Achieving Unbroken

Achieving Unbroken

20,945 1,279 60

Lilla Harris has a plan to help Jason Oakland.Is it unconventional? Yes.Is it the craziest idea she's possibly ever had? Somehow, yes. But if there is one thing she's good at doing, it's helping people. And if this plan proves to be a success, then it might be the craziest, but best idea she's ever had.Her only concern is falling for the broken boy. But that can be avoided... Right? Even if he falls for her first? -2ND PLACE IN THE PANTHEON AWARDS 20201ST PLACE WINNER IN THE SUNRISE AWARDS 20191ST PLACE WINNER IN TETRALOGY AWARDS 20191ST PLACE WINNER IN WATER AWARDS 20192ND PLACE IN THE CARNATION AWARDS 20191 OF 6 FINALISTS IN TEEN FICTION AWARDS 2018-"This book had been completely worth my time... it was different and super cute. Love the couple and how they developed into what they are today." [The PanTheon Review Shop, review by @LilySerenaSchreave]"This story was so, so, so beautifully written. I can't even begin to explain what a wonderful writer you are!" [Teen Fiction Awards 2018 Feedback]"Your writing style is impressive, you always had a way of drawing me in and yes, you did make me cry along with the characters." [The Water Awards 2019 Feedback from @WolfLoverLanna]"... your story is heartbreakingly beautiful and shines light on today's drug problem and what we all need to do to keep people of all ages away from it. It's one of my Wattpad favs" [@RD1730]"Achieving Unbroken is one of a kind. It's unique and different in its own way, filled with a lot of lot twists from the start to the end and keeps your expectations up for the next chapter." [Review from @arthurajiri + @writeread76]-COPYRIGHT 2019 BLUSH&BOOKSCover by @Ethereal_Solare…

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 1: A Peaceful Afterlife

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 1: A Peaceful Afterlife

20,129 503 18

Yoshikage Kira winds up in hell and, unsurprisingly, doesn't much care for it. With his new home totally incompatible with his preferred lifestyle, Kira is left with few options. But news of a hotel, one that redeems sinners, promises an alternative.Charlie Magne just wants to help her people, to help all lost souls in her kingdom, but her belief in the good residing within all souls will be tested like never before.…

Achieving Thermal Equilibrium | ac

Achieving Thermal Equilibrium | ac

591 39 21

AU where both Itona and Kayano initially worked for Shiro.They were just two kids trying to offset their grief with bloodlust, before realizing fighting ice with fire would never work.When Kayano agrees to let Yanagisawa maintain her tentacles, she never expected to meet a boy like her in the research facility, nor did she expect to befriend him. An Itona-Kayano friendship fic and character study.Written for Assassination Classroom Big Bang 2020!Warnings: Blood, minor violence, minor self harm, suicidal thoughts…

Achieving Light [Book 2 of Through Darkness and Light]

Achieving Light [Book 2 of Through Darkness and Light]

29,603 890 22

The war is over. Voldemort is dead, and slowly, his followers are being captured, and sentenced to life in Azkaban. But things are still dangerous, with the most notorious of Death Eaters still at large. Things aren't as well-off as the Wizarding World would like it.What's worse, they have lost their hero. Realizing that he was the seventh Horcrux, Harry sacrificed himself to destroy Voldemort, leaving his friends, family, and Inima behind. Draco is certain he is gone forever. But when a mysterious woman offers him a chance to bring Harry back, Draco knows he must do whatever it takes.But getting Harry back isn't the only thing he has to worry about. Eager for revenge, his aunt and father have teamed up to destroy him. And the darkness from Harry's past continues to haunt him. Will Draco succeed in bringing Harry back, only to lose him again?…

Achieving Greatness

Achieving Greatness

5,858 224 5

Harry Potter doesn't understand why Ron is being so opposing to Draco Malfoy, and he even feels bad for him. He agrees to Malfoy's offer to "find the right friends" and leaves Ron to his own devices. Harry, happily placed in Slytherin, certainly does create new friends but this house doesn't stop Voldemort from hunting down Harry. What will happen when they come face to face?…

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 2: Helluva Job

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 2: Helluva Job

1,538 48 8

Set in the same continuity as A Peaceful Afterlife.La Squadra have resumed business in Hell and quickly became the top of the professional murder racket. But now, they must complete a mission that will test their impressive skills to the limit.Blitzo, sterling boss that his is, gets his team in WAY over their heads.…

Achieving or Breaking (KNB story)

Achieving or Breaking (KNB story)

352,150 8,857 29

The GOM left Kuroko like a broken toy. 5 years later Kuroko was joying his normal life until he see the people he wasn't suspected to see.…

Achieving My Goals [A.M.G]

Achieving My Goals [A.M.G]

25,376 907 37

ARC I - INTRODUCTION"Your son is quirkless, ma'am. Or is he just a late bloomer?"Izuku Midoriya after being diagnosed as quirkless he felt his entire world shatter with just a couple of words, One day, He encountered the number one hero and his idol, All might and questioned him if it's possible to be pro-hero even though he was quirkless, All might answered the boy in the most honest way possible,"It is possible, although, it will be difficult without a quirk to help you but with time and dedication you will suceed." But little did All Might know the kid in front of him had a hidden quirk in him but just not ready to show it's potential.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED™…

Achieving My Love

Achieving My Love

26 8 5

yn a cute girl married to a handsome coldie who is trying to make him fall in love with her by weird but noice means…



1,193 63 5

- when a naboo senator meets a farm boy from tatoonie -Star Wars episode iv - vi Luke Skywalker x fem!octhehrtofnaboo - 2023…

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 3: Only the Results

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 3: Only the Results

7,268 189 28

Many things can damn a soul, be it willful malice or mere circumstance, everyone in Hell earned their spot in the afterlife. However, there are some cases where even the most vile, wrathful, and unforgiving denizens can only scratch their heads in disbelief and wonder 'did someone Up There make a mistake?'Moonchild is a gentle soul beset by monsters on all sides languishing in an afterlife not of his own making. One day, he meets the Princess of Hell and is sent down a road of self-discovery that could have lasting repercussions for the Infernal Plane.…



330 29 24

THIS WAS THE FIRST BOOK I EVER TRIED TO WRITE IT SUCKS, I'M SORRY //A WORD TO THE WISE: Do not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES call Lizzy by her full first name. She will go bat shit crazy. Okay that was an exaggeration, but you won't be getting off the hook easy. Lizzy was and average girl until something happened to her parents. And Her family won't tell her what. She started acting out and did something horrible. Then her 'rebel' phase ended and she made herself a 'good girl' again. But not for long. One night something happens and she goes rogue again. The time she has remaining in her hometown dwindles she does some naughty things to make sure people fear her fangs. She finds out what happened to her parents and gets herself into big, big trouble. Not that she cares of course.If she can make it out of the town alive her new master is going to teach her how to live, at night.…

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 4: Overdrive

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 4: Overdrive

680 31 17

The Saint's Corpse has been stolen. A peacekeeper slain. Hell is descending into true chaos. However, as Lucifer's grasp on power frays, a plan is in motion. Joseph Joestar, after a long and richly lived life, has passed away. And while his hero's path was rockier than most in his bloodline, he is ultimately deemed righteous... enough. Reunited with old friends and loved ones, Joseph prepares for his richly deserved and eternal reward. But, one's past is never idle, and sin is sin. Shifts in Heaven and the chaos of Hell soon conspire to unseat Joseph and send him on a mission of self discovery and redemption. With the help of old friends, new friends, and old enemies, can JoJo accomplish his mission?…

The art of achieving your goals
Achieving The Second Sight

Achieving The Second Sight

13 0 3

My experience and discovery of a world that has always existed around us.…

Tim Han's Top 5 Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Tim Han's Top 5 Tips for Achieving Your Goals

2 0 1

Setting and achieving goals is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and success. Tim Han, a renowned success coach, emphasizes the importance of clarity, focus, and perseverance in goal achievement. In this article, we'll explore Tim Han's top five tips for achieving your goals, providing you with practical insights to help you succeed in your endeavors.…

Achieving Perfection

Achieving Perfection

52 5 2

It's Hermione's 5th year at Hogwarts.. Her little sister, Elizabeth, can do hand magic easily which is unique so she is accepted into the school at age 7. Hermione and Elizabeth fight, and Elizabeth develops an eating disorder... And nearly loses her life, and Hermione does everything she can to save her. Takes place during the Order of the Phoenix..…

Achieving Greatness.

Achieving Greatness.

795 5 4

Hi! My name is aranomi, I am an eighteen year old who's very fascinated by the idea of creating fetish stories because for a long time doing fetish role-play has always made me happy! This is my first ever short story, and it is titled "Achieving Greatness" which follows the story of The Protagonist who is a high school junior jogging through the open fields of the forest in the middle of the night reflecting on their life so far and trying to motivate themselves to never quit.The following fetishes in this story will only be farting, sweat, burping, and it will have no NSFW at all!…

Achieving Your Dreams!!!

Achieving Your Dreams!!!

5 1 1

hey there, u lost/looking for motivation? read this! im sure your motivation will increase!!! if you ever feel like losing hope, open this. wanna get good grades? read this! and wanna get a scholarship to enter your dreams school? READ THIS!!! I hope this can help you achieve your dreams :) ilycreds=cover: canva templatetips: Parama Suteja, Maudy Ayunda, and Jerome Polin: 3 very smart and wise people from Indonesia!!!…

achieving dreams but result death