pizza♡cha eunwoo
"hey, do you think they'd deliver pizza here ?"°피자°차 은우°rip the title says eunwoo but i have him go by dongmin in the book ¯\_(ツ)_/¯…
"hey, do you think they'd deliver pizza here ?"°피자°차 은우°rip the title says eunwoo but i have him go by dongmin in the book ¯\_(ツ)_/¯…
Literally what the title says, it's a place where I dump my crappy art to share my pain of not being able to draw with the world.…
에이즈 ... 암 ... 사마귀 ... 성병 ... 성병 ... 결핵 ... 크라 미디아 ... 피자 무 ... 펩시 ... 그게 ... 우프 우프 ... 밀크 밀크. ..…
프레드피자의 메뉴, 가격, 창업 정보 등에 대해 알아보고 계시나요?프레드피자는 국내 피자 시장의 트렌드를 리드하는 브랜드가 되기 위해 시작한 피자 프랜차이즈입니다.단순한 한 끼의 식사를 넘어선 완벽한 한 끼의 가치를 채워 나가고자 하며, 고객에게 최상의 양질을 제공하고 그저 고가의 피자가 아닌 기본을 지키고 신선한 재료와 완벽한 맛을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.…
「ジョニー・ソマリ」の名前でインターネット動画を配信する「迷惑系配信者」で、牛丼店で大音量の音楽を流して威力業務妨害罪に問われた米国籍のイスマエル・ラムジー・カリド被告(24)に大阪地裁は10日、求刑通り罰金20万円の判決を言い渡した。 被告は配信動画で広島と長崎に原爆を投下するなどの発言をし、批判が広がっていた。 公判で起訴内容について「撮影したことは否認しないが音声は自動で流れたものだ」と述べていたが、安福幸江裁判官は、すぐに音量を下げることもできたのにしなかったと指摘し「犯行態様は悪質」として退けた。…
日本ケンタッキー・フライド・チキンは「40%OFFパック」を1月10日から2月13日の期間限定で販売する。 物価高騰や水光熱費の上昇などで節約志向が高まる中、値ごろ感を打ち出し需要を喚起していくのが狙いと思われる。 「40%OFFパック」は、「オリジナルチキン」3 ピースと「カーネルクリスピー」2 ピースを詰め合わせたもの。積上げ価格は税込1510 円で、これを税込890円で販売する。…
There are a few ways of eating it. You can just bite right into it. You can pick it up and eat it like a corn on the cob which was highly unattractive when I tried it but whatever. You can try to use a fork and knife if you're feeling classy. Or, you can ask for more buns and divide the stack into smaller burgers using those math skills you learned once.But you can't have a burger without a side. They offer fries, sweet potato fries, tater tots, and onion rings. Waffle fries are only available on the weekends and are a superior fry (don't @ me). Top it with some homemade cheese sauce or hit up their sauce bar and you'll have enough food to last you a week or two.Find it all at New York Burger Co. in New York code.cnn9…
米国などは9日、北朝鮮がロシアに弾道ミサイルを輸出し、ウクライナへの攻撃に使われたとして強く非難する共同声明を出した。 ロ朝の軍事協力は、欧州や朝鮮半島、インド太平洋地域など世界各地の安全保障に影響するとして、「深い懸念」を表明した。ブリンケン米国務長官=AP 声明には、日本や韓国、米英仏独伊、ウクライナ、豪州、アルゼンチンなど48カ国と欧州連合(EU)の外相が参加した。声明は、北朝鮮がロシアに弾道ミサイルを輸出し、2023年12月30日と今年1月4日のウクライナへの攻撃に使われたとして、「最も強い言葉で非難する」とした。 北朝鮮による武器輸出は、「ウクライナの人々の苦しみを増やし、ロシアの侵略戦争を支持し、国際的な不拡散体制を弱体化させる」と指摘し、反対を表明した。ロシアが北朝鮮製のミサイルを使用することで、北朝鮮が技術的・軍事的な知見を得ることになると指摘。「ロシアが武器輸出の見返りとして北朝鮮に何を提供するかを注視している」と述べた。…
Walking through East Village we saw how busy the place was. Pizza being passed through the hatch to some customers and the shop itself standing room only. A couple of minutes later, resting our legs, we're all enjoying the best pizzaFantastic, I do so love pizza and have eaten it all around the world. One of the best places was Beijing in 1985. Yesterday we had another great pizza this time in the East Village at East Village Pizza. Not being too hungry,I had a slice and my partner had two. Fabulous crust, not too thick or thin. Plenty of toppings without everything falling off. We are in and sat inside watching New York go by. Notes: great service, wheelchair accessible, kids will love it, dietaries can be catered for. Thanks everyone at…
"「ジョニー・ソマリ」の名前でインターネット動画を配信する「迷惑系配信者」で、牛丼店で大音量の音楽を流して威力業務妨害罪に問われた米国籍のイスマエル・ラムジー・カリド被告(24)に大阪地裁は10日、求刑通り罰金20万円の判決を言い渡した。 被告は配信動画で広島と長崎に原爆を投下するなどの発言をし、批判が広がっていた。 公判で起訴内容について「撮影したことは否認しないが音声は自動で流れたものだ」と述べていたが、安福幸江裁判官は、すぐに音量を下げることもできたのにしなかったと指摘し「犯行態様は悪質」として退けた。"…
Walking through East Village we saw how busy the place was. Pizza being passed through the hatch to some customers and the shop itself standing room only. A couple of minutes later, resting our legs, we're all enjoying the best pizzaFantastic, I do so love pizza and have eaten it all around the world. One of the best places was Beijing in 1985. Yesterday we had another great pizza this time in the East Village at East Village Pizza. Not being too hungry,I had a slice and my partner had two. Fabulous crust, not too thick or thin. Plenty of toppings without everything falling off. We are in and sat inside watching New York go by. Notes: great service, wheelchair accessible, kids will love it, dietaries can be catered for. Thanks everyone at…
70 Vanderbilt Ave, New York City, NY 10017What can I say other than we ate here three times in four days. The first night it saved us by providing dinner after a disastrous travel day. So many slice options and delicious fresh salads. The second day we went back for dinner because we waited way too long to eat and then had no interest in the fancy dinner we planned for. This night we discovered the chocolate cake. The next day my daughter had a left over slice for breakfast, but we ate a delightful dinner in Chinatown. After the pride parade on Sunday, we went back to grab a quick bite before our flight. Yes, there are tons of great restaurants in NYC, and we did enjoy fresh fruit in the parks. However, Selka and her crew were always so welcoming that it felt like checking in with friends each day. So yeah, we pretty much grocery shopped at Uncle Paul's. And I have zero regrets. Also, did I mention it's very reasonably priced? Tip the staff!…