I wake up whimpering. I'm stressed out over waiting for the answer to my audition. So the dreams are back. I look over at my clock and all the mess on the bedside table. The sunlight is streaming in across my face. I have to get up, and I gladly do. Anything not to dream.
I head to the living room where my roommate Mia is crunching on cereal and flipping through channels. I flop down next to her and sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I'm finally growing it long again. It's prettier that way.
My phone rings and I get up to find it. A number I don't recognize lights up the screen.
"Good morning is this Ms.Grace Monroe?"
"It is."
"This is Kim Sung Min with YG Entertainment."
My stomach jumps, "Hello, I've been looking forward to your call."
"Well, I was hoping you could meet me in the office today to discuss your employment with us. We were quite impressed with your audition and would like to offer you the position."
"Omo! Jinja! Arasso, I would be happy to come in today!"
"Excellent. I look forward to meeting with you. Please come by at four o'clock this afternoon. Welcome to YG."
"Thank you sir, I will work hard."
I hear him chuckle as I hang up.
I let out a squeal and do a happy dance. Causing my roommate to whip her head around milk dripping from her chin.
"What the Hell Grace?" She asks, her green eyes wide.
"I got the job!"
Mia jumps up spilling cereal everywhere and tackles me in a hug. Her red hair is all in my face and now I have milk all over me too.
"Ok ok Gracie can't breathe!"
Mia untangles herself from me, and we get up. I am shaking with excitement, but she is literally vibrating.
"Grace! You've got your big break!"
I rush around our apartment. Knocking things over in the closet sized bathroom. I take the two steps from there to my bedroom, and quickly pick an outfit.
I decide on a rocker chick vibe. I know this is a KPop company, but what the Hell. I'm still gonna be me.
I'm incredibly early, but I couldn't wait anymore. I practically skip into the building when security lets me in. I ride the elevator up to the floor I was on before, approach the door, and turn the handle.
This time I'm faced with a rather imposing office. Scanning the room, glasses guy, oops Mr.Kim, is sitting behind the desk. It's a bright room with cool colors, albums on the wall, and some squishy looking chairs with a coffee table off to the side.
Mr.Kim glances up and smiles when he sees its me.
"Good afternoon Ms.Monroe! You are very early, which means you're right on time."
"Please call me Grace sir," I smile giving him a deep bow of respect As my new superior.
"Grace it is then."
He gestures for me to take a seat in one of the squishy chairs and comes over to join me.
"So Grace, your audition was rather impressive and I th-"
Knock Knock
A head pops in the door.
"She's here," a heavily accented voice says.
I look at the owner of the voice as he makes his way in. My face must show my surprise because he chuckles a bit.
"Taeyang, your timing is perfect. I was just about to tell Grace about her first project."
Taeyang gives me a slight bow. I stand up and give him a deeper one.
He extends a hand,"Hi I'm Dong YoungBae, but you can call me Taeyang or YB if it's easier."
I hope like anything that my nervousness isn't showing.
"Grace. Nice to meet you. I love your work."
He smiles and takes a seat.
"I enjoyed your audition very much."
Mr. Kim continues, "Now Grace, as I was saying, we loved your audition. We were wanting you to start your studio work with Taeyang's new solo album."
My jaw hits the floor and both men chuckle at me.
"I'm so honored to work with such a talented artist. I promise to work hard." I almost stutter out.
Everyone stands up and they escort me to the studio we will primarily be using. It's my dream room. Every instrument I love, sound equipment, and to top it off I get to work with Taeyang on a solo project.
I can't believe I'm not dreaming. Then again, my dreams are terrors. Nothing like the music heaven I'm staring at right now. I'm even tempted to thank God. Someone I haven't talked to since I was fourteen. Nope, not today.
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