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13 years later...

My parents moved back to the states as soon as I graduated high school. Thankfully, I had been accepted into college in Seoul as a music major. Finally, I had a way to break free of my father's control. School was the answer and music is my passion. Of course, my father said I could never, "make it," in the music industry. Unless I spent allot of time on my back to work my way up.

As soon as I got free I did everything I always wanted. I cut my hair. Because, Dad said I would go to Hell if I cut it. So my hair was crazy long. I got a tattoo, again going to Hell. If I'm going there, I insisted on at least having fun on the way. College is a time to let loose. I thoroughly enjoyed my college years.

I am now finally out of school and on my way to the audition of a lifetime. I studied hard, and practiced for hours everyday. Through some school connections, I actually have an audition to be a studio musician at YG Entertainment in Seoul. Now all I have to do is not blow it.

I give my name to the security out front and I'm let in. The building itself is intimidating. I walked up to the receptionist and get my instructions on where to go and what to expect.

I get in the elevator and press the button of the floor I need. After about 2 floors, the doors open and two guys get in. They notice the floor they need is already pushed and just lean back. I look over and give them a slight nod and grin. My head snaps back forward when I recognize them. Taeyang and GD. I WILL NOT FANGIRL. I need to get used to situations like this if I get this job.

The elevator hits the floor I need and the doors open. I can't wait to get out. I really don't want to make an idiot of myself in front of them. I look over and nod, then scurry out. They get out behind me and I hear them speaking softly to each other in Korean. I make a right turn down a hall and realize this is the place. There is at least thirty people here and there are only two positions available. I take a deep breath and check in with the man with the clipboard.
"Ah yes, you will be applicant number twenty. Please listen for your number."

I stand against a wall and take my phone out. I text my roommate that I'm here waiting. She sends me an encouraging and goofy photo that makes me smile. I just got off of my phone fighting my nerves until I hear,
"Number twenty please."

I put my phone away and take a steadying breath. I hoist my bag on my shoulder, pin on my most charming smile, square my shoulders and walk in.

There is a long table with about four people with papers in front of them. The table is facing an assortment of instruments, and I am thrilled that I know how to play each of them. A man in the center of the table shuffles his papers, pushes his glasses up, and says, "Grace Monroe is it?"
"Yes sir."
"It says here that you have a Masters degree in Music Composition. Your primary instrument is guitar, but are also proficient in piano. You also play several other instruments a bit too. Is this all correct?"
I smile a bit bigger, "Yes sir." I'm proud of my accomplishments.
"Excellent. Well show us what you got on guitar. The song of your choosing. Then, we would like to hear how well you sight read on the piano."
"Very well sir."

I walk over to the guitar they already have set up. It isn't my own Baby Blue, but I have to show them I can be flexible. I hit a lick, and feel it vibrate up my arm. Oh yes, I'm ready.

I start to play Sweet Child of Mine by Guns and Roses. The guitar in that song is amazing, and it shows my range. As well as the fact that I'm not a kiss up by choosing a song by a YG artist. I add my own touches and flourishes. I feel it in my bones as I finish, and look up to see surprised faces on the panel of people before me.

Glasses guy is leaning forward with a serious expression.
"OK Ms.Monroe, please take a seat at the piano and play the selection given."

I look it over. YES, it's Eyes Nose Lips by Taeyang. They do not have to know that I know this one by heart. I start to play and as I do I hear the door open and shut. I finish, and look up with a smile only to see the one and only Taeyang has joined the room.

Glasses guy is talking to Taeyang in whispers and looks back at me.
With a smile he says, "That was lovely Ms.Monroe. We have a few more auditions, and we will be making our decisions by the end of the week."
"Thank you."

I get up on wobbly legs and walk out the door. Feeling like I need to throw up. Now all I do is wait.

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