7 I had Econ!

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Tara hates ambulances.Sitting inside the ambulance right now with you,Mindy and Chad,she's just replaying last night's events over and over in her head.She can't even comprehend how Mindy must be feeling right now.

But,sitting in that ambulance also brings her back to when she got attacked back in Woodsboro.When she was getting driven to the hospital in the ambulance,she was mostly in and out,being awake one seconds and passing out the next from the amount of blood she lost.But Tara remembers the way the paramedics were putting an oxygen mask over her head and were fussing with bandages on her stab wounds to limit blood loss.

She stops thinking when she feels your arms wrap around her shoulders,trying to comfort her.Tara looks up to see you looking at Mindy,placing a hand on her arm and saying something to her.

Ethan beings walking over,ducking under the police tape to keep people out,and when you see him,Tara watches as you walk over to him.

You grab him by his shirt and look at him sternly. "Where the fuck where you?".

"What?When?".Ethan asks as you continue holding him by his shirt in fury.Tara doesn't know whether to stop you.

"Last night".You reply.

"I had Econ.That's why I wasn't there".

"Fuck that.You disappear and then we get attacked".

"Dude,I was in a study hall with a hundred other people.You can ask any of them".

Tara watches as you let go of him and Chad walks up to the two of you.

"Oh my god".Ethan says as he notices the police standing by bodybags. "Who?".

"Anika and Quinn".Chad tells him.

You glare at Ethan once more before walking back to Tara and Mindy.Instantly,you put your arm around Tara.She nearly slaps herself for the way her body jumps at the sudden touch.Not because she doesn't like it,quite the opposite actually.

"Mindy.I'm so sorry".Ethan says as he walks over.

"Step the fuck back".Mindy says coldly making Ethan halt. "You're at the top of my list".

"I had Econ!".Ethan insists.


When Tara walks over to talk to Sam,Gale and Officer Bailey,you decide to go find your brother as you saw him talking to some cops.

Ducking down under the police tape,you walk over to Danny who's stood with a cop,his hands in his pockets.He's frantically looking for you or Sam and when he see's you,he relaxes a little and offers you a sad smile.

He finishes up with the cop and walks up to you,putting his hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry about your friend,Y/N/N".Danny says,patting your shoulder to comfort you.

You look down at your feet. "I can't even imagine how Mindy must be feeling right now.She watched her own girlfriend die".

"I know.But,from what you've told me about Mindy,she will be fine.She's a strong person".Danny says,still smiling sadly at you. "How's Tara doing?".

"We haven't had time to talk about anything that happened,you know.It all happened so fast.The ambulance and police.We all got questioned just like you did,so I don't really know.I can tell she's shaken up".You tell him as you look over to Tara who's still with Sam,Gale and Officer Bailey.You see Kirby walking up to them.

"Well,at least you got support from each other".Danny says.

"Hey,Y/N!".You head someone yell your name and you turn around to see Tara. "Gale wants to show us something".

You turn around to look at your brother. "You coming?".

"Nah.I'll see you at home later.Be safe,kid".Danny says.

He ruffles your hair and you smile,turning around and running towards Tara and the others.


The Ghostface graffiti on the brick wall sends shivers down your spine as you remember last nights events.The image of Anika falling off that ladder and landing on the ground below you keeps replaying in your mind over and over again.It is definitely something you won't be able to erase from your memory.

"Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys".Gale says as all of you walk down an alleyway.

The Ghostface graffiti looming ominously over you.Watching your every move.

Gale carries on. "Apparently they used fake name to rent this place".

"How did you find it?".Kirby asks.

"It's called investigative journalism for a reason".Gale replies,turning to look at her. "How didn't you find it?Weren't you tracking them?".

"I went through their financial records dozens of times.This was not in any of them.It doesn't make sense".Kirby tells her.

"Don't worry.I'm just really good at my job.You'll get there".Gale says to Kirby confidently.

Gale finally leads you to a door.She swipes a keycard and the door dings.Gale opens the door and all of you walk in.

Holding a flashlight,Gale swipes the keycard again on another door and it creaks as she opens it.

"What is this place?".You say. "And why is there so much security?What,where they guarding like money or something?".

"No".Gale says as she turns on the lights.

"It's a movie theatre".Tara notices.

"It's not just a theatre.It's a shrine".Gale says.

Suddenly,a wall is bought up and all of you walk over as previous Ghostface costumes are revealed.The sight is something you have never seen before.It's frightening but yet intreiging at the same time.

Mindy walks past you,Tara and Sam.Sam stands frozen and you notice this,so does Tara,but you don't say anything.

Tara walks off and you walk over to a burnt phone in a glass case,a lighter set neatly next to it.

"They've got the whole goddamn franchise".Mindy says.

There's a Stab movie poster with a Ghostface mask and knife that was used in the movies.You walk over to where Tara is and there's a noose and a damaged Ghostface mask.You're amazed by all of this.

Tara turns around to see Kirby looking at a knife. "Is that...?".

"The knife I was stabbed with".Kirby finishes for her.

"You all have been through so much".Officer Bailey says.

"Who drew all of these?".Mindy says.

Tara looks at you before walking off. "Hey,how'd they get all this stuff?I mean,isn't this evidence?".

"Well,cops like money and evidence can get lost pretty easily".Gale explains. "Present company excluded,of course".

"Um,why am I here exactly?My alibi checks out".Ethan says and you glare at him.

Mindy and Chad also glare at him and you walk over to them.You say to Ethan. "Safety precautions".

"And so we can keep an eye on you,roomie".Chad says.

Gale speaks up."The killer must of found this place before he murdered Jason and Greg and then he took the masks off the mannequins.All nine from Stu and Billy to Amber and Richie".

Sam walks up towards the display of Ghostface costumes,all the masks are missing.You watch as she walks,full of fear and what to you looks like disgust.She stands infront of a Ghostface costume in a glass case.And Sam looks at it intensely.She puts a hand up to the glass.

Tara glances at you before walking over to her sister and standing behind her.

"What are you doing?".Tara asks.

Sam gasps and looks at her sister.She takes her hands off the glass and replies. "I don't know".

"So,somebody killed these chucklefucks and took over?".Chad raises an eyebrow to Gale,interrupting Tara's and Sam's conversation.

"Someone who believes that Sam masterminded Woodsboro".Gale says.

Mindy speaks up."If this were a normal Stab movie this would be the killer's lair".

"Which means this isn't a normal Stab movie".Kirby says.

You look at everyone. "I thought we established that ages ago.There is no way that the killer is following the same pattern as the Stab movies and previous events in Woodsboro.It's all different now.More intense".

Tara takes a deep breath before she runs off,taking down the steps of the stage and wandering off somewhere.You're about to go after her but Sam books it after her and you decide you'll let them talk first and then you'll talk to Tara.

For now,you'll keep Chad some company while Kirby talks to Mindy.


Tara takes the inhaler from her mouth as Sam enters the room.

The girl found a calm,tranquil place that she could peice her mind in.Despite the cobwebs and the posters of the Stab movies that remind her of what is really happening.Once again,it all proving to be too much.She found a concession stand and it reminds her of when Sam and their parents would go to the cinema together to watch different movies.It was always her favourite activity to do with her family.

"You ok?".Sam asks as she walks up behind Tara.

"Sam,when do I get to be a normal person again?".Tara replies,fear laced with her voice.She hates to sound like this but she is so scared.

Sam shakes her head a little and looks down. "I don't know".

"I don't want to be a part of this.I don't want to be a part of some stupid legacy because I'm....".Tara begins.

Sam finishes for her. "Because of me".

"Sam,I'm absolutley terrified.I'm scared somethings going to happen to Y/N.I'm scared something is going to happen to Mindy and Chad.None of them deserve to go through all this.Mindy lost her fucking girlfriend,for fuck sake.And I can't loose Y/N because for once in my life,someone actually understands how I'm feeling and makes me feel good about what happened".

"I'm sorry.I know you really care about her".Sam says,and Tara begins to think she's trying to hint at something.

"Don't.Just drop it".

With that,Tara walks away and runs up a set of stairs.

"Tara!".Sam yells after her.

Tara just keeps on running away just like she always does.

Running away from her problems.


After you overhear Tara's and Sam's conversation(you don't mean to be eavsdropping but you got curious after you heard Tara mention you),you get jumpscared by Gale and Kirby.The three of you walk into the room Tara and Sam where in and you run after Tara up the stairs.

You find her sitting down in a row of seats.You walk down towards her and hear her sniffle.When she notices your presence,she wipes her tears away and looks up at you.

"Hey".She says,offering you a small smile.

You sit down next to her with a sigh and you look her right in the eyes. "Don't try to pretend you're ok.I know you're not,Tara".

At that she just breaks down,tears beginning to stream down her face.You pull her into your body and she burries her face in the crook of your neck,sobbing.

Tara cries for a few mintues and you comfort her,wrapping your arm around her shoulder.When she finally calms down and pulls away from you,she wipes her tears away.

"I overheard yours and Sam's conversation and I just want to say that,you don't need to worry about me.I know that I never went through this before.You,Mindy,Sam and Chad have and you have way more experience than me.But,I can manage.I'm not going to let anything happen to you or Mindy or Chad.Ok?".You say and Tara nods,wiping away her tears.

"I'm sorry you're involved with this".Tara apologies.

"You have nothing to be sorry about.It's not your fault.I decided to get close to you and now I have to deal with this.It was my choice".You tell her.

Tara puts her head back in the crook of your neck and you sit in silence for a while,Tara listening to the beating of your heart.

"So,you care about me?".You say,dragging out the 'o'.

Tara punches you playfully in the arm and she smiles making you chuckle. "Shut up".

"Sorry.I overheard that part aswell".You tell her.

Tara looks up at you shyly. "Of course I care about you,Y/N".

"I mean,who wouldn't".You joke and Tara punches you in the arm again.You laugh. "I'm kidding.I care about you too,Tara".

The moment is ruined by Kirby walking over,standing next to you and Tara.

"Sorry.I need to talk to Tara if that's alright".Kirby smiles at the two of you.

"Of course.I'll see you in a minute".You say,looking at Tara.

You take her hand and squeeze it and you turn around to leave.

You're really hoping that everything is going to be alright.


"How'd you get past what happened to you?".Tara asks Kirby.

After you walked away,the blonde woman sat down next to her and Tara decided that this is the time to speak about what happened in Woodsboro.

"I almost died after I was stabbed".Kirby replies after taking a deep breath. "Technically, I did die.For four minutes.When I recovered,I got mad.I didn't want to spend the rest of my life being afraid of monsters.I wanted the monsters to be afraid of me".

"I like that".Tara says.

Suddenly,Officer Bailey walks in with Sam and Gale.

"Sorry to interrupt.I think I might have an idea about how to turn the tables on this creep".He says.

"Yeah.We're in".Gale agrees with him.

"Sorry Gale.No press allowed.Police business.I'm good at my job too".Kirby says.

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