Chapter 18- I Love You

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My door slams open and I jump straight up from fear.

They found me.

I let out a sigh of relief when I see it's just Chey.

"Chey, you scared the crap out of me!" I screech.

"Who cares?" She runs over and jumps on me. "We're going to a party today!"

"We just went to one!" I whine.

"Two months ago!" She deadpans.

"And look how that turned out," I say, rolling my eyes at her.

"So what? You kissed J- I mean a random guy, but big deal." She says nonchalantly. I look at her suspiciously.

"What were you gonna say, Cheyenne?" I ask in a low tone.

"Nothing?" She says, and it sounds more like a question.

"Cheyenne I swear if found not tell me what you were going to say I'll p-" I don't get to finish because Shane waltzes into my room and plops down next to Chey on the bed. He grabs her and pulls her onto his lap. Giving her a kiss on the cheek he turns his head to look at me.

"Hey there stranger. I haven't seen you in a long while," He says with a grin.

"Hey, Shane, what's up?"

"I was just coming to make sure you are going to the birthday party tonight."

"Birthday party? Whose birthday is it?" I ask quizzically.

Chey snaps her head up to glare at Shane, trying to be sly.

"Charley's," Shane says.

"Why didn't you tell me Chey? I'd love to see Charley again!" I say excitedly.

"Great, then I'll see you, ladies, there." Shane gives Chey one last peck on the cheek before getting up and leaving.

"Now, let's get you a dress yes?"


"I like this one," I say looking at myself in the mirror. Chey says that I have to wear baby blue, which I thought was odd but just shrugged it off. The dress is low cut, but not to the point where I'm uncomfortable. It hugs my chest and stomach before flaring out at the bottom. It reaches to about my ankles. It has sequins on it that make it sort of shimmer.

It's beautiful.

"I agree, you definitely should get this one."

I carefully slip out of the dress to check the tag and wince.

"It costs way more than I can pay," I say sadly.

"I've got you covered." She says, whipping out a credit card.

"No Chey, I can't take your money," I say meekly.

"You can and you will," She says in a tone that does not leave room for argument.

We drive home with the dress in the back and get ready, doing out makeup and hair. Clara has to work today, which sucks. It also kind of surprises me, because I thought Jake would want to go to the party.

Maybe he still will.

I shrug at the thought. I still feel for him, even as time has passed. I've just spent the last couple of months focusing on myself. I got another job as a cook, and I make alright money. I'm hoping that I will be able to move out into my own apartment soon. It feels good to finally think about myself and be independent. 

"Come on B, we gotta get going," Chey says impatiently.

"Okay okay, I'm ready," I say, hastily putting on my high heels.

We walk out of the house and we're met with a beautiful white limo.

"Wow," I breathe. This is awesome.

The limo takes off, going to our destination, wherever that may be. I don't pay attention to where we are going and instead grab a drink. I may not care about Charm- Jake, but a little liquid courage never hurt.

The limo stops and I get out without even looking. I look over to Chey and she looks at me nervously before giving me a weak smile.

"What are you so nervous abo-" I turn around and met with a sight I thought I would never see again.

Jake's house.

"Oh hell no," I growl, turning to go back into the limo but huff when I see it's already pulling away. "I guess I'll just walk then," I mutter.

"B, please just come in." Cheyenne pleads.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask in a low, almost dangerous tone.

"You'll see if you come in, please!"

"You've gotta be kidding me, Chey. I knew I would end up seeing him, but his house? Really? Low blow."

"Come on, B. I'm not saying you need to forgive him or let go of the past, I'm just asking you to come inside. A step in the right direction. Even if you decide to never get closer than six feet in proximity ever again."

She's right. Some closure wouldn't hurt. Maybe I will finally be able to put all of my past trauma behind me.

"I'll come in, but I swear if he does or says one stupid thing is gone."

"Thank you!" She squeals. I just sigh and drag my feet towards the house.

Stepping inside, everyone stops what they're doing and the lights dim. A spotlight focuses on a figure on the middle of the makeshift stage.

Music starts to a song I've come to learn well. Then a voice, so beautiful, yet so destructive to my heart starts to sing. I bring my hands to my mouth and we make eye contact. He doesn't break it once during the song.

What if I told you about my little nothing town
The two room house where I came from
The man that I got my name from
I don't even know where he is now

What if I told you sometimes I lose my faith
I wonder why someone like you would even talk to me
What if I told you there is no fixing me
Cause everybody has already tried

Would you stay?
Would you leave?
I could wait
It'll all come out eventually

If I told you all the stupid things I've done
I've blamed on being young
But I was old enough to know I know
If I told you the mess that I can be

When there's no one there to see
Could you look the other way?
Could you love me anyway?

What if I told you I don't plan on staying here
My dreams are a million miles away
And I know your family is gonna want you to stay
You know what I don't blame 'em

So I'll say
What I don't want to
And I'll just pray
You want what I do

If I told you all the stupid things I've done
I've blamed on being young
But I was old enough to know I know
If I told you the mess that I can be
When there's no one there to see

Could you look the other way?
Could you love me anyway?
Aww, could you love me anyway?

So before we go any further here
Let a week turn into another year
There some things you probably don't wanna hear
But you have to

If I told you sometimes I get jealous
Sometimes I'm half crazy
Would you say the hell with me, the hell with me
If I told you I barely know what love is
But girl if that's what this is
I don't want to let it slip away
No, no, no

Could you love me anyway?
Could you love me anyway?
Could you love me anyway? (Oooooh)
Could you love me anyway?

As he finishes I hastily wipe my eyes that are brimming with tears.

"I really am sorry Cinderella, I just wanted to tell you the truth. And now I've told you all my flaws, and I hope, god I hope, that you can love me anyway. Because I love you, Brittney, I love you so much and there's nothing I can do to take back the past. But I know for a fact that I want you in my future, every minute of it." He has tears running down his face and I realize that I do as well. He gives me a small, heartbreaking smile and I notice the hope in his eye.

"Our love was all so quick, Jake. How do we know that's what it really even was?"

"When you know, you know, right? Come on, you can't tell me you don't like the idea of your own little fairytale. What do you say?" He says with a hopeful grin.

"I-I," I look around at everyone and notice many people have tears in their eyes as well. "Oh God Charming. What the hell. Of course, I love you. I have for a long time," I say, my voice cracking.

He breaks out into a blinding smile and jumps off the stage running towards me. He picks me up and spins me around and I let out a laugh. A sudden sense of deja vu comes over me as we stop and he looks into my eyes, bending his head down.

This time instead of waiting for him to meet me I reach up on my tiptoes a crash my lips to his. This time, I allow him to deepen the kiss. This kiss isn't like any I've ever had, it wasn't forced, it wasn't abusive, it was passionate, loving, and gentle. Besides the one at that last party, but I'm starting to realize that was him too.

Clapping around us snaps me out our little world and I pull away, blushing furiously.

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side.

"I'm not letting you go. Not again," He murmurs into my ear.

"Okay, but we still have to talk. Just not tonight." He nods at my words

"Why is there a party anyway?" I ask curiously.

"It's my birthday of course." He says with a grin. My eyes go wide.

"You didn't even tell Me! I didn't even get you a present!" I scold, smacking his shoulder.

"You're the best present I could ever have."

"You're so cheesy."

"Only for you, my plate of nachos."

I start laughing so hard that tears are running down my face.

He smiles so lovingly at me that I wonder how I was ever mad at him.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too," I peck his cheek, "now, let's go meet your guests."


Double update!!! I felt bad for not posting for a long while and I had a lot of spare time.

I hope y'all like the chapter. Don't forget to like, comment, and share!

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