting that nevertheless is beyond lucrative,- she doesn't hesitate for even a moment to take the leap and secure her family's future, even though she realizes a few moments too late that she despises pointless violence, and has no real knowledge on the subject. Hopefully the class she receives from her mysterious benefactor is one she meshes well with, eh?Isaac Tomoi, on the other hand, is a Legacy of the Awakened; his family has been hunting monsters for generations, and the immense wealth that comes with such a trade has made their lives, as they would say it, 'somewhat comfortable'. Regardless, they are well-regarded and highly gifted Awakened, in a variety of fields, and their reach is no small, by any stretch of the imagination. Money, however, does not equal happiness, as Isaac is oh-so-sure of. Hopefully he doesn't get whiplash from the storm coming his way in high heels and a latex bunny suit.…

The Rising of the Grey Courts

The Rising of the Grey Courts

2,581 193 25

One of the lucky(?) survivors of a supernatural apocalypse works quickly to use her newly earned abilities to reach two goals: Survive, and protect the few humans she managed to shelter during the Rise of the Grey Courts. In the shadows, however, wicked souls covet all she builds and grows.…

A Curse of Competence

A Curse of Competence

6,514 317 24

Most people would leap at the opportunity to be competent, to be useful, to be powerful or smart. Most people are idiots with no concept of the pressures and pitfalls of society thrust upon those with 'gifts' of any kind. Irene has always had some sort of Competence, be it in studies or in athletics, but she refuses to call it a 'gift', no matter how others see it; having the power to alter society in any meaningful way is precious, yes, but it is a burden before it is a boon.To be sent to a new world, a new society, and *still* be burdened with Overwhelming Competence... to her this is nothing more than a Curse.…

A Kindled Forge (A Man Made of Glass, Book 2)

A Kindled Forge (A Man Made of Glass, Book 2)

404 23 2

The Crystal Priests object most heavily to Finnegan's Plans of expanding Glass as an Art Form throughout the three known continents and the uncountable islands in the dozens of archipelagos between, doing everything in their power to disrupt distribution and turn public opinion against him... though the Image Finn has cultivated, that of a philanthropist who founded an entire guild based around healing people and teaching others how to heal more efficiently, is a tough nut to crack. On another Continent, a Sleeping Giant awakens, and the peaceful free-trade based balance of the world begins to tilt ever so slowly away from Finn's Favor...…

The Forge of Kings (A Man Made of Glass, Book 1)

The Forge of Kings (A Man Made of Glass, Book 1)

19,450 832 32

When Finnegan's Soul was plucked from the burning wreckage of his home in 1890's England and reborn in another Realm, he expected life to not be too frightfully different. He was still a Smith's Son, and though people looked a bit different, they spoke the same language as he, and their town didn't seem that different from his, so it shouldn't have been too terribly difficult to adjust!Until Magic got involved, that is.Through some odd coincidences and somewhat-helpful misunderstandings, Finnegan stumbles his way through life and adjusts to the new way of things, searching for the one thing that'll make everything alright, and make it all make sense again: Glass.…

An Anti-Hero's Origin

An Anti-Hero's Origin

3,898 247 16

Becoming a Villain to save the world sounds like a joke, or an excuse a Villain would give during a Monologue, but for Eric Fontaine, it's the truth; his people are dying, and he needs to do something about it... but the best methods to revitalize a civilization require a lot of destruction.…

Give me Back my Isekai!!!

Give me Back my Isekai!!!

2,954 127 9

Being given free reign to create a 'Character' with which to enter a New World is pretty much a Dream-Come-True for Miki; what self-respecting nerd wouldn't leap at the opportunity to go to a world of Dragons and Swords and Magic?!?Only, reality is often disappointing, regardless of what reality you're in... With Dragons and Vampires abound and a country on the brink of war, Miki has to make a series of serious decisions for what she plans on doing here in this new world.…

The Alchemist at Hell's Gates

The Alchemist at Hell's Gates

91,302 4,995 48

The Alchemist is considered the most useless of all the 5 classes offered in the Virtual World of 'Hell's Gates'(Warrior, Archer, Mage, Cleric, and Alchemist). Having little to no Combat Skills, and relying on real-world Chemistry Knowledge (a Lost art of sorts,) to make anything more than the most basic potions, they are very rarely seen past the first or second level, because most people change their class after seeing its uselessness. Still, this class allows Sam to spread her literal and proverbial wings as a Chemist and Inventor in a world where such a skill set is actually very valuable! Of course, with the rarity and value of their skills comes a plethora of problems, and most don't last very long at all, but Sam is determined, damn it! Hopefully, being stubborn and lucky in equal portions will be enough to survive and thrive in the world of Hell's Gates?(((Complete!!! Perhaps there'll be a Book Two if this gets enough attention???)))…

Seeing Is Believing

Seeing Is Believing

1,001 27 13

Zenobia Ålbåhth is an intelligent (and quite famously excitable,) up-and-coming Physicist with a professional interest and focus on currently-unexplained events; in other words, she describes how unexplained events work, though her understanding of physics, or she finds out how they work, then explains them. From the Bermuda Triangle to the Drowning Sands, her name is synonymous with two things: Progress and Annoyance. (She is *Quite*. *Famously*. *Excitable*.)Had Assam never met a Demon in their life, they would have been a happy person. Sure, humans were just as crazy and unpredictable, and sure, humans had the same capacities for Evil, but Humans were preferable, because most Humans didn't have *Magic*. Magic was the single-most irritating thing in any Demon-Hunter's line of work; more than the humans who didn't appreciate them, more than the lack of Family, (demon-hunting didn't exactly lend itself to settling down for a cozy life,) it was a Thorn in every single Side it could find. Magic, (specifically the Demonic Variety, not the watered-down, pathetic version that Demon-Hunters and Mages used,) was unpredictable, as it exacted prices that were not always understood... and sometimes those prices included turning entire Cities, along with their citizenry, to Dust.…

A Demon's Heart

A Demon's Heart

796 30 5

Being Summoned against his will to another realm with his sickly younger sister and a bunch of people from a bus he was riding wasn't really what Xi Long was hoping for when he wished to be 'anywhere but here', but maybe it's the universe's way of saying 'be careful what you wish for'.Forced to fight against demons and humans alike to keep his new family safe, he discovers a wild, intense, savage instinct inside of himself, that seems to match the various destructive thoughts he's had his entire life, but, like any sane person, an instinct he's never humored before. Soon, he'll understand what separates Humans and Demons, and maybe halt the war once and for all, either by defeating the Demon King... or something else entirely.…

A Prison in the Woods

A Prison in the Woods

1,158 29 7

Hagen's life was a series of ridiculous accusations, punishments, and eventual absolutions.He had never really done anything wrong, (except be mildly irritating, due to his pessimistic nature, which was not unfounded, and his ridiculous amount of insight into people's thoughts and emotions,) but he was the perfect Patsy. No one knew him, as he kept to himself, and those who knew of him thought of him as a quiet, private man who did not speak often; when he did speak, it was usually something incredibly insightful, to the irritation or chagrin or downright shame of whom he spoke. Mercy and Shame were emotions he lacked, and his insights often made others either jealous or paranoid of him, that he might reveal their deceits and falsehoods, and thus the endless stream of False Accusations that were eventually proven to be erroneous, though usually only after a good portion of the punishments for whatever crimes he'd allegedly committed.This time, however, he faces a Court that does not deal in Half Measures. There are no Prisons in the Woods.…

The Monster Mage

The Monster Mage

10,431 721 29

Victoria Holborn has a shadow looming over her head. She was born with it. It's been there all her life, and it's never gotten any easier to get rid of.With a Blessed Healer for a Mother, and a Blessed Craftsman for the other Mother, the first child actually Born on the Half-Mountain, She's expected to be Amazing. Always. Extraordinary, Grand, Awesome, Powerful, that and more is expected of her.But she's not a 'Blessed' anything. Victoria is simply seen as a young woman with a knack for crafting Magic Items and Magic Crystal Relics like her uncle James, though her real talent is the War Magic her aunt Medea teaches her when her mothers aren't looking.And, like all young women when told she CAN'T do something, not only is she going to DO IT, she is going to be the VERY BEST at it.…

Lost in Transit

Lost in Transit

3,274 194 31

Theodora was always the rough and tumble sort, to her father's chagrin, and being raised under the same roof as anywhere from six to eleven foster brothers at any given point certainly didn't do her any favors in that arena, but at the very least, she learned a healthy respect for Nature, and a perhaps unhealthy amount of Pride.But growing up has plenty of unforeseen side effects, like the removal of Naïvety, one harsh experience at a time, and the breaking of Pride, one failure at a time.In a way, getting lost was probably the best thing to ever happen to her.…