Magi: The Goddess of Hope [DISCONTINUED]

Magi: The Goddess of Hope [DISCONTINUED]

59,201 1,822 15

Five years after the war with Hakuryuu and Al-Thamen came to an end; the Kingdom of Sindria, the Kou Empire, the newly formed Republic of Balbadd, and the Leam Empire have been enjoying a tense but well-deserved time of peace. The Age of Exploration, as it would be known in the future, had arrived. The dawn of another age had risen, as the previous had sunk. As they go and explore unknown worlds and encounter new civilizations and races, there is a discovery of a deserted village within the deep, snowy forests of the Extreme North, beyond where the Imuchakk lay for thousands of years: A dead civilization with a dead language, and a strange temple with a crystal slab on an eerie, dilapidated arena. The Great Flow takes another turn as another sinister enemy approaches and the dungeon conquerors witness the awakening of a sleeping deity: The Goddess of Hope herself.{chapters marked with 💮 have been edited. The plot has been restructured, and some things will be changed, as well as a few pre-existing chapters.}{COMPLETE/Discontinued as of December 5, 2020}…



6,496 120 27

cualquier cosa que quieras saber sobre los signos del zodiaco, lunares y hasta solares... espero te guste leer este nuevo libro..…

Astrologia noastră

Astrologia noastră

575 0 4

...asta este pentru tine.…

Lilith, Alegeri Platite Prea Scump- Astrologia Ezoterica a Lunii Negre

Lilith, Alegeri Platite Prea Scump- Astrologia Ezoterica a Lunii Negre

1,462 2 6

Nu aş şti să vă spun altecva decât că LILITH este unul dintre detaliile care face mai posibilă cunoaşterea energiilor înconjurătoare. Şi este ultimul lucru care trebuie studiat în astrologie! Chiar dacă atenţia vă cade asupra ei "din prima", desăvârşirea informaţiei se face după un circuit întreg... după ce înţelegi zodii, planete, case, simboluri astrale, asteroizi. Nu înainte! Însă, nu este nici acel detaliu ce poate rămâne în urmă! Chiar dacă face parte din primul grad de atracţie, de curiozitate; chiar dacă au fost elementul cu care şi datorită căruia ai început să jonglezi cu astrologia, înveţi să o cunoşti numai după ce treci prin toate astea. Şi nu invers! E un proces!@ Otilia Mazilu…

E.N.D la eterna oscuridad

E.N.D la eterna oscuridad

73,773 4,119 25

después que todos los del gremio de fairy tail acabaran con los demonios de tartaros solo uno logro escapar todos avían acabado sus luchas excepto natsu quien estaba apunto de pelear contra zeref igneel le gano a acnologia pero como igneel se encontraba muy cansado se le escapo acnologia sin dejar rastro ¿que sucederá entre zeref y natsu? ¿como escapo acnologia? ¿quien fue el que sobrevivió de tartaros? -la imagen la copie y cambie para que se adaptara a la historia espero que les guste ahora sin mas a leer <3…



299 19 25

Quem são os filhos do vento, cujas origens, por muito tempo desafiaram os estudiosos e pesquisadores? Suas vidas cheias de liberdade, seus mistérios e seu encanto fascinaram as pessoas por todo o mundo, tornando-os personagens de lendas e aventuras povoadas de fantasia, música, rituais fantásticos, amores tempestuosos e heroísmo. Apesar disso, tudo que se escreveu sobre eles, em sua maioria, é cheio de enganos e contradições.…

Water's Light (Sting x Reader)

Water's Light (Sting x Reader)

262,710 6,300 20

{Completed} You are the water dragon slayer. The princess of a forgotten kingdom destroyed by Acnologia. But your also a member of fairy tail.After the 7 years you and the others were in a seal on Tenrou Islands Fairy Tail lost its title and you and the group had no other choice but to join the grand magic games.What happens when you meet Sting the light dragon slayer, who changes your life for the worst or best?…

Astrologia On no Google Sites

Astrologia On no Google Sites

4 0 1

Visite o Astrologia On no Google Sites…

FanPage Astrologia On

FanPage Astrologia On

6 0 1

Conheça a FanPage do Astrologia On no Facebook e saiba tudo sobre Astrologia, horóscopo, signos, mapa astral e muito mais.…

Wizard of the Wood

Wizard of the Wood

2,261 269 30

Essie remembers nothing of her past. What she does know is that she will never go back to wherever she came from. Known as the Sorcerer of Fanged Ridge, the giant among man lived as a hermit until she came across a someone who needed her help, a man named Rylir. After tending to his wounds, Rylir decides to stay for some time.While they live together, things begin happening which bring the recluse out of her sanctuary in the mountains and the forest and memories she didn't think she had begin creeping into the forefront of her mind. Will she be strong enough to face them?…

How To Be a Dragon (Mythological Dragons Crossover Part #1)

How To Be a Dragon (Mythological Dragons Crossover Part #1)

31,760 1,079 31

[Completed]After the Giant War, Percy Jackson had thought for his demigod life to be placed on standby. No more attacks from past enemies, no more prophecies to survive through, and no more near-death experiences whatsoever. During a surprise attack at Camp Half-Blood, Percy finds himself with two choices at hand: stay and survive through the endless waves of Greek monsters, or leave and save everything he loves. What he never would've predicted, is being transported into another dimension, transformed into a beast to shield him from his human appearance, and in great need to stop a war side to side with stubborn, hot-headed villagers and their "flying companions."Meanwhile, Hiccup Haddock the Third has critical problems at hand. Now knowing of the existence of a mysterious new Night Fury in the wake of Drago's attack against the Dragon Riders makes the young Chief-to-be question the reality of the Berkian's beliefs. The truth of it all comes down to an epic battle of demigods and fantastical creatures against a madman sought to destroy both Greek and Viking cultures, no matter the cost.**A How To Train Your Dragon 2 and Percy Jackson crossover.Highest Rankings:#1 in dragons#1 in Percy#1 in Astrid#3 in village#4 in Berk#5 in dragon#9 in gods#10 in water#12 in httyd…

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊

224 1 10

Natsu. Natsu dragneel, Was "Raised" By the chaos god of dragons Acnologia.[I am bad at summaries. but basically. natsu is raised by acnologia. P.S. lissana will not come back.](I understand that acnologia is in a way a human. BUT. For this fanfic let's pretend he was always a dragon. ALSO If you're wondering why natsu's last name didn't change. Well . He was y'know born with that last name. But he was given another last name by acnologia. "Dark soul." Cliche.)XNo ships- k!lling and swearing- Characters bashing- Happy isn't very loyal- Bad spelling - Extra fights will be cut out and replaced with natsu.…

Formula Racing Oneshots And Imagines Book 2

Formula Racing Oneshots And Imagines Book 2

962,543 17,250 193


Honkai Impact 3rd x OC: Let's Fight Beasts!

Honkai Impact 3rd x OC: Let's Fight Beasts!

26,692 827 18

Onyx Scale was a regular teen with a lower turned middle class upbringing who really didn't have any issues, until a honkai eruption occurred in his home town. He remained the only survivor and as a result developed a unique Stigmata, a certain self-proclaimed Cutiest Valkyrie visited him to give a place at her school for training Valkyries.…



1,316 148 10

Menino-Júpiter é um escritor bêbado que passa madrugadas escorado em um bar de uma casa noturna rabiscando confissões em guardanapos. Menino-Júpiter é um garoto, um moço, um homem que precisa desesperadamente encontrar o amor da sua vida. Menino-Júpiter é um espirito sagitário, uma alma velha num corpo jovem, que luta contra sua natureza selvagem e desvairada. Menino-Júpiter é Vincenzo, que aos seis anos tentou fugir de casa pra qualquer lugar do mundo, mas não tinha coragem o suficiente e voltou. Menino-Júpiter é Vincenzo que amou um homem, amou uma mulher, mas não se amou, no fim não conhecia ainda o amor. Depois de um termino Vincenzo se joga no clichê da vida, noites em bares e casas noturnas procurando em relacionamentos fortuitos um consolo qualquer, mas para quem já encontrou o amor da sua vida não há consolo algum em mais ninguém que não naquele que amou.…



47,978 1,822 37

Momos pedorros del zodiaco, sus cliches, ships y más ...spoiler, no dan risa…

The Apocalypse Dragonslayer (Fairy Tail x Male Reader)

The Apocalypse Dragonslayer (Fairy Tail x Male Reader)

879,060 15,010 75

In a land far far away is a kingdom known as Fiore, which just so happened to home to a young boy named (Y/N). When (Y/N) was just a baby, he was found by a dragon. This dragon took him under his wing and taught (Y/N) the most destructive magic of all. Apocalypse Dragonslayer magic.(A/N) also I don't own Fairy tail or any of the pictures I use in this story)…

Falling For My Exchange Brother | BOOK 1,2,3

Falling For My Exchange Brother | BOOK 1,2,3

571,354 26,245 80

"All I wanted for my birthday was a new car or maybe a few new pairs of shoes," I shake my head as I look at the thing they call a 'gift', "But no. You brought me a human for my birthday present." My parents smile, resulting in this person to smile too. Probably because he has no idea what we are saying and has the expression of what a child makes when they learn how babies are made. Dumbfounded. "You needed a brother. Right?" My father asks, patting this guys shoulder as he flinches at the touch. Even though he's a giant and looks like he has more muscle than me. "Yes, but I meant you two lock yourselves in a room and you get in my moms hatchback!" I explain, and my mom gasps at my words. Father chuckles, shaking his head. "Not at our age. Too old.""You're never too old to have sex. Tell that to Mick Jagger." I snort, and they shake their heads.#1 guyxguy ( 2-13-18 ) ✔️#1 exchangestudent ( 2-13-18 ) ✔️#1 boyxboy (2-22-21) ✔️…

The Dragon Princess

The Dragon Princess

20,759 176 62

Erza was the strongest female wizard in the guild one day when her team mates team together with jellal she met Eileen belserion which is her mother she told everything erza thought she was lying but then a friend of her mother named jane told the truth she told her that she was the dragon princess who was lost long time ago on that day all the dragon slayers we're risking their lives just to defeat acnologia the dragon king Jane says she's the only one who is capable of saving them using her magic power Jane ask her a favour of forgetting erza scarlet for a while and awakening the dragon princess erza belserion. She wore her crown and rule the ishgar which was taken away from their family when zeref and acnologia attacked them.…

My Mate (Natsu x Oc)

My Mate (Natsu x Oc)

46,606 483 7

-- !!DISCONTINUED!! --What happens if Natsu has a hidden mate/girlfriend? how will his guild mates react? Who is this girl? Also what happens if Natsu knows about his past with Zeref(and still loves him) and him dying and can tap into his etherious from at will? And the 400 year plain with the other dragon slayers? welp you find put in this shitty book hõha!…