11 Trapped

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TW.Lots of violence.

Tara,you and Sam run out of the room,quickly but quietly making your way into the middle of the movie theater.Tara starts to think you guys are in the clear,but instead,you're met with both the killers coming at you from both ends.

You are trapped.

The Ghostface that is behind you shakes their head as they hold up their knife and Tara feels you pulling her closer to you.

Sam bends down to grab some bricks and she hands it to Tara and then you.You stand next to Tara and the two of you stand face to face with the killer that was behind you while Sam stands with her back to you,face to face with the second Ghostface.

It occured to Tara that you guys didn't even have time to devise a plan,you just ran out here and got ambushed.Now,you are stuck with these to maniacs as they circle you.

"Ready?".Sam says.

Tara feels her heart beating so fast she thinks she's about to have a heart attack.

When neither Tara or you responds,Sam talks again."I need you two to be ready.Ready?".

"Yes,Sam I'm ready".You say,impatiently.Tara turns her head to look at you and you raise your eyebrows.

"I'm ready".Tara breaths out before looking at the Ghostface again and yelling. "Come on motherfucker!".

But,before anything happens,gunshots are heard.Bullets fly around as the three of you duck.Tara turns her head quickly to see where the shots are being fired from and she see's Kirby,walking down the stage.

"It's ok!".Kirby shouts.

"Stay the fuck back!".Sam warns her,standing infront of Tara and you.

Tara glares at her. "We know it's you Kirby".

"We thought we could trust you".You say.

"One of them knocked me out".Kirby points to where the killer was previously stood.

"Kirby stop!Getting away from the girls!".Another voice can be heard as Kirby hold her hand up and Tara turns around to see Officer Bailey pointing a gun at Kirby.

"What are you doing?".Kirby says.

Officer Bailey ignores her."Did you kill Quinn?Did you kill my daughter?".

"Jesus christ!".Kirby's hands start to shake. "Whatever he's been saying to you,don't listen to him.He's probably the killer.Behind you!".

Kirby yells so suddenly that Tara physically jumps.

What scares her more is the fact that Officer Bailey shoots Kirby.The three of you stare in shock as Kirby falls to the ground.You turn back to Officer Bailey to see the Ghostface standing by him,not stabbing him.

Tara should of known.

"Great job".Officer Bailey says and the other killer joins them. "Both of you".

"You?".Tara says.

"Yeah,of course me.Frankly,I expected more from the two of you after what did to us".Officer Bailey says.

"What do you mean us?".Tara says.

Officer Bailey looks at the Ghostface to the left of him,the killer takes off their mask to reveal Ethan.It was him all along.Tara should of figured this out.

"No fucking way".You breath out and Tara turns to see you looking absolutley shocked.

"Ta da!".Officer Bailey says.

"Mindy was right".Ethan begins. "It was easy to juke the roommate lottery.I mean,all I had to do to meet you was room with a condescending alpha literally named Chad.Fuck it felt good to kill him!".

Then,Ethan looks over to Sam and holds up the Ghostface mask he was wearing.

"This was your grandmothers,Sam.Nancy Loomis?Really runs in your fucking family,doesn't it?Speaking of family".Ethan spits out.

Officer Bailey speaks up. "Wait for it".

"My name's not Ethan Landry.Is it,Dad?".Ethan looks towards Officer Bailey and the man begins laughing.

Tara is honestly lost here.She does not understand a thing and she knows neither do you or neither does Sam.

"Dad?".Tara says.

"Wait.If it's you two that just leaves....".Sam begins. "Mindy?".

"What?No way!Why would she do this?".You stare at Sam with your eyebrows raised.

The killer that still has their mask on stares at the three of you before taking their mask off.Tara was definitley not expecting this.

It's Quinn.

"Hey roomies".Quinn says before Tara see's her eyes switch to you. "And neighbour.You didn't see that one coming did you?".

"What in the fuck?".You nearly yell out.

All of this merely impossible.Tara literally saw Quinn dead with her own two eyes.Did she resurrect or something?

"Yeah beacuse you died".Tara says.

"Kind of didn't though".Quinn says. "It was a good way to get off the suspect list.Stab Gale Weathers,stab Mindy on the train.That sort of thing".

Officer Bailey puts his arms around Quinn and Ethan. "Yep,and I just made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one.Little fake blood,a prosthetic.You'd be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with".

Quinn and Ethan disappear somewhere and Tara backs up into you.

"I got Stu Macher's mask.He was my favourite".Quinn says.

Tara watches as Ethan puts his mask over a mannequin.

"Nice.That's number three.That's two".Officer Bailey says before pointing over towards where Quinn is before he takes out a mask from the inside of this jacket and he looks at Sam. "Which leaves....your fathers.This is what we've been counting down to,Sam".

"Wait,fathers?".You question and Tara looks at you.

"We'll explain in a minute but for now,Sam,I'm gonna need you to put it on".

"Fuck you!".Sam smacks the mask out of Officer Bailey's hand.

Ethan slices her shoulder with his hand and she walks backwards,Tara feels you grab onto her hand and she squeezes it.Sam holds onto her arm as it bleeds and the psychos laugh manicly.

"Stay the fuck away from her!".Tara shouts.

"What?What is this?".Sam says as she turns back to glare at Officer Bailey,Tara and you doing the same. "You did this as a family?".

Quinn storms over. "Hell yeah,bitch.You should know better than anyone".

"Hey!Back off!".You yell,making the three of them laugh and making Tara squeeze your hand even more.

"They're still not getting it".Ethan says.

"Look,I don't know what you believe but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro.It wasn't me!".Sam shouts.

Officer Bailey walks fowards towards the three of you. "We know that.Of course you didn'y.What do you think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory?Come on.Who do you think started the rumors about you in the first place?".

Tara spins around to see Quinn holding her hand up,the knife still in her hand.

"Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain?How easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?".Quinn points her knife at Sam.

Ethan speaks up. "Because it's not enough to just kill someone these days.You have to assasinate their character first.So when Dad here discovers your horribly mutilated bodies....".

Quinn pretends to slash at Tara and she feels you pull her into your body,away from Quinn.

Ethan continues."Posed with Sam wearing her father's mask,he'll say some poor dumb bastard read on the internet that you're the real Ghostface and took matters into their own deluded hands".

"Exactly!That's why it's the perfect alibi.And all the best lies are based on the truth.And you're the killer.Just like your father".Officer Bailey points to Sam.

"No I'm not!".Sam yells.

Tara watches as you stare at the man standing infront of you."So what,you're just killing people for fun?Because you think Sam is a killer?".

"She is the killer,you motherfucker!She killed our brother!".Quinn shouts.

Tara spins around to look at her and so do you and Sam.Tara is even more lost now.Brother?Who is she talking about?

"What are you talking about?".Sam says.

"You said your brother died in a car accident".Tara is extremely confused,nothing is making sense to her.

"No,no,no,you sweet,dumb thing".Ethan says making Tara glare at him.His words make her uncomfortable. "He died in Woodsboro at the hands of your bitch sister".

At his words,it finally hits Tara why this is happening.These people here,that have set this all up and pursued all of you for this past week,are here because of one specific person.

"You're Richie's family".Sam says as she looks at Officer Bailey.

He nods,his face full of grief and fury. "Yeah".

You speak up and look at Officer Bailey. "Let me get this straight.You have been planning to kill Sam and made our lives absolute hell for the past week.You fucking killed our friends.All because your psychotic son decided he was gonna go around Woodsboro killing a bunch of people because his life was too god damn boring!".

At your words,Quinn jumps over to you and Tara has no time to react as Quinn stabs you in the shoulder,making you scream out in pain.

"Shut the fuck up you nosey bitch!You obviously had to get involved in this,didn't you?".Quinn yells out in fury.

"Y/N!".Tara shouts as she grabs onto you,pressing her hand against your shoulder to manage the bleeding.

Ethan now jumps over to Sam and stabs Sam in the collarbone.She also screams in pain.

Tara grabs both you and Sam and she thinks fast,pulling you away so you would be able to make a run for it.

However,Quinn and Ethan block off your exits and Tara picks up a brick,chucking it at Ethan but she misses.

"Now!It wasn't until I saw that photograph of what you actually done to him then I knew.Then I knew you had to fucking die!That you had to be punished!Along with anyone else who stands in our way".Officer Bailey shouts with rage.

Ethan stands face to face with Tara and you and Quinn stands face to face with Sam,pointing her knife at Sam's throat.

"There she is.There's the fucking killer".Quinn says.

Tara looks at Officer Bailey. "Real great parenting job,by the way".

"Shut your whore fucking mouth!".Quinn yells out,pushing Tara.

The girl watches as you're about to walk up to Quinn,your posture being the same as when you had a fight with that guy at the party,but Tara knows that will end badly.So,she grabs onto your arm and pulls you back away from Quinn,

Tara,you and Sam run back but you trip slightly as Quinn runs after you.

Your trapped once again.

"Have I been a perfect Dad?No.Have I maybe overindulged Richie's love of these little movies?Yeah,maybe".Officer Bailey says as behind him,there's a video showing of Richie obsessing over Stab movies.He walks up onto the stage. "For me they're just a little dark.But....Richie really loved them.He loved them.He even made a few of his own.Did you know?Did you know?There's a very special bond between a father and his first son.Which is why I helped him build this collection".

"This was all his?".Sam asks.

"Yes,he's a very passionate collector.And he inspired others.We had to kill those two wannabe film students because,well,we had to kill you first,Sam".Officer Bailey replies,staring at Sam. "I put the theater in their name,then good old Detective Bailey would've just stumbled on it but I didn't have to because by golly,that Gale Weathers is one hell of a journalist.However,Y/N over there,she started sticking her nose in this.At first,our plan was to get rid of her.She's too protective over Tara,that would of meant she'd protect you too and,well,we don't want that now,do we?But,it's fine,we'll just take her out with you and Tara since we know how much those two care about each other.

Both you and Tara glare at the officer infront of you.

He carries on. "Anyways.I built a tribute to my son.Which is why this is where you have to die,Sam.Surrounded by all the things he loved the most".

"What happens next?What,after you're done with us you just disappear?".Sam asks.

"No!".Officer Bailey replies. "We got to hurry over to the hospital and make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through.Because everybody dies,Sam!Everyone who had anything to do with the death of my son suffers and dies.Now put on the mask".

"He was....".Sam begins and Tara show's you the brick she's holding in her hand,signaling to you that she has a plan. "So pathetic".

"That's not true".

"Yeah,your son,he was a man-baby who made his girlfriend do all the killing".

"He was a strong,virile young man!".

"He was a limp-dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat".

"Shut the fuck up!".Quinn yells.

She charges towards the three of you but Tara thinks fast and she spins around,slamming the brick she was holding into Quinn's face.

Tara's shocked as she hears gunshots being fired at Officer Bailey,she turns her head to see Kirby.

"Sam!Y/N!Come on!".Tara yells after you and her sister.Your run over to her.

Before you do that,Sam runs over and slams a brick over Ethan's head as he stabs Kirby.He falls to the ground.

"Sorry but I kind of need this".Sam says,pulling the knife out of Kirby.

"Fuck em' up".Kirby tells Sam.

Ethan gets up,holding his head,and he glares at Sam. "What are you gonna do about it,bitch?".

Sam furiously jumps at Ethan,stabbing him as Tara leads you to a ladder.You help her up before begining to climb yourself.Tara hears you groan because of your stab wound.

Tara calls after her sister. "Sam!".

Sam gathers the knife and a gun and she talks quickly to Kirby before she runs over to Tara and you.

And you climb.


When you climb all the way to the top,you look backwards to see Quinn running over to where you,Tara and Sam are.

It occurs to you that you have to do something about this.After all,Quinn and Ethan are after Sam and Tara,you aswell but their main target is Sam.

You turn around and face Tara. "Listen to me.I have a plan,but this plan requires me to leave you for a few minutes".

"No.Y/N,we have to stick together".Tara protests putting her hands on your biceps.

"No,Tara.Listen to me".You cup her face and bring it close to yours. "I'm going to be fine.I'm going to help you out.Just trust me".

Tara's eyes begin to fill with tears and she shakes her head,gripping onto your biceps so tightly you feel like she's about to pierce through the skin.

"No.Please".She sobs and you bring your foreheads together.

"Tara,we don't have time.You have to trust me.Remember what I told you,ok?".You say and finally she nods,still crying.

You too start to feel tears rolling down your face as you lean in a place a quick but passionate kiss on Tara's lips.The girl hugs you tightly and you hug her back,hoping you'll get to do this again when everything's over.

Once you pull away,you look at Tara quickly before your eye catches Quinn,smirking evily with her knife in her hand.

"Stay back here".You say to Tara and Sam.

You make your way over to Quinn,carefully jumping over random things like ladders and buckets and you also have to climb over the railing which proves to be quite difficult but you manage.You take a metal pole from the ground without Quinn noticing,holding it behind your back.

Once you safely are away from any objects that could be in your way,you stand face to face with Quinn.

"Well,well,well.I see you're trying to be the hero again".Quinn laughs,sliding her finger over the edge of the knife. "I hate to break it to you but,there is no way you're getting out of this place alive.You're just too weak for that".

"Try me".You say with confidence as you glare at her.

Quinn lets out another laugh before pouncing at you with her knife.But before she can stab you,you raise the metal pole and hit her round the face with it,smashing it against her nose.

She falls to the ground with a scream and she clutches her nose,her knife falling away from her with a clutter.You run over and kick it away.

Standing over her,you smirk,holding the pole out infront of her face.Before you can hit her again,she takes another knife out her pocket and slices your leg,making you hiss in pain and jump away from her.She grabs onto the pole your holding and tries to pull it away from you,but you grip onto it tightly.

"Let go,you bitch!".Quinn yells at you.

So you do.

This sends her flying back and she hits her back on some scaffolding.

You breath heavily as you look around,trying to find something you could defend yourself with.Your eyes land on a chair with a leg half broken off.You limp over towards it and pick it up.

However,when you turn around,Quinn is standing over next to you and she smirks before stabbing you in stomach before she twists the knife,making your inside feels like they're about to burst.

You scream in pain and your face twists in agony but you still manage to hold the broken chair over your head and you swing it at Quinn,hitting her in the head and making her fall down to the floor.

Breathing heavily,you make sure she's not going to get up,putting a hand over your stab wound,and then you hear a gunshot and a scream.

Quickly,you turn around to see Sam holding onto Tara's hand for dear life as Tara's hanging in mid air.

"Y/N!Run down!".Sam yells at you and that's what you do.

You stumble down,holding your stomach,to go save Tara.


Tara feels as Ethan's knife barely grazes her legs and this makes her shake in fear as she tries to hang on to Sam's hand,her hand slipping because of the blood.

"I've always wanted to stick something in you,Tara!".Ethan yells.

"Fuck you".Tara lets out.

"Fuck you!".

Tara then watches as Quinn rises to her feet,a little wobbly and covered in blood,but still looking menancing as she slides her knife along the railing.The sound of it making Tara's ears hurt.

"You guys are so fucked now!".Ethan shouts,still trying to slice at Tara.

"Sam!".Tara looks at her sister. "Sam!Let me go".

Sam finally looks at Tara in the eyes. "No!".

"Yeah,let her go,Sam,come on!".Ethan yells from below her.

"Trust me".Tara nods towards Sam's knife,and the sound of Quinn's knife is quickly coming closer and closer. "You have to let me go".

Sam quickly grabs the knife and hands it to Tara.Tara feels her sister let go of her hand and she falls to the ground,Ethan instantly impaling her with his knife.She groans in pain.

"Gotcha!".Ethan yells.

Tara raises the knife and stabs it into Ethan's mouth,twisting it.

"Now die a fucking virgin".Tara spits out.

She takes knife out and raises it over her head,blood splattering over her face.Ethan falls to the ground.

A smile of relief washes over her face and she breathes heavily,happy to have one down.

"Tara!".She hears you shout as you run over to her.

Tara turns to you and she feels you wrap your arms around her,she does the same and she hugs you tighter than she's ever hugged anyone.You stand there like that for a minute,in each others arms.

She feels you pull away and you put you hands on her face,brushing away the hairs that have got stuck to her face.The girl also cups you face,glad to that your ok.

"Are you ok?".You ask her,out of breath.

"I am.Are you?".She replies and she looks down at your stomach,blood soaking heavily through your shirt.

You look down with her. "It's nothing.I'll be fine".

"Y/N,that's a very deep wound.You're going to bleed out".Tara looks at you and you shake your head,offering her a weak smile.

"God,I was so worried about you".You say and she feels you pull her into your arms again.

"I was worried about you,too.I'm glad we're ok".Tara says.

But your moment is interrupted by screams a gunshot and then screams coming from Sam and Officer Bailey before they fall over the railing and they come crashing down onto one of the

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