Chapter 1- Detention✔

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"Are you fucking kidding me," I mumbled under my breath.

The bell rang just as I entered the school doors, hurling me into a frenzy.

I ran to my locker, shoving anything I didn't need immediately in a small box I kept.

The echoing bang of metal on metal as I slammed the locker door reminded me how empty the hall's were.

How late I was.

Desperately, my jog became a sprint, knowing detention was most likely going to be in my immediate future.

Hurriedly, I glanced at my watch, frustrated at the pace the number jumped.

I was so preoccupied trying to see the numbers on my watch, I didn't notice three big bodies in my path way, causing me to collide into the one in the middle.

Don't text and walk, kids.

"Ahh, shit," I cursed, watching my belongings carelessly littered the hall.

Now, I'm more late.

Sighing, I get in my knees, picking up papers and pens.

I didn't notice the man glowering at me, too devastated by my loss.

"Watch were you're going idiot," He growled.

Yeah, I nodded to myself, definitely need to work on my observation skills.

"Idiot?" I snapped my eyes to his. "I'm not the one standing in the middle of the hallways like a hippy tied to a tree ,"

Egotistical jerk.

"Awe, we have a little nerd." He taunted, fluttering his eyelashes innocently.

I couldn't help but note how his eyes were the color of whiskey.

"I'm not a nerd," I corrected calmly.

"I'm just smarter than you." I smirked.

Stamping his mocking expression return to sender, I continued to pick up my belongings, ignoring him.

"What did you just say?" he seethed.

"I know you heard me." I said, rolling my eyes. "Or are you deaf and dumb?"

"Do you even know who I am?" He spat out, as if it were I crime if I didn't.

Well, I'm certainly glad orange is the new black, because I had no clue who he was.

"Hmm, let me see." I said scratching my chin, faking a thoughtful look.

"Nope." I grinned, popping the 'p'.

"Ryder Crown." He smirked, like the name would instill the fear of God into me.

"Ohh, so scared," I responded sarcastically, dramatically pressing a hand to my cheek, dragging it down my face.

"Literally pissing my pants here," I rolled my eyes once more, gathering the now neatly stacked papers.

One of his two friends chuckled, letting it fizzle into a cough when Ryder glared at him.

The other just had a plain emotionless face. As if he didn't care to be here, but he didn't particularly care of he was.

"You should be scared." He stated, frowning at, what I guessed was my lack of compliance.

"Well, I'm not. So if you excuse me, I need to get to class."

I attempt to brush past him, but his huge form loomed over mine, refusing to move.

Just five steps and I can get to my class room.

Five steps more...

I felt his minty breathing above my head and I could feel his chest rising from anger.

"Can you move?" I intoned, bored of him.

"I don't know, can I?" He answered childishly.

"Obviously you can," I responded slowly, "You have legs."

The guy behind him chuckled again, which made me turn to look at him.

His eyes were dark brown, the color resembling a lion's.

He had a well built body for his size, looking buff but lean.

He waved and I smiled politely. He seemed amicable and extremely attractive.

The one beside him seemed slightly amused at my actions.

His green eyes vaguely glittered, like someone telling a joke no one else could hear.

I shrugged it off, instead focusing on his height.

He seemed around 6'1 feet but he was taller than the other guy.

He was attractive too. I can tell you that much.

Actually, all of them were attractive.

"Say it nicely." Ryder prompted.

"Fine you want nice," I seethed, gritting my teeth, "I'll give you my way of saying it nice."

"Can you fucking move out my way?" I growled, pushing him out the way before he could respond.

He almost toppled over his own feet but steadied himself.

I heard him growl and his angry steps behind me. But they soon vanished as I entered my first period class. Math.

"Miss Lopez why are you late?" Mr. James asked in his old raspy monotonous voice.

"I woke up late," I responded breathlessly.

It was half true. I did wake up late but only by fifteen minutes. I was actually late because-

"Have a seat." he ordered curtly.

I know Mr. James doesn't like me which is why he sat me in the front.

It maybe because I'm always daydreaming in class. Oh, and I rarely do my homework.

Math just isn't one of my strongest subjects along with social studies, and biology.

I dragged myself to my seat and placed my binder and math journal on the desk a little too roughly.

His head snapped towards the direction that made the noise and I just shrugged and mumbled an apology.

As I sat I tried to listen to him teach about expressions. Like I said, tried.

But I soon felt myself wander off to what happened this morning.

What my parents had done and the guys I bumped into on my way to this class. Yet, I still couldn't figure out who they were. I heard someone call my name and saw snap their fingers in my face.

"Pay attention Nichole, because I'm not repeating myself. No wonder you're failing this class." He hissed, not afraid of telling the whole class my grade. Some girls chuckled and I fake gasped.

Maybe if you weren't so boring and had other teaching skills that weren't from the 1900's, I'd pay more attention.

"Excuse me?" He asked sounding angry and offended.

Shit, did I say that out aloud?

"Yes, you said that out loud. Two days of detention. One for being late to my class and another for being disrespectful." He sneered.

"Oh, come on you let other students talk shit about you." I didn't mean to say shit, but it slipped out.

That's something else I need to work on that.

"Two more days for talking back to the teacher and cursing too." He added. I heard the class laugh and someone said "oh shit".

I rolled my eyes and slumped in my chair.

"Fine. Whatever." I mumbled. He went back to his , monotonous, quasi-accutate lesson.

Soon enough to the bell rung signalling that class was over.

I rushed out the classroom and walked briskly to my locker.

I entered the combination and opened it, shoving in my math journal and taking out my reading journal. As I slammed the locker door, I felt a familiar presence beside me.

"What did the locker ever do to you?" Juley, my best friend asked chuckling slightly.

"Nothing. I'm just mad." I answered.

"Why?" She questioned.

"I woke up late and bumped into an idiot named Ryder Crown," I started and rolled my eyes at his name.

"Since I was late to class, Mr. James was mad and probably on his man period to," I scoffed at the thought.

"He gave me two days of detention for accidentally saying something that slipped out and being late then gave me two more extra days for talking back and cursing."

I sighed because of everything that has happened and half of day hasn't even passed yet.

I looked back up at Juley who had her mouth wide open and it looked like her eyes were going to pop out any second.

"You bumped into Ryder Crown?" She questioned as if she couldn't believe it.

"Did you even listen to the rest of what I was saying?" I asked, slightly annoyed that all she heard come out of my mouth was the name Ryder Crown.


"No. Not at all."

"Anyways, why are you so surprised I bumped into that idiot?" I questioned, still confused.

"Do you even know who he is?" She questioned tugging on my arm as we began walking to our second class which we shared.

I shook my head not catching on.

"Ryder Crown is the biggest bad boy of the school." She exclaimed again, repeating the words I heard today.

"Funny, that's what he said. But no, it's doesn't ring a bell."

"Oh my gosh! What will I do with you?!" She said, but more to herself.

"He's like the leader of them three." She said.

I shook my head still not catching on as we entered the classroom and sat in our seats.

"Wait, now that I think about it he was with these other two guys." I said.

"Oh, okay. Those two guys are Sebastian Brown, the serious one. Logan Speer is the funny one.

But Ryder. he's the biggest bad boy of them three.

It's been said that he got into the wrong crowd after something bad happened and he started smoking, fighting, and all that stuff.

Everyone is scared of him. He can beat you up and would feel bad about it. He's heartless and arrogant." She said.

"You got the arrogance right,"" I said trying to lighten up the mood.

She chuckled, but soon stopped as the bell rang and the teacher came in.

"Okay, class do pages 123-127 on your text book." Ms. Jessica ordered. We all nodded and opened our books to start the work she had assigned us.

I couldn't help but think back to all of the three guys.

I'm guessing the guy who had an emotionless face was Sebastian since he was all serious which that leaves the guy who kept chuckling as Logan, and the famous Ryder Crown as the heartless, arrogant, rude guy.

When he told me I should be scared of him, it kinda blew any chance to be scared of him.

Honestly, he didn't scared me one bit.

I didn't give a fuck if he was the biggest bad boy of the school and scares the shit out of everyone.

I wouldn't even give a damn if he was the president, I still wouldn't be scared of him.

Only two people scare me and they're-

The bell rung signalling class was over and we had twenty minutes of lunch time.

I gathered my things and waited for Juley at the door. Once she finished gathering her things, we walked to our destination. The lunch room.

We pushed the doors open and walked to where the lines was.

We were one of the firsts so the wait for our food wasn't so long Today is Tuesday so we have hamburgers. Our school lunch isn't the best, but it isn't the worst either. As we paid for our lunches, I caught a glimpse of a black leather jacket, more specifically Ryder's leather jacket. I looked up to his face and found him staring at me intensely. I was the first to look away because Juily was tugging on my arm.

As we sat at our normal table, I felt someone bump into me and spill fruit punch on me.

"Oh shit." The boy apologised. The voice sounded oddly familiar. Brayden. My step-brother. I know he didn't like me, because he treats me the same way his parents do, but he didn't have to purposely spill punch on me.

"Verga.(Shit)" I cursed in Spanish cause it's what I usually do when I need to hold in my anger.

He walked away and I was left there sitting in my white t-shirt that is now half red.

"Let's go to my locker. I always have an extra shirt." Juily said. We both got up and threw our trays away. Grabbing our school materials we headed to her locker.

As she entered the combination, I looked around the hallway to see if anybody was watching because I felt a pair of eyes staring at me.

After she opened her locker, she handed me a black shirt and I took it gladly not standing the red sticky white shirt any longer. I entered the restroom and took the biggest stall. I changed into the shirt and walked out but not before washing my sticky hands. I headed back towards Juily's locker and grabbed my stuff she was holding for me and stuffed my white shirt into her book bag so she could give it to me later.

Soon, all classes had passed by fast leaving me to stay after school and attend detention. As I walked back to my locker with Juily beside me, she began rambling about how we should hang out later.

"I can't." I answered as she asked me if I could come over.

"Why?" She frowned.

"I have detention the rest of the week, remember." I said.

"Detention? You never told me." She said slightly confused.

I gave her a look and she sighed.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to you earlier." She apologised.

"It's okay.

"I can see why you were all surprised and stuff." I waved it off like it was nothing. Though, it slightly hurt to know your best friend wasn't really paying attention to you.

"I'll see you later." I said as I took out my book bag and shoved all my school belongings inside.

"Bye. Text me when you're out." She shouted since she was already at the end of the hallway whilstreaching the exits of the school building.

I pulled the book bag over my shoulder and walked towards the detention room that took place in Mr. James classroom on Tuesdays.

As I walked inside, I saw three people already seated. I sighed because at least I wouldn't be alone to hear Mr. James lecture but groaned since they were people I didn't want to see. Ryder, Logan, though he seems nice, and Sebastian.

"Sit down Miss Lopez. I hope the rest of the week serves you right and maybe you'll learn not to be late, disrespect, curse, and talk back to a teacher." Woah, what a way of telling everyone why I got detention the rest of the week.

I nodded and rolled my eyes. I sat down in the very front to stay away from the three guys that were in the back.

"You know the rules. No talking, no electronics, and no disruptions. If any of those rules are broken you'll serve another day of detention." Mr. James said.

"Am I clear?" He asked when nobody answered.

"Yes, your clear." I answered since I was annoyed with him.

"Don't raise your voice young lady." He said.

"Ohhhkkaaaayyy." I said raising my voice on purpose to get on his nerves.

"Do you need another day of detention?" He asked.

"Well it help me stay away from home a little longer?" I questioned.

"If the answer is yes, you might as well give me detention until the end of the school year." I said. I heard someone chuckle behind me and I turned around to see Logan holding in a laughter. He winked at me and I winked back.

"Miss Lopez do I need to contact your parents?" He threatened. Oh shit, not them. They'll make my life a living hell more than it already is.

I straightened up and shook my head. "No sir." I responded firmly.

"Though so." He said.

He went back to his desk and I rolled me eyes. I pulled out my book that I had started reading yesterday. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han. I was about to turn the page, but the old man interrupted me.

"I have to go to a quick meeting. Behave." He said and glared at the boy in the back. I sighed in relief as I heard the classroom door close.

Just as soon as I was going to turn my page, I was stopped again but by a different voice. Logan. How did I know? Well because Sebastian doesn't talk and I already heard Ryder's annoying voice. So that leaves Logan.

"I didn't think a girl like you would be so feisty. Especially for you to respond to someone one like him. Most people of your type would be scared." Logan said.

"A girl like me? My type of people?" If you only knew what truly happens in my life and why I am the way I am.

"I didn't mean it like that?" He said.

"Sure." I said and turned back around. As I began reading the first page of chapter twenty-three another voice cut in.

"You know what I think of you?" Ryder asked the question clearly asked for me.

"No, I don't give a shit about what you think of me." I answered and its was true. I didn't give one single flying fuck about what he thought of me.

"Well, I'll say it anyways." He said. I sighed knowing I'll have to listen either way.

"I think that you act this way because you're a spoiled, rich, brat, who always gets away with things because she's daddy's girl." He said like he knew me so well. Is that how I act? I don't think I do. Do I?

I closed the book and slammed it on the desk. I got up and turned around. Standing in the same place not moving one inch. My hands tighten into a fist and I really badly wanted to punch him. I hate when people bring up my parents, not my adoptive ones, but my birth parents.

"First, you don't even fucking know me so you have no right to judge me. Second, I'm not a rich spoiled brat and I'm certainly not a daddy's girls. Lastly, both my parents died in a car accident leaving me with adoptive parents who-" I stopped myself before I could go any further. I was mad and I sense to say things that usually slip out. I practically spat out every single word. They were all true. The pure truth. I guess they expected me to go on and finish the sentence, but I didn't. All three faces were shocked at my outburst but they were mostly filled with pity. Pity. I hate pity, I despise it so much. It's was what I got at my parents funeral. Pity. Pity was everywhere and I couldn't escape it.

"And you know what I think of you. You're just a rich boy who does shit just to get attention. Your an arrogant, non-caring, selfish bastard who doesn't give a fuck about anybody else, but themselves." I growled and I meant every single thing, because I had a feeling that it was true. I walked back to my desk to get my stuff. It was already 6:00pm which meant detention was over.

I swung the backpack over my shoulders and made my way over to the door. As I touched the door handle, I said one more thing without looking up.

"Please don't look at me with pity. It's what I hate the most." And with that, I opened it the door and walked out slamming it shut behind me. I didn't hear a response from any of them as they were still shocked and surprised with their mouths and eyes wide open.

As I walked down the parking lot to get to my car that my parents left for me as soon as I turned 16, I remembered I left my book. It was getting interesting and I wanted to go get it, but that would ruin my dramatic exit. So I just left it there and told myself I would pick it up tomorrow.

I took the car keys out of my pocket and started the engine. The song Lost Boy by Ruth B. played through the speakers, I was too tired to sing or even hum along to the song. I drove down the road taking a little longer so I wouldn't get home early and meet my punishment I usually get when I get home from school.

As soon as I saw the house I've been living at since I was thirteen, I parked my be loving car that my parents had bought me before they passed away. It's was a white Audi R8 with grey leather seats in the inside. They liked to get things ahead of time even if it meant three years. They were always prepared. Where. They left me everything they had, even our house. Oh how much I miss them. Why? Why did you leave me? I did nothing wrong.

Awww poor Nichole feels sad. So did you like the first chapter? Cause I know I did. I hope it was captivating. There is a lot that will be happening in the first few chapters to understand the story and its plot. So in case you haven't seen the Cast List, the picture above is the people from this chapter except Brayden, her step-brother. I'm not a very good descriptor, but I will try my best.


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