Ch 14 : Betrayal !

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Alan : Ultramaxine Slam!!

Boboiboy : Earth wall!! *breaks into peices* ERGH... Not good! Earth Slam!!!

Alan : Time-scape!!

Alan disappeared and then appeared behind Gempa..

Alan : Ultramaxine strike!!

Gempa : Huh?!!

Hallillintar : Hallillintar Strike!!.

Alan : Huh?! Argh!!!

Gempa : Thanks... That was a close call.

Alan : Why yo-

Irene : Sonic Arrows!!!

Alan : Huh?! Argh!! My ears!!!

Irene : Draco now!!

Draco : Freezing Claw strike!!

Alan : Huh?! Argh!!

The eye patch like thing on his left like broke.

And they saw that his left eye turned black!!

Alan : Ergh!! I will not fir give for this!! Dark Stream!!

Irene : Sonic Sheild!!

Gempa : Earth Wall!!

Alan : I will make sure that you pay for this!!.. Time-scape!!

And then he disappeared...

Alvaro : Are you guys alright?!

Boboiboy : Yeah.. But he escaped!

Kaizo : It is kind of good... We will have time to treat our injuries and prepare a plan for the next battle.

Draco : Yeah..

??? : Not so fast... We will destroy you all here and now!!

Others : Huh!!!??!!!




Roy : Alex?!!

Boboiboy : What's the meaning of this?!

Alex : Did you all think that I will be helping you after what your friend did seven years ago?! Never! I don't have enough time to talk to you all.. Dark Armour!!

(Can you guess what is the use of that locket?)

Gopal : Huhuhu... we gonna die..... Our grim reaper is here to take us away..

Ying : Gopal!! Shut up!

Alex : Now... Time to finish what you started!! Dark Clones!!

There were now 5 Alex instead of one..

Fang : He can also split himself?!

Kaizo : This is bad

Alvaro : Alex... What are you doing?! You said you we-

Alex : Did you think I will help you?! No... That was all a part of our plan... To kill you all!! Now die!! Dark Clones go!

(I will refer original Alex as Alex itself.. Others as A1..A2..okay?)

A1 : Dark Stream!!!

Kaizo : Amber Energy Barrier!!

A2 : Dark Slam!!

Kaizo : Huh?! Ergh!! It's strong!! The barrier won't last long!

Irene : Need some help? Sonic Waves!!!

A1 and A2 : Argh!! My Ears!!

A3 : Dark Emission!!

Alvaro : Eclipse Slash!!

Boboiboy : *merges back* Boboiboy Blaze!! Chakra Api!!Hiyaah!!

One of the clone who was fighting Alvaro got hit and disappeared.

Alex : Ergh... Dark Beam!!

Ying : Time slow-mo!!

The beam got slower..

Alvaro : Eclipse Drain!!

Alvaro absorbed the attack!

Boboiboy : Fire Breath!!!

A1 and A2 also disappeared.

Only A4 and Alex were left..

Alex : Seems like you guys are strong... But... Are you strong enough to defeat me?

Kaizo : Don't be so overconfident!

Alex : Am I the one who is been overconfident.... Or.. Is it you?

Others : Huh?

Alex : Dark clone *snaps*

Alex just snaps his fingers and his clone disappeared.

Alex : I think... It's about time we start the 'REAL' fight right? Miracle Sword! Miracle Sheild!!

Others : WHAT?!!

Fang : Miracle powers?! Isn't that Boboiboy's?

Alvaro : What is the meaning of this?!

Alex : You didn't know, Did you? After the fight between Alan and Aaron... When he was unconscious.. I absorbed some of his powers into me.

Alvaro : Why you-?!

Alex : Just so that my revenge will be completed. Miracle Slash!!!

Kaizo : Amber energy barrier!! Arghh!!

Kaizo's most powerful barrier broke with just One.. Attack..

(oHmYGoDiT'soopOwErFuL!! Again sorry!!)

Alvaro : Kaizo!! Are you okay?!

Kaizo : Ergh... Y-yeah.. I.. I can handle it..

Alex : Miracle Strike!!

Alvaro : All of you dodge!!! Eclipse Shift!!

The attack missed and hit the tree behind them and all of them were cut down!

Alex : Hmp!! Miracle Sheild!! Giant Slam!!

Alex threw the sheid towards them and it got bigger..

Boboiboy : Boboiboy Earth! Earth Golem!! Ergh!!... It's too strong!! *Golem's hands started to crack* It's gonna brea-Aargh!!!

Alvaro : Aaron!!!

The golem was destroyed and Boboiboy and his friends were sent flying becuz of it's impact.

Boboiboy : Ergh...It hurts..

Fang : He's way too strong... Ergh!

Gopal : Dey! You're the real owner of the powers right? You can't even do what he does! And he only has a little amount of your powers.. Still..

Ying : Can't you keep quite Gopal?!.

Yaya : Yeah.. That's right.. That power requires a lot of Energy!

Boboiboy : Energy... That's right!! There is a way we can defeat him!

Fang : What is it?!

Boboiboy : *discusses their plan* Okay!!

All : Let's do this!!

Alex : Hmp! Tired already?

Alvaro : *panting* Why... Why are you doing this?!

Alex : Hmp... I told you this is my revenge!! And you are gonna di- argh!!

Alex was distracted while talking to Alvaro... That time Boboiboy and others used their chance to attack.. Gempa used his earth fists and punched him on the face..

Alex : How dare you?!! Miracle Slash!!

Boboiboy : Fang Now!!!

Fang then appeared behind Alex..

Fang : Shadow Dragon Breath!!

Alex : Huh?! Argh!!!

Boboiboy : Ying!!

Fang : Shadow Dragon Breath!!

Alex : Huh?! Argh!!!

Ying : Time reversal!!

Fang : Shadow Dragon Breath!!

Alex : Huh?! Argh!!!

Boboiboy : Yaya!!

Yaya : Gravitational pull!!

Alex : Ergh!! I can't move..

Boboiboy : Captain Kaizo !

Kaizo : Amber Energy Binds!!

Alex was now tied up..

Alex : Ergh!! Release me now!!

Boboiboy : Brother... Can you drain his powers?!

Alvaro : Huh? Sorry Aaron.. I can't use my draining powers more than once..

Boboiboy : Oh.. Okay.. Ochobot! Can you?

Ochobot : Ok.. Boboiboy!

Ochobot then drained miracle powers from Alex and gave it back to Boboiboy.

Alex :.. D-don't think that it's all over... It's just the beginning!!

Others : Huh?!

Alex : Did you think you can defeat me that easily?!.... Hahahahahaha!

A Dark Red Aura started surrounding him..

(Lesson of the day : An Aura surrounding someone always leads to something bad)

Yaya : What is happening?!

Ray : That Aura...

Roy : It can't be-

Alex : Now... Any last words?

He was now..

Roy : What's the meaning of this Alex?!! Don't tell me you...

Alex : That's right... I used it! I'm now it's wielder!! Now.. Shall we start our fight?*takes a mask and puts it on)

Alex : Time to die...Blood Sytche!!

Alex : Blood Strike!!

Alvaro : Eclipse Sheild!!!

Irene : Sonic Sheild!!

Gempa : Earth Wall!!

Kaizo : Amber Energy Barrier!!

They created four Sheilds to protect them.. But still..

All : Oh no-Arghhhhh!!

All the four barriers broke!

Alex : Think you could escape from my attacks? Hahahaha!! NEVER!!

Draco : Dragon Claws!!(The old ones)

Draco : Freezing Strike!!

Alex : Dark Shift!

Alex disappeared just before Draco attacked him.

Draco : Huh?!

Alex : *reappeared behind Draco in the air* Blood Lynx!

(It looks like this... The only difference is that it's reddish instead of purplish )

Draco : Huh?! Argh!

Others : Draco!!

Draco : Ergh...

Alex attacked Draco and he tried to sheild himself with his arm... So his arm got injured.

Alex : Now.. Your turn. Hiyaah!!

Alex was about to attack them... But then!

??? : Dark Teleportation!!

Others : Huh?!

All of them disappeared leaving Alex alone..

Alex : Where did they go?! Whi was that?!! Argh!! I could have killed them all!!!..

With others...

They all then reached...

Kaizo : Where are we?

Yaya and Ying : It's so calm..

Irene : Lay! You okay?

Lay : Y-yeah...

Fang : How did we reach here?

Draco : S-someone.. Teleported us.. With Dark powers.. Right?

Boboiboy : Huh?... Who was it?

??? : It was me.... I brought you all here!

Others : Huh?!!


End of chapter!

Hope you like it ✨️

So... Hey long time no see..!

Who do you think it is?!

And what was Roy talking about?!

What do you think aboit Alex's betrayal?!!!

What do you think will happen next?!

Spoiler : SOMEONE OR MORE "WILL" Die... In one of the upcoming chapters.. So... Who do you think it will be?

Lay? Draco? Alvaro? Irene? Aaron? Ochobot?

Who is it?!!..


Hehe... That's right!! I'm a villain!!!


Hehe.. Sorry!

Ok then...

Good Nytzz✨️

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