Chapter Twenty-Eight: I Remember.

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*Three Weeks Later - February 7th 2010*

She's been home for a week, and damn did it feel good to have her back. I had to put the Iron Man 2 stuff on hold, but there's not really anything else to do now except wait for it to be edited up and released. All is down to the crew, my work's mainly done. It's due to be out around late April time, in a couple of months or something. I want Freya to come to a load of premieres with me, but we'll have to get the all clear from her doctor. She hasn't remembered the thing yet. Although she said she's been getting nightmares about that peice of shit, and even though she can never remember what happens, she wakes up clinging to me for dear life. It takes about an hour for her to fall asleep again, and sometimes even longer for me because I'm worried she'll wake up again. I asked the nurse about doing a paternity test, but she said there'd be no way of doing it without Freya knowing, and she'd have to give consent. I hated feeling like I was lying to Freya, but I wasn't exactly lying so much as hiding the full truth. She's started remembering a lot more things. Some stuff even I'd forgotten. It's only a matter of time, and I'll help her. The son of a cock loving whore went down for what he did to my girl. He got about 25 years inside because apparently he's got previous convictions or something. That's a disappointment if you ask me. He deserved the death penalty - but apparently they don't do that here in stupid England. Instead he lives on behind bars, wasting oxygen and wasting space. "Good morning princess, you want some breakfast?" I ask as sleeping beauty herself opens her eyes and awakens. We're staying back at her place, the no-stairs is kind of a perk when she's been out of it for just short of two months.

"Hmm yeah, can we go out somewhere? I'm bored of being at home," she replies, stretching her arms out.

"Sure, lets go to Starbucks, I'm in need of caffeine. A lot of caffeine." She chuckles and nods her head with understanding. Put it this way... We didn't sleep much last night. After the terrifying past few months, it felt like being reborn. The love, and the passion... the fire, it's back. Although it never exactly left, just did a good job of hiding underneath the layers and layers of shit that we've have in the past. But damn was it spectacular.

"Yeaaah, me too," she giggles. I roll my eyes with a smile on my face and lean over to press my lips onto her forehead. I slide out of the bed and strut to the en-suite bathroom.

"If you wanted to stare at my ass, you coulda just asked" I say sarcastically, not looking back at her reaction, before turning into the bathroom. I hear her laugh and I smile to myself in the mirror.

"Shut up, Tony- oh sorry, I meant Robert!" she yells.

"Tony or not Tony, I have boo-tay and you love it," I reply, slapping water and shaving gel on my face, "But don't worry, because it's allllll yooouuurs!" I feel a pair of small arms wrap around my waist as I begin re-shaping my Stark goatee (hell, may aswell make use of my Iron Man 2 facial hair while I can right?)

"I love you Robert," she says, kissing my bare shoulder. I turn to face her and stroke the hair out of her face.

"I love you too sugarpuff," I answer, before giving a quick kiss on the lips and smiling.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure thing, shoot."

"Why didn't you want this baby? Why do you always opt out of talking about any of it?" She looks me dead in the eye, a questionable expression to her face.

"I...uhhh..." I clear my throat. Well I guess the day would come. I guess I just didn't want it to be this soon.

"What aren't you telling me?" she asks, sternly but calmly.

"Guess I have a lot of explaining to do huh." She nods her head slowly and steps back a little to be closer to the same level.

"I'm starting to remember things Robert, I'd prefer if you told me what happened to me than me to remember totally out of the blue."

"Yeah, I hear you. It's just-"

"Tell me Robbie," she says softly, taking my hands in hers and squeezing gently.

"You remember Mike?"

"From the premiere, he was on the crew for Gothika, yeah. I mean, how could I forget that bastard." I tense up at the image of what I saw in the bathroom. Her on the floor, helpess. Drugged.

"Right well, he was here." She nods slowly, but is obviously very puzzled.

"Can I ask why?"

"He came here with Ellie, your old high school pal. They were together or something, or so they said."

"M-hm. So he was here, with Ellie?"

"Not here here, we went to mine because my rented place was bigger. Ryan and Emma were there too."

"Yeah, I remember them both being there," she sighs lightly, "none of this explains how I ended up in hospital."

"Well Mike, claimed to be called Sam Chambers. He got sent down for the bodily harm of a cop and attempted rape back in the US, because of what he did to you." Her eyes widen and she nods but gestures for me to continue. "He came here..." I sigh and reconsider my words. "He came to find you. He blamed you for him being locked away...he came...he get what he couldn't get before..."

"He raped me?!" she screams. I nod slowly looking at the floor, being too ashamed to look her in the eye. "But why was I in a coma?!"

"He," my voice cracks and I clear my throat. "He drugged you. He drugged you a lot."

"Where were you?" she asks softly. She doesn't blame me. How wrong she is.

"I was sorting stuff out with the estate agent to get our new house sorted. We were supposed to be flying to the US the next day-"

"We have a new house in the States?" she questions, a surprised tone to her voice. I smile subtly and nod my head. "So we couldn't go...because I was in hospital?"

"Yeah." I rub my eyes with my finger and thumb and take a deep breath. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I shouldn't have left you here with him. I shouldn't have...I wish I'd... I'm such a dick...I...I love you Freya. I love you so much. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." I feel my eyes start to water and my voice begins to crack. It's silent for a while. I'd have sworn she'd left the room had she not been holding onto my hand tightly. She inhales deeply. I open my eyes to look at her, her eyes are glistening with unfallen tears. She laughs slightly, causing me to frown in confusion. Last time I checked, this wasn't a funny matter. She strokes my cheek with her one hand and squeezes my hand with her other. She lets out a deep breath before speaking quietly.

"Robert...Downey...Junior," she begins, another soft chuckle as a single tear falls from her beautiful eyes. "I love you. I remembered what George did to me. Last night, when we..."she looks down, " know..." I nod my head as she looks back at me. "I remembered about Germany, about the other woman. I remember my mom...passing away. I can't remember Mike coming, but I know for sure you'd have been there for me if you could have-"

"But I should've-"

"Shhhh," she places a finger to my lips and runs her other hand through my messy hair. "Every other time I needed you, you were there. If you weren't, you came as soon as you could-"

"But your dad-"

"He couldn't be stopped. That's not your fault-"

"But I could've-"

"Robbie?" I blink and stop talking. "Shut your damn mouth and kiss me." I smile and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Now that, that I can do." I close my eyes and shut out the world. I kiss her softly, forgetting half of my face is covered with shaving foam. She laughs into the kiss as her face is covered in foam. She's pregnant. Whether it's my child or not my child, it's hers. It's starting to show slightly. She's only two months, but when you know every curve and every crevice of her body as well as I do, you can tell. I place my hands on her tummy under the shirt she's wearing - which just so happens to be mine. She smiles, looking down at my hands.

"It's still has a good chance of being yours you know," she says, intertwining her fingers with mine over her warm skin. My smile drops and I look up at her.

"W-" I have to clear my throat to get any words out. "What do you mean?" 

"The chances of conception after rape is small, it barely happens."

"B-but how? Sex is sex-"

"Making love, Robbie, it's not the same. Those chances are a hell of a lot higher than forced sex. Believe me, I know."

"Yeah but-"

"But..." She looks at me blankly. I shut my mouth, but inside my mind is screaming out a hundred thoughts all at once. I simply smile, nod my head and wipe a smear of shaving foam on the end of her nose. She giggles like a three year old. I still can't believe how much she's matured since all those years ago, sometimes I find myself inspecting every tiny detail. She's no taller though, which is a good thing. She's the perfect height for me to just grab her and powder her forhead with kisses if I feel like it - which, might I add, I have done before a dozen times.

Freya's POV:

Should I tell him? Should I tell him that I did in fact remember Christmas? For some reason, I don't feel sad or angry or...well, anything at all. I don't feel anything. It just feels like something happened, and I can't change that. I already made an appointment to find out if Robbie is the father or not. It's two weeks away. He was so torn, I can't believe he thought I'd blame him for any of this. None of it is his fault. There's not many things I can't recall, except the house, I don't remember that, but I'm sure I will. After leaving Robert to finish shaping up his Stark facial hair in the bathroom, I get changed in the bedroom. It's getting to that horrible point where I'm forced to squeeze into my skinny jeans. Nothing worse can knock a girls confidence than being too fat to wear clothes you've worn for years. I'm not even that big yet, I'm dreading six months down the line. I throw on a pair of faded Hollister jeans and an old navy blue sweater, and ruffle my hair around a little to make it look somewhat better. After applying mascara and slipping a pair of black vans, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Stark- I mean, Robert comes out of the bathroom with a towell around his waist, and wet hair sticking out in all directions, his trimmed goatee looking perfect and not a hair out of place. "I'll wait for you in the living room."

"Okay babe, I'll be ready soon. Five minutes tops," he replies, letting the towell fall to the floor just as I turn the corner. I can't stop myself from catching a quick glimpse of that ma-hoo-sive butt he has. I see him smirk as he catches me spying. "Like I said, you just have to ask..."

"Shut up!" I yell, pretty much sprinting down the hall and into the living room. That's what I love about him. Us. What we have. We haven't even put an official title on an 'us' yet. I guess we both know what we're doing, without the need to talk about it. It's the best thing ever that we can have the most serious and emotional conversation ever, and then move on from it and be all fun and jokes again within the same hour. I guess that might be why we never really argue. The only argument we've ever really had was the one at the hospital, after I told him I was pregnant. But that doesn't count, because neither of us knew what we were saying. I'd just had world's longest nap, and he'd just flew back from work, so the situation was pretty much critical. Even that blew over in a couple of hours. It's literally like we're made for eachother or something. Right now it's falling under the or something category. I don't know what to believe. I want the little living thing inside me to be his, more than anything. But am I ready for a child? If it's Robert's or not, am I really ready to take on such a huge responsibility? I'm not even married yet. Neither is Ryan and he's older than m- OMG he was supposed to propose to Emma! I can't believe I haven't asked him. I've seen him twice in the past month. Once in the hospital, and once last week when he decided to pay me a spontaneous visit. I have to call him later! I take a seat on the edge of the couch and flick through the channels on the TV. Nothing interesting is on, but I do, however, see a small trailer for Iron Man Two. I hear footsteps on the floor behind me, and crane my neck one hundred and eighty degrees to the right. "Your movie looks good," I say casually as he plonks down beside me. "Okay, since when did we dress up all fancy to go to Starbucks?" I ask while he ties up a pair of brown, leather - and seemingly very expensive - shoes.

"Babe, I just finished Iron Man Two, I don't wanna be caught looking like I rolled out of bed in public," he says with a smile.

"Well if you'd warned me, I might have made a slight effort." He looks up and frowns slightly. I continue nonetheless. "Now I'm gonna look like some bag of crap clinging to your arm, all the hot girls are gonna be laughing at the fact that The Big Robert Downey Junior is dating some ratty piece of shit-" I'm cut off as his lips crash onto mine. He pulls away when my shoulders have finally relaxed.

"You know, sometimes people go on and on, and they reach a point where they should just shut their mouthes," he says raising an eyebrow and half smiling. I roll my eyes. "You look beautiful in anything and everything," he adds, kissing me quickly on the end of my nose. "Although, wearing nothing is preferable..." He winks and a huge grin spreads from one ear to the other, earning a hefty slap on the upper arm from me. He shakes his head whilst his body jigs up and down with laughter. "I'm serious though. 'All the hot girls' can back away, 'cause I don't want any of them. I want you, my" He looks at me hopefully. Is he asking...? What I think he's asking?

"I love you," I whisper. He closes his eyes and nods his head with a smile. "Now let's go get some coffee, otherwise I'm gonna fall asleep on you. Heck knows when I'll wake up next time!"

"Hey! That's not funny," he says with his adorable puppy eyes. "If you ever sleep for more than nine hours in one night, I'll pour a bucket of water over you. You're forbidden to leave me for that long ever again." We stand up in unison, and he clasps my hand, lacing our fingers together. He holds his hand behind his back and leads the way to the door. After grabbing the keys - and also a beanie and sunglasses for Robert to disguise himself with - we're in the plush leather seats of Robert's beautiful Audi R8 on route to Starbucks. Boy does this dude drive like he's insane or something. It's like a flip-switch into Tony Stark mode when he's sat in the driver's seat. When we arrive - thankfully in one piece - Starbucks is fairly empty. I ordered a simple mocha, while Rob ordered something extremely fancy; I can't even remember what it was called. We sit down at a seat near the window and drink up. Feeling wide awake, we decide to take a stroll around a supermarket which is only a short walk away. The weather is pleasant enough, and we needed a few gorceries anyway.

"No, Robert, we don't need it!"

"But c'mon! It's the best thing ever!!" He holds up a mini-sized shirt that has the Arc Reactor in the center. It's adorable, but it's way too early for baby shopping. "Look, it even has itty-bitty shoes to match!" he exclaims, holding up some little iron man boots, his eyes widening with excitement. I chuckle and shake my head. 

"Fine. We can get it." He jumps up and down like a teenage girl and drops them in the cart.

A hundred billion shopping isles later, we're finally checked out. After battling with the paparrazi umpteen thousand times, we're back in the car, safely seated behind tinted windows. Seeing as I'm already worn out from all the walking, we decide to go straight home. Just as we're about to walk through the front door, Robert gets a phonecall. "Hello?" he say, regular protocol when answering a call. His face turns pale all of a sudden, and he drops the phone, sending a crack across the screen. I drop the shopping in the hallway and leap to his side.

"Robbie? what's wrong? What's happened?" I squeeze his hand and look deeply into his chocolatey eyes which are staring into space. I shake his shoulder slightly. He swallows a lump in his throat, making his adams apple move up and down nervously. "Robert! Talk to me! Hun, what's happened?!" I scream, his state of terror making me more and more anxious by the second. 

"It''s Susan..." he mutters before clearing his throat, his brows forming a small crease inbetween them.

"What about her?"

"She's...she's...She was..." He looks at me, as if questioning me what the hell is going on. "She just gave birth."

"And why's that such a big deal?" I ask, puzzled.

"Nine months and her...we...we were...together..." his voice cracks. "I...I can't believe she didn't tell me..." 

I squeeze his hand, desperate to be there for him when he obviously needs me. But inside, my walls are collapsing. His ex-wife...Robert's ex-wife just gave birth to his child. Meanwhile, I'm bearing a child which might not even be his. 

What the hell am I going to do?

He probably still feels something for Susan. Heck, they share a child now. 

Where does that leave me?

I'm the outsider.

"Come on Robbie," I say reassuringly, but inside I'm falling into a deep pit of nothingness, "lets go inside and talk." He sniffles and nods his head.

Here goes nothing.

OMG I KNOW IT HAS BEEN LITERALLY FOREVER. Okay, maybe not literally but metaphorically at least. 

It feels like ages, and I thought it was about time to update. For anyone who wants to know, yes the child is Exton Elias Downey, and yes I do know he was born in 2012 and it's currently set in 2010 but hey ho, my story my rules right? :') (:


Thanks for sticking with me for this long!! I'll pre-warn you chapter 29 may be a bit of a filler, whenever I decide to update it (hopefully soon), because I want Chapter 30 to be some sort of special-celebration-for-making-it-so-damn-far, or something like that anyway. It should be good.

Should be.

Guess it's your opinions that count!!


P.S go watch the Judge! It's not released in England until the 17th (because England sucks) but I've heard so many good reviews about it. Hopefully it'll be the one to give Downey the Oscar he deserves!

(If there was any mistakes, I apologise. It was slightly rushed. I'll make changes if I spot any(: )

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