Ch 26 : book of mysteries

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Previously in Save Me

Alan : Dark Barrier!!!argh!!!i... C-can't hold... I-it... F-for... L-long!!

Zack : Spirit of the Phoenix!!! Blood rush!!!

Gempa : Earth wall!!!

Halilintar : Mega thunder blades!!!

The attack was about to hit thrm and Alan's barrier was gonna break.... But then..

Lay : Psychic control !!

Taufan : W-what?!!! Ergh!!!

Halilintar : Taufan!!

Irene : Sound blasts!!!!

Halilintar : Argh!!!

Gempa : Hali!! Taufan!! Aish!! You're gonna pay for this!! Quake fists!!!hiyaah!!

Alvaro : Eclipse strike!!!!

Gempa : Huh?! Earth wa- argh!!

Halilintar : G-gempa... Ergh!!

Irene's powers were making halilintar light headed... Those high pitched voices ringing in his ears...made him feel like he was deaf..

While Lay had control over taufan...

A white space..

Taufan POV

Where... Am.. I?

Snap out of it!!

What?.... Snap out od what?!!

You will have to snap out of it...

What's happening...?

Don't lose your control!

What does he mean ?

You can.... And you must fight it!!

I felt like my head was about to explode...i fell on my knees screaming... Tears streaming down my face.... I didn't know why... Why i was in pain....

End of POV.

Warning : There will be mentions of blood so... If you're not comfortable with it... Then plzz don't read it

Gempa stood up... Trying to balance himself...

Gempa : Y-you... a-are...*cough//cough*
not... G-gonna get away... With t-this..
*cough* I... I won't ever-*coughs up blood*

Alvaro and the others were shocked at this...

Alvaro : AARON!!!

Gempa : Ergh!.... It..... Argh!!*coughs up blood* detransforms...

Aaron : I... I couldn't...

??? : Wolf mask!!! mode : protection!!!

Zack : Huh?!

??? : Didn't expect you to hold on till now... Aaron.

Aaron : W-who.... Argh!

Alvaro : Aaron! You...* Looks at the new arrival* Who are you and what do you want..?!!

Zack : Niel... What are you doing?

Niel :... Master's orders..

Zack : What?! You're serving him agian?!

Niel : Zack! Why don't you just give's all not worth it!

Lay in mind : Master's... Orders..

It's my master's orders... I can't... D-disobey him... I'm sorry... Lay

Lay clenched his fists.

Lay : Psychic rush!!!

Irene : Huh?! Lay! What-

Neil : Huh?! Wolf sheild!! What do you think you're doing?!!

Lay : Killing the slave... Then the Master..


Niel : How dare you?!! Wolf mask : Mode -Battle!!

A sword appeared in his hands... It had a wolf design printed on it.

Lay : Psychic Sword!!


Niel : Lightning strikee!!

Lay : Psychic strikee!!

Niel : Pretty strong huh.... Still. Not enough!!! Blinding slash!!

Lay : psychic whirl slash!

Lay's eyes glowed green..

Irene suddenly panicked..

Irene : L-Lay... STOP IT!!

Lay : Lun- Huh?!! Ergh!

His eyes were now normal.

Alan : Dark Chains!!

Niel : Wha- ergh!! Release me!! You-

Alex : Dark stream!

Niel : Ahhh!!

Zack : I'm sorry... But... Bloody Phoenix Rush!!

The attack hit him... And he fell... His mask broke into pieces..

Neil : Z-zack...H-how could..

Zack :....Why.. Did you choose to... Be his slave... Didn't you say... You wanted to end it all... But as a "Real warrior"... Not as a sla- Ahh!!

Others : Zack!!!

Aaron : D-don't you...interfere...*eyes glow red and blue* Boboiboy dual split!!

Elemental Fusion!!



Neil : Huh?!!

Aaron : *his blue eye turns gold and glows* Freezing kick!!

Neil : Wolf sheil- Teleportal!!

He vansihed and aaron stopped his attack... But... The area around him was now fully frozen... Others were shocked seeing that.

Kaizo : His powers increased even more?!

Fang : Aish!! How are we gonna stop him?!!

Neil : T-this Is bad! Wolf-

Aaron : Miracle bolt !!!

A ligtning like bolt hit neil and he fell down.

Aaron : Wolf mask huh..maybe i-

He slowly walked towards the others.

*stop it*

Aaron : Huh?!

Others were confused...

*Don't die like this*

*you can be better*


*You can rule*

Aaron : W-what..*his left eye suddenly turned black*

With the master

Master : Argh!*his left eye went black too* W-what... Are you trying to say..

And..*cough* who.. Are you..

*what a pity... So u don't recognise me... Ash?*

Ash : Huh?!! H-how.. Do you..




*ASH... the Prince of  Kingdom Darkzone....*

A gush of memories went through his head... And tears started falling...

King -Ash...escape from here....

Ash - N-no father... I won't... I.. I will save you! *said a young ash trying to lift the heavy pillar that fell on top of the King's leg* i won't leave you... I can't..

King - A-ash... Please.. F-for... Take the...Book of mysteries... Out of here...

Ash - I will save you....*ash seemed to have lost his mind as he was repeating it*

King - A-ash... M-my son... S-snap out of it and listen!

Ash : I wi...*sob* i s-shouldn't give up...

King - T-the book of mysteries...

Ash - Book... Book of mysteries...

King - Yeah son... T-take this...*removes the necklace he was wearing...* Y-your mom gave me this.. Before she died... And... Now... It belongs to you... Ash..

Ash - F-father... I..

King - -Ash.... Escape... N-now.... They are coming...

Ash : Father! But-

King - This is my last time using this...

D-dark control!! Dark soldiers!! P-protect  him... No matter what!!

With his powers he controlled ash and helped him escape...

And his breath was now short.

"B-be safe... Ash... I will miss you.."

And then... The castle collapsed.


Ash : F-father...


The hell shall form..

End of ch 26!

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