Chapter 17- Hangovers

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After I told Chey and Clara everything, we all cried together and ate ice cream. After we started a movie we all fell asleep half way through.

We woke up the next morning, all with massive hangovers. We decided to just make the day a lazy day and go back to sleep.

I slept practically the whole day, only getting up to use the restroom, throw up, and drink water.

Now I'm sitting in the middle of a Dairy Queen, eating a cookie dough blizzard with Chey.

"I don't know if you really want to know this or not, but Shane says that Jake is really torn up." I freeze, looking down at my ice cream, she takes my silence as a queue to go on. "They had to practically drag him out of the house. He's drunk all the time, and Shane is worried." 

I shrug, "It really doesn't matter to me. He messed up, but time. Not my fault." I say, keeping my to be indifferent.

"Are you over him?" She asks quietly.

"You can't get over love, or whatever the hell you want to call it, in a couple weeks Chey," I say quietly, "I just know that I am strong and that I will get over him." Eventually.

"You love him?" She asks, slightly shocked.

"Of course. He saved me, he was my hero. Isn't that ironic? He's the one who destroyed my life, he broke me. And yet, I saw him as my savior, someone who could never hurt me. Then again, I don't really know what love is. For all I know, it's some fucked up version of stockholm syndrome. It all happened so fast. I guess I just latched on the first person in a long time to show me any sign of affection," My voice cracks and I catch the single tear that escaped my eyes.

"Oh hun, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought him up." She says apologetically.

"It's okay, I don't mind."


"Come on man, you need to get your lazy ass up and off the couch," Jimmy says.

I chug the last of my beer and set the bottle down.


"You are getting out of this house whether you like it or not," Shane says, determination is in his tone.

"Please," I scoff, "what are you gonna do? Drag me?" I roll my eyes and grab another bottle of beer from my table.

They both look at each other, shrug, and grab my legs, pulling me from the couch.

"What the F-" I'm cut off when I land on the ground, winded.

They start to drag me, surprisingly.

"Dude, how much do you weigh?" Jimmy groans.

"Shut your weak ass up Jimmy," I snap, "Let me up! I'll walk Okay? I'll walk!" 

They release my legs, and they fall to the floor. Shane offers me a hand and I take it, pulling myself up. I stumble slightly but catch my balance.

"Dude, you have got to shower!" Jimmy says, wrinkling his nose.

"Yeah yeah, I'm on it."

The shower sobers me up slightly and I slip into some new clothes and shave my beard.

I walk back down and they nod at my appearance. We hop into the car, me not stumbling at all.

"Where are we even going?" I ask.

"A mascaraed party."

I let out a snort, "You can't be serious." They don't say anything, they just share a look, "you're serious? Dude, that sounds boring." I groan.

"You'll be fine, we are going out and having fun. Maybe even get laid." Jimmy turns his head and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I let out a light chuckle and they both start grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"What are you smiling at?"

"You." They state in unison.

"You know... I think we're gonna ditch this conversation. Thank you very much." I say, very much weirded out.

As we pull up, Jimmy throws a mask to me. "Put this on."

I grunt before slipping it on my face.

The party is already in full swing as we arrive. My eyes scan the crowd and land on two girls, dancing.

I look over to see Jimmy is already gone. Shane, has his eyes zeroed in on the girls, a small smile on his face.

"Dude, don't be a douche just because Chey isn't here," I say. 

"Nah, man. It ain't like that at all. You know I can't keep me eyes off of Chey."

With a nod, I walk up to the bar, glancing at the girls every now and then.

"Give me something strong," I say to the bartender.

A shot is set in front of me and I down it instantly, loving the feeling of it going down my throat.

Slowly I make my ways into the crowd and place my hands on one of the girl's hips. I notice that her friend is gone. She jumps slightly, but I grin when she keeps dancing. After a while she turns around and looks up into my eyes. My heart lurches as I see her ocean eyes. Brittney. I act like I don't recognize her as she shamelessly checks me out. I grin when her eyes meet mine and spin us around and she lets out the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. It hurts that she doesn't know that it's me and she is acting like this, but I will take it.

Those assholes must've known she would be here.

I bring us to a stop and slowly my eyes look at her lips. Looking back at her eyes, I bend my head down so our heads are inches away.

You shouldn't be doing this.

"Who cares," I mumble. I bring my lips down, crashing mine into hers. She responds almost immediately.

I go to deepen the kiss and she freezes. She rips herself away from me and I stand there, too shocked to say anything.

That was...


Yeah, mind blowing.

"I'm so sorry," she mumbles. I relish in the sound of her beautiful voice.

She turns to leave and I gently grab her wrist, turning her around. Just as I'm about to say something, she slaps me.

We both stand there, stalk still. She suddenly whirls around and runs away. Finally, my senses kick in and I take off running after her. I see her stumble slightly before stopping and stepping out of one of her heels. Making her so short I can no longer see her in the crowd. Looking down I see one of her heels and pick it up.

What a Cinderella story.


Sorry that it's been forever since I updated. But hey! I got one out now.

So what do you think about the fact that Jake knew that it was Brittney but didn't say anything?

I hope you guys liked this chapter, hit the little star at the bottom, and don't forget to comment!

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