Chapter Twenty-Seven: Finding Out

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I open my eyes, and I can see. I look around the room, everything's the same as it was in the dream I just had. Everything seems vaguely familiar. The room is empty. No sign of Robert, or George for that matter. I rub my temples and attempt to stand. Shit! I fall straight to the floor, my knees too week to hold up my body. As if on cue, a nurse comes rushing into the room with a wheelchair. "You're awake?! My my, you are a tough one. It's been over a month! Here, sit in the chair." She helps me up and into the wheelchair. My legs feel wobbly, almost making me question if I'll walk at all. "So, can you tell me your name sweetheart?"

"'s Freya. Freya Connor," I answer, my throat coarse and dry.

"Right, and how old are you?"


"Yep, that's good. Your birthday is.."

"April Fourth."

"What's the last thing you remember before you just woke up?"

"Well I had this dream...I got told I was pregnant and had to wake up...'

"Right..." She picks up the patient folder and reads through my records. "Well it doesn't mention anything here. Would you like me to do a test? I think it's...highly unlikely, but we can double check." 

"Thank you. Have you seen my boyfriend? Has he come to visit at all?"

"Mr Downey is in California sweetheart-"

"No, George. Where's George? George Blake?"

The nurse looks at me confused. "There was never any mention of a "George Blake" Miss Connor. Mr Downey Brought you here after-"

"What happened to me? Why was I here?"

"I think Robert Downey would like to-"

"Robert Downey Jr," I say, correcting her.

"Sorry," she says before clearing her throat, her face going slightly red, "Robert Downey Jr said he would like to be the first one who spoke to you. I'll go and call him, let him know you're awake. Would you like me to take you outside to get some fresh air?"

"Yes please."

"Righty-ho then."

She wheels me outside the front entrance. It feels like the breaths I'm taking in even taste good. When the nurse leaves my side to go and call Robert, I wheel myself around a little. My arms get tired easily, but I admit, it was pretty fun, I felt like a kid in a racecar. After ten minutes, the nurse rejoins my side, and hands me a phone. I put it to my ear.


"Hey sleepyhead," Robert replies in his own sleepy voice, I can tell he's smiling. In my mind, I can picture the goofy grin upon his lips. 

"How's California?"

"Horrible actually. I miss you."

"Robert, what happened to me? The nurse told me that you brought me here..."

"Uh...I, uh...I'll explain when I get back. You having trouble remembering things hun?"

"Well, I guess so. I don't know what happened, the last thing I remember when I was conscious was me and you...well..."

"Well..?" He replies, that damn smirk again. I can just feel it.

"I think you know!"

He laughs smoothly. "Yes, yes. I know what you are referring to. I'm glad you remember that, my dear. Or we may just have had to recreate the moment."

I giggle, smile like the gorm I am and roll my eyes, not that he'll see that but anyway... "Was George there? At any point of the day? Or week or whatever..?"

"Freya...I, uh...I'm booking a flight for tonight. I'll be there by tomorrow, okay? I'll tell you everything you need to know," he replies, his tone more serious.

"Okay... What day is tomorrow?"

"It's Saturday tomorrow sweetie, I'll be there tomorrow. Get your rest, eat some good food, I'll see you soon."

"Wait...what time is it?"

"Here or there?"

"Both," I reply.

"Well where you are it's eleven twenty-one a.m. Here, it's three twenty-one a.m."

"So that's why you sound even more tired than me,"

"Well, some of us have had a month of sleep. That's practically hibernation."

"Oh shush. Go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow Robbie, rest up yourself. I don't want you falling asleep on me, I'm just about done with unconsciousness."

He chuckles quietly, "Okay princess. I love you..."

"I love you too." I say it instinctively, not even thinking twice. I'm supposed to love George. My bofriend. We both hang up...It seemed natural to Robert, is this what he's going to explain to me? That we're actually together? Oh my God, if I'm pregnant, is it his?! I guess that would be the logical explanation. But it was just once! Surely it's not likely?!

The nurse obviously reads my mind somehow. 

"So you wanna go do that test? I've got it sorted, I just need either a urine sample or a blood sample."

"Which is better? Which is the more accurate one?" I ask. I seriously have no clue about this stuff, I'm only twenty-two.

"Well a blood test might be more accurate, but a urine sample saves you having to be stabbed with more needles."

"Just do the blood test. I want it to be as accurate as possible."

"Sure thing, lets go." She walks behind me, pushing me down the hallways. I insist I'm okay to walk, but she's having none of it. She takes me into a seperate room and takes some blood from my arm. I clench my jaw and squeeze my eyes shut, but it's over in seconds. "It'll take about ten minutes or so, you may as well wait here."

I nod my head and stay sat in the chair, holding a peice of cotton wool to the injection spot in my arm. It feels like the longest ten minutes of my life. Just sat here, my legs tingling with numbness. I can't tell if it's from the month long coma or the not knowing what's gonna happen next. When the nurse enters the room, I take a deep breath and hold it in. She just looks at me blankly. "WELL?!" I scream, louder than I intended to.

"Miss Connor, you've been in a coma for over a month. When was the last time you had sexual intimacy?"

"Um...around Christmas. It was...wait...I think it was Christmas Day."

I thought Robert used protection? Or did he? I can't even remember.

"It seems you've got your very own Christmas miracle, Miss Connor. I don't know what gave you the idea that you were pregnant, but it was certainly a reliable source!"

"Wait so I'm..." my head feels like a balloon, all floaty and light.

"Yes, Miss Connor, you're pregnant."


"But I only had once?!"

"And was there protection used?"

"Uh...I don't know. I can't remember..."

"Miss do know who the father is, don't you?"

"Um...yeah, I think so..."

"Well you're about a month and a half gone..."


"Would you like to go back to your room? I'll bring you some proper food. Anything in particular?"

"Could I get some watermelon? And maybe some cheese and some peanut butter? And maybe a cup of coffee too?"

The nurse looks at me strangely. "You don't ask for much do you?" she says sarcastically. I shrug and she starts laughing. "I'll bring them to your room. Here, let me take you."

"No, it's fine...I can wheel myself."

"You sure?"


she nods her head and we both exit through the door. She turns left and I turn right. I actually quite enjoy this wheelchair. It tires me out, and I get that being permanently in a wheelchair sucks. I love having legs and I'm grateful for them, but it's kinda like riding a bike with my arms, only more fun. I get back in the room, and just about manage to shut the door behind me and climb onto the bed. When I lay down, my eyes start to feel heavy. I try my hardest to stay awake, this damn stomach needs food, but I can't stop myself from drifting off.

Funny; the amount of rest I've had and I'm tired after an hour of being awake. I dream again, except I can tell it's a dream this time. It's of some guy. He's with Ellie, hell, I ain't seen her in ages! And who's tha-


There's Robert, and Ellie, and some random guy and-

Oh my God he just hit Robert! He's on the floor and-

He's kicking him! And Ellie's SMILING. She's SMILING! What the-

"Shushhhh, shush it's okay. Daddy's here," The guy says as he takes a baby in his arms. I can't see the baby, it's wrapped in a white blanket. I see myself in the room. My own self, from another pair of eyes rather than my own. This 'other-me' standing in the corner, not pregnant as it seems. "Mommy's here too sweetheart," I say, walking over to the child. What? Mommy and Daddy? But who even is this g-

"Don't touch the baby you whore." The guy takes a gun and reloads it. Ellie takes what's apparently my child and holds it, leaving the man on his own. 

"Mike! Don't do this to my baby! NO!"

"It's not your baby, sweetcheeks, It's ours."

The gunshot. I feel a warmth in my stomach, and notice that my white shirt is soaked with a red liquid. I look back up at the guy, apparently called Mike. He's laughing, walking above Robert's unconcious body and holding a gun to his head. My eyes shut and I fall to the ground, all I can see is darkness. But I hear a second gunshot. 

I awake straight after the loud noise and sit up dead straight in my bed. I look at the clock, my whole body in a cold sweat. It's 9:24am. I throw my legs to the side of the bed, and very slowly stand up. I can stand, although my legs are wobbly as hell and feel like jelly. I look down at my tummy. There's a little baby in there. 

Wait a second...

That the dream...Mike...

I remember him from somewhere...

The movie premiere! Back in '03.

But why is he in my dream? 

And more importantly, why was he the father of my child?

I lay my hands over my stomach and stroke it softly. 

Robert's POV:

I'm finally here. I can be with her again, see her emerald eyes open and hear her soft voice, and it's all for real! I walk up to the door and peer in through the small window. She's standing with her back to me, but I knock on the door and walk in. She swivels round on her feet to see me, and almost collapses in the process. "Woah, careful there," I say whilst catching her in my arms. She smiles at me. Her beautiful smile...

"Hey Robbie!"

"I have missed you so much! I love you baby, I can't believe I survived this long without you!"

"I've missed you too! Although...I've been...asleep..." she drifts off, I start to chuckle at her silly little ways. 

"Hey, I got you a little present!"

"Woo! Lemme see it!" she yells excitedly. I reach into the bag and take out the small gift I got for her.

"Here, it's a mini me!" I hand her the mini Iron Man action figure and she giggles.

"N'aw look, it's an actual sized model," she says smirking, before placing it on the table beside her bed.

"Hey!! That's not fair! You're way shorter than me shortass," I answer, faking a hurt expression.

"Okay, okay, you have a point."

"Sure as hell I do!" She nods her head and chuckles a little more, but she's thinking about something. Oh God, please don't tell me you've remembered Freya... "Babe?"

"M-hm?" she replies, fading out of her daydream.

"Whatcha got on your mind?" I ask, placing my hand on her shoulder and squeezing comfortingly. She sighs before replying.

"Robbie, I have to...uh...I have to talk to you..." Holy crap, this is serious.

"Oh my God. What is it?" I ask, panic-stricken by her statement. Damn, what could it be?

"I'm...well I'm kinda..."

"Come on Freya, spit it out..."

She takes a seat on the edge of her bed. "You may wanna sit down too," she says. I take a seat next to her and hold both her hands. 

"Well? I'm not getting any younger Freya, I'm a big boy, I'll handle it. Just say it, sweetie. Just tell me."

She nods her head and looks away from my face and down into her lap.

Freya's POV:

Just as I'm about to get all teary and cry for no apparent reason other than being pregnant, I hear the door open. I turn around to identify my visitor and almost fall to the floor in the process. I feel a strong pair of arms around me, holding me up. It's Robert!

"Hey Robbie!" I scream. He looks a good. He looks real good. His neatly trimmed goatee, and perfectly styled brown hair. He's basically born of God. He was created by God to play the role of Tony Stark. You know? Kinda like Jesus, the Messiah, was born to save the world. Well Robert's the Iron Messiah. He is Tony Stark. His muscles are a LOT bigger, I guess he had to work out for Iron Man 2. I can even see them through his grey sweater. And his ass, either it's grown twice as big or he's been doing squats. It looks sexy as ever! Maybe I just forgot how big it was, I guess that makes sense.

"I have missed you so much! I love you baby, I can't believe I survived this long without you!" I smile, but knowing I have to tell him about me having a baby inside of me, it's worrying the hell outta me.

"I've missed you too! Although...I've been...asleep..." I start laughing and he joins in with me.

"Hey, I got you a little present!"

"Woo! Lemme see it!"

"Here, it's a mini me!" He hands me a small action figure. Obviously, it's Iron Man.

"N'aw look, it's an actual sized model," I say before laughing at my own hilarious self and placing the action figure on my bedside table.

"Hey!! That's not fair! You're way shorter than me shortass," he replies.

"Okay, okay, you have a point."

"Sure as hell I do!" I nod, but shiver when I remember what I have to tell him. Do I really need to? I mean I'm not even sure if- "Babe?"

"M-hm?" I snap out of my daze and look back at him.

"Whatcha got on your mind?" Dang it, now he's caught on. This is why he's the one in front of the camera and I'm behind it. I'd be a terrible actress.

"Robbie, I have to...uh...I have to talk to you..." I quiver, not knowing how to approach breaking this to him.

"Oh my God. What is it?" His face goes pale and his eyes widen. 

"I'm...well I'm kinda..."

"Come on Freya, spit it out..."

I sit down on the edge of my bed, being stood up is really making me feel tired. "You may wanna sit down too," I suggest. He sits next to me, his face having regained slightly more colour. He takes both of my hands in his and squeezes them lightly. 

"Well? I'm not getting any younger Freya, I'm a big boy, I'll handle it. Just say it, sweetie. Just tell me."

I can't look at him. What if he hates me? I have to, he has to know.

"I'm pregnant."

He doesn't reply with a single word. I can see his eyes beginning to water. It sure doesn't look like tears of happiness. He lets out a huge breath, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Who told you that?" he questions, his tone flat and his eyes focused on something far, far away.

"Well, actually you. I had a dream and you told me I was pregnant. Then I woke up and the nurse did a test. I'm having a baby. I'm having our b-"

"No no no no no no..." he repeats, getting up off the bed and sliding down a wall with his hands in his hair. He buries his head in his arms, and I can hear him mumbling something to himself between sobs.

"Robert! Say something! I can't help it! Did you use protection?!"


"THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM?!" I scream back, tears beginning to stream down my face.

He stumbles to his feet and falls on his knees in front of me. His cheeks are blotchy and his eyes are red. Did he really not want a kid? That's his own fucking fault!

"I love you baby, you know that, right?" He holds my hands again.

"Well you're not doing a great fucking job of showing it!" I yank my hands away and repeatedly hit him in the chest. He doesn't move or flinch. Only pulls me closer to him, holds me. I can't fight back, he's too strong. I give in and allow him to hold me. 

"I love you, and I'll love this baby too okay."

I nod and we both lie down together on the hospital bed. We spoon for what feels like hours. He occasionally strokes my hair softly, but mostly he just wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. 

Robert's POV:

What the hell am I supposed to do? I knew I was wrong for not using protection, but if I had...I'd know for certain the baby was Mike's. Sam's. Whatever the fuck his real name is. I'm just clinging onto hope. There's a fifty-fifty chance it's mine. Maybe more. I mean, he only raped her for a short time, he might have pulled his tiny dick out before his seeds were released. I didn't. I'm ashamed, I didn't ask her if she wanted to...well... She's fucking twenty-two years old! How could I be so damn stupid?! I pray to God it's mine. I love Freya more than my own life, I'll never leave her. No matter what.

But the kid?

It's just gonna be a reminder every single day of my life that I failed to protect Freya. I should have been there. Fuck. I should have BEEN. THERE. Should I tell her? She has a right to know whose child might be inside her. I just don't want her to remember. I don't want her to know what happened to her.

I want her to trust me when I say "I'll keep you safe." Would she trust me? If I told her the truth? You know what, I don't care if she'd trust me or not. I love her, and if it means I have to win her all over again, then let it be. She is the only one I'll ever want, the only one I'll ever love. No matter what I try telling myself, I know it's true.

I'll tell her.

I will.

I just have to wait for the right time...


But how could there ever be a 'right time'?

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