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Sometimes certain things seem destined from the very beginning. Breaking a leg in that spot, getting lost, or finding someone to spend the rest of your life with......or saving a city filled with crazy students where a shootout is the equivalent of a schoolyard scuffle and a grenade is a must-have school supply in every student's pencil case. Welcome to Kivotos, an academic city where students rule the entire place like it's their school. Order is maintained by clubs designated as school prefects, who can use weapons as they see fit. Others, for example, focus on healing the sick and wounded, some build inventions and vehicles, while others simply deal with the transportation of goods and people.Doesn't make any sense? I agree. Unfortunately, since I "became" a Gamer, many things have lost their meaning, and this isn't any different. Because what are the chances that the version of the world where you have your character would ask for your help?Small? Indeed.It's just too bad that I'm lucky enough for that to happen.My name is Bartłomiej Białas, a man torn from his home to become a GAMER and STREAMER against his will. And this... is the Youth Archive of my students.…