What on earth has he done to me?
"love you babe."
"love you too."
George waved goodbye before quickly leaving the house for work. I had to leave in another hour or so. His job is quite boring really, at least I think so. He's some sort of journalist, but he never really gets given the juicy gossip. My job is kinda half way in between my Mom's passion, and my Dad's. I'm an artist of some form, but I do makeup art in movies. I enjoy it quite a lot, considering I never really wasn't a movie person. I'm just starting work on a new movie, called Sherlock Holmes. I heard it's meant to be good, but I haven't been told any of the cast yet, which is quite annoying really. I heard there's meant to be some pretty big stars playing in it. We find out today, so for once, I'm looking forward to going to work.
After guzzling a third cup of coffee, styling my curly hair into a messy bun, and throwing on my plain work clothes, I'm out the door and on my way to the studio. It's always quite thrilling to meet a new cast, see new people, work in new sets. You kinda become attached to the movie like it's real. When I'm parked up and enter the building, there's already people busying themselves with everything, whizzing past me with extremely hazardous props in their hands. When I find my workspace, I sit down and let out a sigh of relief. God is this gonna be a hard first day's work.
"Freya Connor? Freya! Where the hell are you?"
"Here!" I squeak, worming my way through a couple dozen people, now forming a circle around Guy Ritchie. Guy, he's nice really, a little strict on the rules, but for a director, not too bad. He's the only one I've really spoke to since realising I was on the job. When I've finally reached the front of the crowd, he looks at me and smiles whilst sighing with relief.
"Freya, I'd like you to meet our producers. This is Joel Silver." He gestures to a tall and quite large guy, he's smiling, and holds out a hand.
"You can call me Joe."
"Freya," I answer, shaking his hand.
"This is Lionel Wigram, he's the man with the bright ideas about the whole thing." A man on my left holds out a hand. He's a LOT taller than my petite frame, with blue eyes and greying hair.
"Freya, it's lovely to meet you."
"You too Sir. A pleasure_"
"Please, call me Lionel."
I shake his hand and nod, but I'm already being offered another hand to shake. "Dan Lin, nice to meet you."
"Pleasure's all mine!"
"So that's Joel, Lionel and Dan. Susan, where are you?"
"I'm here!" I hear a small squeak as a hand raises into the air. When she stands before me, I instantly recognise her. How could I be so stupid? Of course she was one of the producers!
"We've already met," Susan said, turning to Guy, then facing me again, "Freya, isn't it?"
"Yes," I smile and shake her hand anyway, "Susan, it's great to see you here. How's Ro_"
"Robert's doing just fine, how is Freya?" I roll my eyes and can't help but smile, as he slings an arm lazily around my shoulders. Susan smiles and rolls her eyes at Robert too.
"Robbie! What are you doing here?" I ask confused. I mean, I know producers are allowed family, but I thought he'd be busy doing his own thing.
"I'm Sherlock Holmes! D-uh!" He throws his hands out to the side, making his posture literally speak the word 'obviously'.
"Wow! I'm going to be putting makeup on your fine ass face huh? Well that's a pleasant surprise," I chirp excitedly, although I think I got a little over the top, Susan is kind of questioning me with her eyes. Is that even possible?
"Well you'd better believe it," he says, letting his arm drop and hang by his side before turning to Susan. "Susie honey, they want you over there," he gestures to a corner where a small group are gathering, "to talk some fancy stuff over. I don't know, I'm only the lead actor." He winks at her, and I can't help but laugh. She tuts, but doesn't back down when he puckers up to give her a peck on the cheek. I smile and see him watch her as she walks away.
"You and Susan! Match made in heaven or what?"
"Yeah, she's great. I can't believe I found her, like, she was godgiven or something. I've been through dark places. When you left, I...uh...she picked me up off the floor. She's amazing." I can see him twiddling his thumbs again. He's nervous? He always does that when he's nervous. Why the hell is he nervous?
"Robbie, are you okay?"
"Yeah, of course."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive my dear," he says, swallowing and letting his arms fall to his sides. "How have you been? Why haven't you called?"
"I'm sorry Rob, I have been really busy." I just repeated his second question in my own head, asking myself. Why didn't I call Robert? I still had his number, I only had to ring. What was stopping me?
"You know, you'd make a terrible actress Freya." He shakes his head and sighs a little.
"Oh, well thanks Robert!"
"Don't ever attempt to get yourself out of any kind of situation by lying, you'll fail miserably."
"I have been busy! I know I should have called, I just, I didn't get round to it."
"What did I just say about lying?!"
"Okay, okay! I don't know why! I just didn't! I swear, I was planning on doing it_"
"Make it up to me, lunch today at twelve thirty, no ifs or buts."
"But what if we_"
"Damn Freya, how the hell'd you manage to use if and but in the same sentence?!" He places a finger and thumb to the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes, shaking his head again with a sigh.
"Fine. But if we get screwed, it's your fault," I say, folding my arms.
"Fine by me," he states, with a straight face.
"Fine then."
"Fine." We both stare at each other blankly for another five seconds before breaking down in laughter. The strange thing is, neither of us even know why. We just wave eachother off and walk away. I return to my makeup and Robert returns to whatever work he has to do. I guess he hasn't changed much, he's still as much of a man-child as he always was. Nothing new. I like that.
After unpacking most of the new makeup and organizing everything, it's already eleven a.m. I really didn't come to work prepared to be going out to lunch, I really have to sort out my hair. At the moment, it's thrown up into a messy bun, but I pull out the hairband and let it fall loosely. It's still a frizzy mess, but it's somewhat nicer than having it off my face. It'll have to do. I decide to take a walk around in the hour or so I have to spare. I can't really do much more in the makeup department without faces to do stuff on, and since no one needs makeup yet, I'm useless. I wonder around like a lost puppy, that is until my eyes wander upon a coffee machine and I take myself over to grab one. With a hot cup of coffee in hand, I turn and walk in a different direction, but when my phone bleeps, I fiddle in my pocket to get it out. I just about have my fingers around it when a loudly spoken swear word fills my ears.
"Oh my God I am SO sorry! Here, let me help..." I hang up the phone and place it back in my pocket.
"No it's...its fine, just some minor first degree burns on my chest, thats all," says a man stood before me. He laughs a little, but still frowns slightly whilst looking at his soaked white -now brown- shirt. I recognise him, but I just can't put a name to his face. He begins trying to pat off some of the boiling coffee that's spilt all down him due to me not watching where I was going.
"I'm... I'm really sorry! Damn, I should wear a hazard sign on my head!"
"It's okay, honestly. I wasn't watching either, I'm Jude, Jude Law," he says, holding out a slightly coffee-covered hand. I shake it anyway.
"Freya. You're an actor, right? I've seen you on TV before, you're pretty good if I remember it right!"
"Freya, lovely to meet you, even though it's not exactly how I intend to meet people," he laughs slightly, "and yes, I'm playing Watson."
"Oh wow, I bet you can't wait for the filming to start!"
"Well, I admit it will be stressful, but yeah. Sherlock's right hand man, if I was told ten years ago this would happen I'd have laughed in their face!"
"Well, you've worked hard to earn it."
"I guess I have," he smiles at me and sorts his tie out, which fails, because it was more messy than in the first place. If that was Robert, I'd have laughed and probably sorted it for him, but_ damn, no Robert. Not right now.
"Well, aren't you two getting deep in conversation!"
Wow. It's as though he read my mind.
"Robert! Hey! How are you man? Jude asks Robert.
"I'm good man, thanks! I like the whole...coffee stain thang..." He gestures to his own chest while looking at Jude's. I facepalm myself and shake my head. Jude laughs and gestures for me to explain.
"I swear, I'll explain everything later Robbie." He nods his head and laughs a little before turning back to Jude.
"You read the scripts yet?"
"Yeah, looks pretty good, you practised your accent?"
"Why yes, my dear Watson, it appears I have," he says in a very English tone. It's horribly sexy, with a slight huskiness. Freya, stop.
"Very well there Holmes, you're getting good at it," Jude replies in a familiar accent. "Well, I've gotta be off. I'm supposed to be meeting some friends for lunch in half an hour, I had to suck up to Guy a hell of a lot to let me go early!"
"Well it was lovely meeting you Jude, I'm sure I'll see a lot more of you around here," I chirp, he is very good looking, I can't believe it took me until now to notice. He smiles as he says his goodbyes to Robert, and takes my hand, kissing my knuckles gently. I'm almost sure that I see Robert clench his jaw out of the corner of my eye, but that can't be right, can it? Jude turns away, and I catch him start trying to get the coffee out of his shirt. I can't believe I did that. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot! Although, it seems to me that it always happens for a damn reason. Literally all of the important people in my life have came of knowledge to me because of a collision of some sort. Ellie, I've been best friends with her since school, I met her by briefly bashing her with my school bag. Then George, I bumped into him twice in one day, and we ended up together. And then that leaves Robert. He almost gave me a concussion, but that's possibly the happiest accident I ever had.
Could Jude mean something too? Or is the whole thing a huge coincidence?
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