10 No shit!

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The bubble that you and Tara are in is broken by a knife stabbing into Tara's back,making her scream out in pain and fall right into your arms.

It's so obvious that something like this would happen,you should of thought of it,but the kiss was the only think you could of focused on before this happened.

"Tara!".You scream as she falls onto the floor.

The Ghostface slashes at you,but you dodge it,moving down.They go in again,slashing frantically,and you move to the side,the knife barely grazing your arm.You push them back and the killer lunges at you,but you grab onto them and throw them towards a wall,glass shattering everywhere as their face smashes into one of the poster displays.

You think that this will give you a chance to make a run for it with Tara,but you're wrong.The Ghostface is not even fazed by this,they turn around a go back for more.

Anger flows through you and they point their knife towards you,running straight at you.You jump to the side and when the killer is startled by this,you punch them in the face.They fall to the floor,you punch them once more for good measures.

"Tara.Come on,let's go!".You yell as you run to her,putting her up to her feet.

Opening the door,the two of you jump as you're met with Sam and Chad who also gasp.

"Come on!Go!".You shout and you grab onto Tara's hand,dragging her along as the four of you make a run for it.

Running into another room,you shut the door behind you.

"It's Kirby.She's the killer".Sam breaths out.

"No shit!".You exclaim,running towards Tara.

Chad runs over to the door but Sam stops him. "That's locked.Come on".

"Are we trapped?".Chad yells.

"She made this whole theater a kill box.For us".Sam says as the four of you stumble forwards.

"Hey,what about that?".Tara points upwards and you look towards where she's looking. "There's an exit door.Maybe it leads to the roof or something".

"There's only one way to find out.Let's go".Chad says.

"Bailey's on the way by-".Sam begins but she gets cut off as the Ghostface jumps down from the stage.

Now,this is just impossible.You think about how on earth did this asshole get up after you beat the shit out of them?This is literally a horror movie.

As the killer jumps down,they run over to you and push Tara to the side.

"Tara!".You shout.

You do not want her to get hurt again.The killer shlashes at you but you grab their hand, wrestling the knife away from your face.They push you back towards Tara and the Ghostface charges at Sam and Chad.

They swing their knife back and fourth blindy but they miss every attempt.The killer manages to knock Sam's knife out of her hand and she falls backwards.Now,the Ghostface focuses on Chad.They swing at him as the boy quivers, dodging the attack.Instead of stabbing the boy,the killer manages to knock of the head of the mannequin behind Chad.

"Beheadings!".Chad yells.

He rugby tackles the killer onto the floor.You watch as he turns around and see's a camera.

"Smile for the camera motherfucker!".Chad hits the Ghostface around the head with the camera.

"Let's go!".You yell.

You help Tara up off the floor and you,Tara and Sam make the run for it.Running up on the stage and behind the curtain,Chad joins you.

"This way!Come on!".Tara shouts.

You run after her towards a hallway.

Behind you,you can hear the sound of the Ghostfaces footsteps running after you.This spurrs you on to run faster.

You turn your head around to see the killer hot on your trail behind Chad. "Shit!Shit!Shit!".

Chad throws something at the killer. "Get fucked!".

Ending back up at the concession stand,Chad throws down the popcorn machine,the glass ricochetting everywhere.This doesn't stop the killer,they just walk right over it.

They run up to Chad and start swinging at him and he dodges.The Ghostface pushes him towards the wall,trapping him.Sam runs over and pulls the Ghostface away and you and Tara join her.However,this fails as the killer pushes you straight off.But then,the killer falls to the floor as Chad punches them in the face and you watch as Tara kicks the killer.

You grab onto Tara's hand and pull her towards Sam. "We need to move".

"Go!Go!".Chad yells at you.

He grabs a gumball machine and puts it over his head but before he can smash it over the killers head,another Ghostface pops out and stabs him in his side.When you hear him Scream out in pain,the three of you turn around.

Chad looks at the three of you as the killers continue stabbing him. "Go.Run".

Your heart breaks and Tara squeezes your hand, tears streaming down both of your cheeks.Yet, none of you listen to him,watching helplessly as he falls onto the floor.The killers wipe the blood off the knifes in unison.This allows you,Tara and Sam to run off.


Tara feels her hand keep on slipping out of yours as you quietly run down a hallway towards a door.Sam opens it and shuts it behind you and Tara,throwing a cupboard over it.

Tara looks at you as you pant. "What the fuck do we do now?We're trapped".

Sam scratches her head as she frantically looks around. "I don't know".

Tara's breathing starts to speed up and she feels like the world under her is shaking.She feels like she's falling as she stumbles backwards and onto the floor.Her vision goes slightly blurry as you run over to her,her chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Hey?Tara?What's going on?".You say softly but with concerne as you put your hands on her shoulders.

The girl can't get any words out as she breaths quickly and she watches as you look at Sam in panic.

"Hey.Look at me".You say as you look back at her and you compose yourself. "Everythings going to be fine,ok?You trust me,right?".

Tara nods quickly,her breathing still not slowing down.

"We're going to get out of here alive and when we do,I'm going to come over to your apartment everyday.I'm going to take you on horror movie dates every Friday,you and Sam will come round for dinner with me and Danny and then we'll annoy them as we criticise dumb movies that are badly directed.You just have to stay with me,ok?".You say and Tara nods.

She feels you put your forehead against hers and you take her hand,putting it on your chest where your heart is.This somehow suprisingly calms her down and after a moment,her breathing is back to normal and she feels like she wasn't just gapsing for air.

"Hey".Sam says and Tara and you turn your head to look at her.She's standing by a door. "In here".

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