Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 4: Overdrive

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 4: Overdrive

729 43 18

The Saint's Corpse has been stolen. A peacekeeper slain. Hell is descending into true chaos. However, as Lucifer's grasp on power frays, a plan is in motion. Joseph Joestar, after a long and richly lived life, has passed away. And while his hero's path was rockier than most in his bloodline, he is ultimately deemed righteous... enough. Reunited with old friends and loved ones, Joseph prepares for his richly deserved and eternal reward. But, one's past is never idle, and sin is sin. Shifts in Heaven and the chaos of Hell soon conspire to unseat Joseph and send him on a mission of self discovery and redemption. With the help of old friends, new friends, and old enemies, can JoJo accomplish his mission?…

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 3: Only the Results

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 3: Only the Results

7,280 189 28

Many things can damn a soul, be it willful malice or mere circumstance, everyone in Hell earned their spot in the afterlife. However, there are some cases where even the most vile, wrathful, and unforgiving denizens can only scratch their heads in disbelief and wonder 'did someone Up There make a mistake?'Moonchild is a gentle soul beset by monsters on all sides languishing in an afterlife not of his own making. One day, he meets the Princess of Hell and is sent down a road of self-discovery that could have lasting repercussions for the Infernal Plane.…

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Side Story: Get Out Alive

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Side Story: Get Out Alive

309 32 29

Life as an orphan in Hell was never easy, but at Lady Belladonna's Institute for the Enrichment and Education of Dispossessed Hellborn Children day to day life is a constant grind of exploitation and indignity. However, a new hire at the 'Donna could well change things, not only for the children interred there, but for Hell itself.…

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 2: Helluva Job

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 2: Helluva Job

1,543 48 8

Set in the same continuity as A Peaceful Afterlife.La Squadra have resumed business in Hell and quickly became the top of the professional murder racket. But now, they must complete a mission that will test their impressive skills to the limit.Blitzo, sterling boss that his is, gets his team in WAY over their heads.…

Water Under The Bridge

Water Under The Bridge

8 0 4

Judy and Nick are wrapping up their careers as patrollers and moving up in the echelons of the ZPD. Not a moment too soon, as a seemingly open-and-shut case reveals a deadly conspiracy that could tear the megalopolis apart. Once again, Team WildeHopps must race against the clock against cunning old enemies and dangerous new ones.…

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 1: A Peaceful Afterlife

Achieving Heaven Through Hell Part 1: A Peaceful Afterlife

20,259 506 18

Yoshikage Kira winds up in hell and, unsurprisingly, doesn't much care for it. With his new home totally incompatible with his preferred lifestyle, Kira is left with few options. But news of a hotel, one that redeems sinners, promises an alternative.Charlie Magne just wants to help her people, to help all lost souls in her kingdom, but her belief in the good residing within all souls will be tested like never before.…