Ch 27 : Misery

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*ASH... the Prince of  Kingdom Darkzone....*

A gush of memories went through his head... And tears started falling...

King -Ash...escape from here....

Ash - N-no father... I won't... I.. I will save you! *said a young ash trying to lift the heavy pillar that fell on top of the King's leg* i won't leave you... I can't..

King - A-ash... Please.. F-for... Take the...Book of mysteries... Out of here...

Ash - I will save you....*ash seemed to have lost his mind as he was repeating it*

King - A-ash... M-my son... S-snap out of it and listen!

Ash : I wi...*sob* i s-shouldn't give up...

King - T-the book of mysteries...

Ash - Book... Book of mysteries...

King - Yeah son... T-take this...*removes the necklace he was wearing...* Y-your mom gave me this.. Before she died... And... Now... It belongs to you... Ash..

Ash - F-father... I..

King - -Ash.... Escape... N-now.... They are coming...

Ash : Father! But-

King - This is my last time using this...

D-dark control!! Dark soldiers!! P-protect  him... No matter what!!

With his powers he controlled ash and helped him escape...

And his breath was now short.

"B-be safe... Ash... I will miss you.."

And then... The castle collapsed.


Ash : F-father...


The hell shall form..


With Alvaro!

Alvaro : W-what's happening?!

Aaron : Argh!*his eye suddenly turns red* DIE!!! Mega thunder Strike!!

Neil : Huh?! Wolf barrier!!..... Celestial Strike!

Aaron : Miracle force!

The attack somehow seemed to be deflected

Neil : Huh?! Arghh!

Zack : Huh?! Neil! Aishh... Alex! Help me stop him!

Alex : Okay.... Dark Armour!!

Zack : phoenicsx !!

His katanas now had a glowing red aura

Zack : Absorb the attack.... So that he won't be injured badly.

Alex : Okay!

Zack : Neil! Dodge!! Hiyaaah!!

Neil saw it and jumped up causing the attack to hit Aaron. And just when it hit him.

Alex : Dark transfer!!

Almost 60% of the attack was absorbed by alex.

Aaron : N-no.. I'm not g-giving up...

Reki :... Huh?! This is bad!!

Irene : What happened?!

Reki : He wouldn't survive... Of he keeps pushing himself. The miracle powers are at it's limit. I have to do something! Qitz!

Miracle morph!!Full potential

Lay : What in the maps.!?!!

Aiden : Reki! Don't use it!!

Reki : i have to save him!!

Aaron : Aishh... Miracl-

Reki : Celeqvix!

Aaron suddenly felt as if he was being caught by someone nd he couldn't move.

Reki : I'm sorry.. Boboiboy..*closes his eyes* Vexoqix!!

Boboiboy's matk started to glow again and his powers started to get transferred to reki. Halilintar... Solar... Blaze... Along with Gempa.... All of tjrm were absorbed.

Alvaro : what are you doing?!!

Reki : Saving him..

Ochobot : His elemental powers!!

Reki stopped and transferred the powers to ochobot.

Boboiboy's mark disappeared and he fell on his knees.

Zack and Neil : Huh?!!

Neil : Oh no.... Wolf mask : Teleportation!!

With Ash.

Ash : N-no... T-this can't.... *faints*

Neil appears beside him and caught him.

Neil : master!!! This is bad... Teleportix!!

They disappeared again.


Alvaro : Aaron!!

Zack : Oh no!

They all went near him.

Kaizo : Huh?! W-what happened to his mark?!

Alvaro : It changed?

Irene : What's the meaning of this?!

Alvaro : Idk... Aaron? Aaron! Can you hear me?!

Aaron : A-abang?

Alvaro : Aaron are you alright?!

Alex : He needs medical attention.. He won't hold on much longer!!

Alvaro : W-what?!

Ochobot : Boboiboy!!!


Aaron : I-i... I'm sorry..*mark starts glowing* but... I can't stop this..

With master

Ash : Leave me..(he came back even when he's also at his limit)

I won't let it go.... I want revenge... Argh!!

Wolf mask!: Dark mode!

Neil : But mast-

Ash : Kill them all.... Aaron.


Alvaro : Aaron... NO!!!

Aaron : I... I.. Can't.... Argh! NOW DIE!


Reki : Huh?! Miracle barrier! Ergh!! It's... Stronger!

Alan : *panting*... DARK AURA!!! DARK RELEASE!!

Everything then turned dark...

Lay : Irene.... I will have to use it... Again..

Irene : Huh?! But-... Hm. Okay.

Lay : *smiles at her* Thank you Sis!

Irene : *smiles back but with tears in her eyes*


Aaron : Miracle spikes!!!

Irene : *takes a deep breath* i can do this..... SONIC BURSTS!!!

Draco : Alvaro... You have to do Something... Even if it will hurt him.. Otherwise he will...

Alvaro : You are right... I'm sorry Aaron.... Eclipse shift!!!

Draco : Dragon claws!!

Fang : We have to save boboiboy!

Others : Yes!

Fang : shadow toger fusion!!

Yaya : Gravitational lift!!

Ying : Summersault kick!!

Gopal : I don't want to fight my best friend!... Huhuhu.... Boboiboy! Tunr back to normal!

And none of their attacks worked on him.

Aiden : I will have to help ig.... Drak scythe!!! Half-darkmoon strike!!

Reki : Miracle-feiry! Lava emission!

Aaron : Boboiboy Ice!! Ice wall!!-- miracle strike!!

Reki : Arghhhhhh!

Aiden : Reki!! Finn!(his cat)Help him!

Finn : Meow!! (The cat has dark powers too👀 as it is made of it)

Alan : Dark flames!!

Alex : Alan!!

Alan : huh?! Ergh!!

Aaron : You thought you could defeat me? Heh! Isn't it hard to breathe?

Alan : Y-you... Dark Zap!

Aaron : What? Ahh!

Alvaro : Aaron!- no... I can't... Eclipse Beam!!!

Aaron : Ergh!! Huh?! Miracle barrier!! Oh no!!*Alvaro's attack breaks the barrier* Ahh!!

Kaizo : Amber mask!!! Amber energy sword!

Aaron : Miracle swords!!

Aaron was now using two swords!

Kaizo vs aaron!!..

Kaizo : Hiyaah!!

Aaron : Miracle waves!!

Kaizo : Amber energy barrier!! Amber energy binds!!.

Aaron : ergh!! Release me!!

Fang : Hiyahh!!!

Yaya was lifting fang using her powers

Aaron : What?!! Miracle force!!!

Ying : Summersault kick!!

Ying attacked from behind!

Aaron : miracle - argh!

Alan : Drak strike!!!

Aaron cut straight through him.. Cutying the energy binds too..

Good thing that Aaron had used  the Miracle force or else he woulf have also been cut.

Aaron fell on his knees again panting

Aaron : I can't give up.... Even if i die.... I will seek my revenge...MIRACLE FUSIONS!!!!

Reki : NO!!!!!





Reki : This can't be...

Alvaro : AARON!!!!!

Irene : it's over..

Gopal : We will die..

Draco : we couldn't..

Kaizo : Save him..

Alex : And others..

The attack was about to rwach them when




Hope you like it!✨️

Can you guess who it is? A new arrival?

And I'm Sorry for yet another boring chapter.😔

So.. Hey guysss!! It's been a loooooong time since i came here. Hehe.. I had exams and all...

Tell me about my mistakes.. So. I could improve ad i think my writing is a bit... Hmm... Getting boring?

Mahi (Mahika_2121) and i are working on the past! An update will be coming soon!



𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓯𝓸𝔂 😭✨️

It would have been great if it ended like this😭!

Btw any Potterheads?

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