"You idiot get up,"Tayeba spoke as soon as my eyes opened.
Morning isn't my forte in fact in my opinion they should give everyone who wakes up feeling fresh and enthusiastic , a noble prize.Thats an achievement, I'll never get to achieve.
"Arghh,"I said with an annoyance in my tone ,"Why do I have to wake up , having you as the first thing I see."
"Maybe I'm an angel taking you up to the sky, your times up, babes.Hell is waiting for you."
"Haha, you are the funniest person I've ever met.What would you like in return?" Sarcasm fluidly creeping from my insides and before I could answer the rhetorical question having more sarcasm come out at 7am in the morning, Tayeba responded with...
"I would like you to never touch any of my scarfs or clothes in general."I yawned as she continued ,"Why, you may ask?"I interrupted before she could say anything.
"But..but I didn't even ask why,"innocence came out from my voice.
"Sarcasm babes,if you can even spell it!"
"Actually I can S-A-R-C-," I felt a cushion hit me before I could finish.
"Ouch," I fake groaned, "don't have to be so violent.How do even get that much energy in the morning?"
"I have a University to go to, that is how.Now get your lazy ass up so you could go to School.Oh I'm sorry; hell because that is exactly where you belong!"
I closed my door ,scoffing, before making my way to school but someone's voice caught my hearing.
"Hey Areeba,"Reece said with a smile on his face."Moody again, are we?"
"Oh shut up."I rolled my eyes and noticed a faint smile appeared on my face by looking at his.
Reece has been living in my neighbourhood for a little over 6 years.He's the same age as me, making him go to the same school as me.I have a few classes with him such as German,French and maths
Our mums meeting up for the first time was a funny story.Basically my mum loves making friends with anyone...
And one day, 6 years ago my mum met his mum at a grocery store nearby.
His mum was picking up somethings for her new house which we later found out.And my mum couldn't find something she was looking for...I think it was cucumber, or was it capsicum?I don't know but what I do remember was that she was going through a faze of eating healthy food ; specially salads making the whole family follow her orders.
My mum being her friendly old self started a conversation which led up to Reece' mum asking for her number and address.They exchanged numbers and later on that month my mum told me that I needed to come with her to meet her new friend by visiting her house.
We literally walked two steps to the right of my house before my mum glanced at me and shouted out ," We're here!!"
I still remember that moment like a clear picture pasted in my brain-
"Helloooo??"Reece said, waving his right hand at front of me.
"Look I know I'm good looking and all and any girl faints when she sees me and I know for sure we would make a good couple but Areeba I really don't want to cheat on my girlfriend!"Reece teased with the same smile that was now beginning to look like a smirk.
"Huh?What are you taking about?"I asked him coming out of my thoughts.
"You've been starring at this face,"He aimed his finger at his face "...for the past, what 15 min or so."
"I mean I'm irresistible and stuff but this is too much , you are falling for me way too fast."
I walked out of my driveway quickly.Went up to him and smacked him on his forearm.
"You're ego can't be affected by anything, can it?"I looked over at him and saw him rubbing the spot with his other hand where I hit him.
"For a guy, you talk way to much!"
"Yep , she is still moody,"he smirked as we started walking to school."I'm guessing you haven't had breakfast well here you go,"he mumbled, proceeding out a Reece's bar out of his bag.
"I got you these, I know you love it."He wiggled his eyebrows which I returned by smacking him again and taking the Reece's bar off of his hand.
It was food, I just can't resist!
On our way to school we talked about a whole load of stuff.Obviously arguing at the majority of it.
At school, I literally waited for the day to end.Usually I get things done at school but today I couldn't.I couldn't concentrate.I couldn't do anything.
What was wrong with me?
And here I was fiddling with my fork.I just seem to lose all of my appetite.
I looked down at my phone which was sitting perfectly down, before spazing out just now.A notification appeared , I wrote my passcode which made it go straight into the DM:
SaniaF: YAARRRR is anyone free right now??🌚
SanaShaheen: Ello Ello🌝
A smile on my face confronted all of the worry I had today as I began to type:
AreebaS: HELLO!Hows it going my babies😌💙
And pressed send to have a notification appear again...
SanaShaheen: I'm eating so do not disturb me , okay?
SaniaF: What?What?What?Share some bruv!!
SanaShaheen: Umm no and what part of 'do not disturb' did you not understand?Hmmmm!!
And I tapped my fingers really fast to type so I could get a hold of this conversation.
AreebaS: All of it that's why we are asking you again!Now would you be a queen and tell us what are you eating?Please🙃
SanaShaheen: Neverrrrrrr!A magician never reveals their secrets.
SaniaF: What part of this includes magic, again?
SanaShaheen:The speed and amount that it's being eaten in!!!Duh!!Stupidoooo!!
HaniaB: 😂😂You lot need to chill and let Sana eat!!
AreebaS: Just wish we could somehow get rid of Sana from this group chat.Our lives would be get so simple 😏🌚
SanaShaheen: What you on about without me all of you would get bored AF!
SaniaF: Oh damn beef starting here!!!
HaniaB: ...Just like it does every time
SanaShaheen: You know what , ima go eat MORE until I find someone who loves me for MY LOVE OF FOOD!
AreebaS: okay bye!!Good luck.I have no hope tbh but Byeeeee 🙋🏽
SaniaF: 😂😂
HaniaB: Actually now that you lot have mentioned food I'm going to go get something to eat as well...
TayebaS: ok babes have fun.
AreebaS: Umm who invited you to this chat TAYEBA??!!
TayebaS: Areeba, dude seriously I've been right next to you for the past 20 min.And you being a dead soul that you usually are, didn't even notice.I had to join in somehow!
I looked to my right to find Tayeba grinning at me which I very kindly returned by giving her a death glare.
Sarcasm, obviously.
What are sisters for again.
I realised just by talking to somebody or in this case somebodies, your whole mood changes.Little argument that we purposely have just to make it all funny and all to have a good time.All of these tiny things makes so much impact, it's unbelievable.
I went to the kitchen to get something to eat because obviously when one of us gets hungry one by one all do.It's like our own little circle.A circle of life.
I grabbed an orange just before having my mum pop into by brain telling me:
Areeba beta eat more fruits.It's good for you.
I sat back down on the sofa where I turned on the T.V , I started peeling of the orange when I looked to my right seeing Tayeba being Tayeba, on her phone-
I looked down at my phone to see Tayeba pop into my notifications.When I clicked on it, it led me to the DM...
TayebaS: share the orange AREEBA!😌😑
Looking up from my phone I saw Tayeba smirking and before I could do anything, my phone pinged again.
CarlosTheWowman: Hola amigos what did I miss!!
Oh Carlos, she missed the beef.
Carlos is definitely my favourite character so far!How did you guys find the chapter.It was definitely fun to write and was a change from chapter 2 which was the complete opposite.But one thing to make clear is that this story won't just be 'funny' or just be about 'love' it will have sad moments and happy ones so hold on to it if you want a good ass roller coaster of emotions!
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