Ch 13 : Do or Die!!

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Lay : Y-yeah..I-i'm totally f-fine..Just 5 more attacks..

Irene : Lay, don't be reckless!! It's way too dangerous!!

Lay : D-dangerous? W-what will h-happen.. If we d- don't stop him now... Isn't i-it... M-more dangerous..?

Irene : L-lay...

Lay : Y-you... Remember... W-what they.. T-taught us.. R-right?

Irene : I.... Y-yeah..

Lay : T-then let me do.. This... Sis..

Irene : Lay... Okay..

Lay : *smile* You...are.. t-the best..!

Alvaro : Lay... Irene...

Alan : How dare you break my dynamics?! Dynamic Sword!! Dark infusion!! Slash!!!

Draco : Ice sheild!! Ergh..Green flaming Spikes!!

Alan : Huh?! Ergh!!!

Lay : Psychic Whip! Scatter Slash!!!

Alan : Nooo!!

Ankther dynamic broke into pieces.

Lay : J-just.. 4...more...*falls on his knees*...

Irene : Lay!!!

Lay : Ergh!!... S-seems like.... I won't... S- survive.. U-until... Then... But.. I.. Can't g-give up... N-not yet.. Mega Psychic Sword!!

Lay : Mega psychical slash!!!!

Irene : LAY NOOOOO!!!

Alvaro and others : LAY!!!!


Lay's attack was too powerful that 2 dynamics broke!!

*warning : Mentions of blood*

Lay : J-just... O-one... More... A-and.. I-it's o-ver.... Y-you w-will have t-to defeat A-alan by your ow-wn... I-i... Don't t-think... I w-will be there t-to help... You. M-mega..*coughs up blood*...Ergh!

Alvaro, Irene, Kaizo and Draco : LAY!!!

Lay : *coughs* I-- am.. O-okay...P-psychic...

Irene : Lay... NOOOOO!!!

Lay : P-Psychi-

Roy : Infinite Spear !!!

Roy appeared out of nowhere are attacked another dymanics and it cracked a bit.. Then...

Ray : Aim lock!! Fire!

Ray also attacked the dymanic and it broke into peices.

Alvaro : Huh?!

Lay : W-wha-t...*coughs*

Alan : WHAT?!! NOOOOO!!!

Boboiboy : Abang!!

Alvaro : Aaron!

Boboiboy : Are you all, Alright?!

Alvaro : We are.. But Lay isn't!!

Lay : I... I.. Am.. F-*coughs again* ine..

Irene : Lay!!!*runs towards him* Are you okay?! Why are you so reckless!!? What if something happened to you?!! *tears started falling from her eyes* Then... Who will tell those lame jokes to me?! Did you even think how sad I would be if something happened to you?!!

Lay : Y-you.. w-would be s-sad? ... I.. I thought... I-i was j-just..a.. d-disturbance... t-to.. You.. and.. Y-you would b-be happy.. If I w-were.. Gon-

Irene : Who told you to think like that?! I could never think like that!!*cries* You are my precious little brother!! If something happened to you then I could never forgive myself!!

Lay :.. I-  I'm.. S-sorry...and... I-it's emba-rassing... Hehe.. S-sis *coughs*

Irene : Lay!! Are you alright?!!

Lay :... I-i... d-don't.. t-think.. So..and
w-why.... are y-you crying..? I-it makes y-you l-look weak... I-i am s-s-sorry....

Irene : Lay!

Alvaro : Irene, Lay watch out!!

Irene : Huh?!!

Alan : Dark Spheres!!!

Roy : Dark Spear Vortex!!

Alan : Argh!!

Roy : Are you both alright?!

Irene : Yeah.. Thank you.

Lay : Y-yeah..

Roy : Now.. Take Lay away from here! He's in no condition to fight!

Irene : Yeah right!

Lay : No.. I-i can s-still f-fig-

Irene : Listen to elders!!

Lay : He-he.. O-okay.. M- ma'am..

Irene took out her teleportation device (last seen in Secrets Revealed 😅), pressed the button then..a light surrounded them and they teleported where Ochobot and others where.

Yaya : Captain Irene-Huh?! What happened to Captain Lay?!

Irene : Well... He overdid something.

Alex : How's Alan?! Is he okay?! Did he get hurt ir something?!

Irene : He's not hurt or something... But the Dark Aura around him is increasing rapidly..

Alex : W-what?! This is bad... Wait! Roy and others are there right?!

Irene : Yeah.. What's wrong?

Alex : Oh no... They should get away from his as soon as possible!!

Others : Huh?!

With Boboiboy and others.

Roy : Alan... Snap out of it!! This isn't you... You wouldn't even dare to hurt anyone..!

Alan : That's what I don't like about me!! And that's the same reason why my Mom died!! She didn't want others to get hurt! He was kind hearted!! She gave up her  life to protect them..!!

Alvaro : A-alan... I... I'm sorry!! It was all my fault!!

Boboiboy : Brother... W-what are you talking about?

Alvaro : Aaron.. I... Se-

Alan : And that's why... I'm gonna kill you and all the people who love and care about you!! Dark Storm!!

Roy : Dark Control!! Reverse attack!!

Alan : What?!

A dark storm emerged but then Roy used his powers and reversed the attack towards Alan.

Alan : Arghhh!!

Ray : Dark Seal!!

Alan : Nooo!! Ergh!!

Ray used his powers and sealed Alan inside a Cube like box.

Roy : You are now trapped Alan! You can't win now.

Boboiboy : So we won?

Ray : Yeah.

Kaizo : So.. What would we do now?

Fang : Maybe we should go to where the others are?

Alvaro : Yeah..

Roy : Okay then.. Let's go *takes out his device* (hashi.. You shouldn't have given it to him.. 😭😅) Karukute hayai *vanishes*

With Irene and others.

Alex : It's way too dangerous to be near h-

Boboiboy and others along with Alan inside that cube appears infront of them.

Alex : Aan!

Roy : Finally... We defeated him.

Alex : Wait.. Roy! Did you use Dark seal on him?!!

Roy : Yeah.. So?

Alex : What in the world did you do?!!! He was already overflowing with dark energy!! You just helped him evolve his powers!!

Others : WHAT?!!!

Alan : Hahahaha!!! Now... It's the end for you all!! Dark Drain!!

Alan absorbed all the dark energy and then his aura got bigger.. Then... He changed into....

Alan : Now... It's all over for you  Ultramix!!

(Ultramix is the upgraded version of his dynamics.. As yiu can see in the pic

Irene : h no...

Fang : This is bad..

Ochobot : Guys!! Come on.. Here are your power watches.. I repaired it!!

Boboiboy : Huh?! You repaired it? Thank you ochobot!!

Fang : Yeah!!

Alan : Don't be so Happy!! You don't have time to use it again as you're all gonna die!! Dark chain!!

A chain in his hand extended and was about to hit Ochobot, Boboiboy and Fang but then.. Ray stood infront if him and it pierced through Ray's shoulder.

Ray : Arghh!!

Roy : Ray!!

Alan : Oh.. Did that hurt? I didn't even use it's full strength yet.. Hahahaha!! Ultramix!!

Four of his ultramix floated towards them and...

Alan : 3...2...1...BOOM!!

*B OOO MMM!!!!*

All : Aargh!!!..

Alan : You got your guard down!!

Alvaro : Ergh.. A-are you guys alright?

Others : Y-yes...

Irene : Lay.. Y-you okay?!

Lay : Y-yeah... N-not.. So.. G-good..

Alan : So.. Now who wanna die first?!

Kaizo : This not good..

Alvaro : This is.. All happening because of me... Your enemy is me!! You don't have to hurt them for that!

Alan : Huh? Hehe.. Hehe.. Hahahaha!! Didn't you do the same back then?! Your enemy was someone else... But the one suffered was... Her.. The one suffered was my mom!! You are the one who killed her!! You are a murderer!!!.

Alvaro : I-..

Boboiboy : B-brother... W-what are they talking about?!

Alvaro : I accept that.. This is all my fault.. And I'm the only one who is supposed to be punished..

Kaizo : What is he talking about?!

Irene : I.. I don't know. Lay.. You know right?

Lay : Y-yeah.. S-seven.. Y-*coughs*

Irene : Hey. Hey.. Easy.. Don't force yourself anymore. You already are at your limit.

Lay : Hm..

(Lay really would have died with one more attack.. Huh?)

(Maybe he still has a chance to die)

Boboiboy : W-what is going on.. I don't understand anything.

Fang : Me neither.

Yaya and Ying : Same..

Gopal : The only think I see is death... We will all die. Today... By a ghost and psychic devices...

(He talks like He's been hypnotised 😂)

Ying : Keep your mouth shut Gopal!!

Roy : Ray!! Are you alright?!

Ray : Y-yeah... It's just a s-small wound. I can handle it..

Roy : Hm.. You have gone too far Alan!! Infinite Spear!!


Roy boy... Seems to be angry).

Roy : Zeathal Strike!!!

Alan : Ultramix Shield!!...Dark chain!!

Roy : Zeathal Sheild!!.. Dark Spikes!!.

Alan : Ultramix, Dark chain... Combine!!

His ultramix and dark chain combined..

Alan : Ultra Strike!!!

Roy : Zeathal sh- argh!!

Others : Roy!!

Boboiboy : We have to help him!!

Others : Yeah right!!

Kaizo : Let's do this! Amber Mask! Amber energy Blade!!

Draco : Dragon Ice Claws!!

Irene : You should just stay here and don't you dare think of doing something reckless!!

Lay : I.. Don't.. T-think.. I w-ill.. I-i.. Am too... T-tired to even... T-talk..

Irene : Watch your sis fight for now!

Lay : Hm..

Irene : Okay.. Sonic Bow!!

Lay : W-woah..

Alvaro : Mega Eclipse Sword!!

Yaya : Mighty punch!!

Ying : Super Speed Kicks!!

Gopal : Food transformation!! Huh?! It has no effect on his ultra.. Er.. Ultraman!! Huhuhu!! Ammaa.. Appaa..

Fang : Annoying... Shadow Bear Fusion!!

Boboiboy : Boboiboy Triple spilt!!

Boboiboy Hallillintar!! Hallillintar slash!!

Boboiboy Solar!! Solar Beam!!

Boboiboy Gempa!! Earth Golem!!

Alan : Ultramaxine Slam!!

Boboiboy : Earth wall!! *breaks into peices* ERGH... Not good! Earth Slam!!!

Alan : Time-scape!!

Alan disappeared and then appeared behind Gempa..

Alan : Ultramaxine strike!!

Gempa : Huh?!!

Hallillintar : Hallillintar Strike!!.

Alan : Huh?! Argh!!!

Gempa : Thanks... That was a close call.

Alan : Why yo-

Irene : Sonic Arrows!!!

Alan : Huh?! Argh!! My ears!!!

Irene : Draco now!!

Draco : Freezing Claw strike!!

Alan : Huh?! Argh!!

The eye patch like thing on his left like broke.

And they saw that his left eye turned black!!

Alan : Ergh!! I will not fir give for this!! Dark Stream!!

(He broke your phone's screen😂)

Irene : Sonic Sheild!!

Gempa : Earth Wall!!

Alan : I will make sure that you pay for this!!.. Time-scape!!

And then he disappeared...

Alvaro : Are you guys alright?!

Boboiboy : Yeah.. But he escaped!

Kaizo : It is kind of good... We will have time to treat our injuries and prepare a plan for the next battle.

Draco : Yeah..

??? : Not so fast... We will deatroy you all here and now!!

Others : Huh!!!??!!!




End of chapter!

Hope you like it ✨️

Who do you think it is??


I have maths tuition at 8 30..

Gotta go fast, gotta go fast
Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster!


Karukute hayai ✨️⚡️*vanishes*

Bye...Good nytzz ✨️

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