Company's Calling You Out (Special POV)

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Next thing you know, we're are pulling into Scott's driveway.

My heart filled with a little hope but I was terrified because I knew something was bound to go wrong with certain people in a building together for too long.

It lead to a fight in an airport the last time I remembered.

Jumping out of the front seat I grab my stuff somewhat in a rush of seeing my love, though I knew he was not... hm, admired by everyone else.

Which was one of the main problems.

I walk up to the front door of my home, ringing the doorbell hesitantly, trying to strain my eyes looking through the blurred glass.

Slowly, the door creeks open revealing a exhausted looking Scott-- though it was only around 8 pm. Must've had a long night.

He looks at me and then everyone behind me. Then back at me. A smile creeps upon his lips. "Hey."

"Hey, Scott." I say quietly giving a smirk. Opening the door he lets everyone in with ease.

"After y'all set your stuff down, please explain why I'm going to be keeping 3 extra people in my house," He says his voice slurring slightly.

"Our house." I look at him rolling my eyes as I set my stuff down in my room, looking around to make sure everything was exactly where I left it.
As I set my clothes on my bed and I walk out I noticed a picture on the ground.

It was of me, Alex and Scott. But chills went down my back as I had realized my face has been scratched off. I scoff, though I didn't feel different by the cliché threat , and only thought that he was doing this to scare me more than I already was. Walking out into the living room I shove the same picture on his chest. "Tell your boyfriend to back off." He huffs looking at the picture then proceeding to throw it on the ground.

He doesn't know what Alex does to me when he's not around but he obviously knows that he does not like me, at all.

"Don't mind him Mitchie-poo." He winked at me giving a sloppy smile.

Micthie-poo??? What the hell?

The others come out of guest room sitting on the couch awkwardly as I then scooted the picture under the individual chair Scott was about to sit on.

Joining the others, I cross my legs and lean back closing my eyes for just a second.

"Why are these people here?" He asks bluntly looking around at all of them, then at me.

"Jeremy has not only threatened me, but he's threatened all of us. And he obviously planned in coming to Avi and Kevin's house." Kirstie explains. "So we came here because he knew it'll be the last place he finds us."

"What if he looks at all the places and then comes here?!" Scott says sarcastically. She furrows her eyebrows at him, getting ticked off. "Look, I'm calling bullshit." He shrugs with a smile, holding his hands up in surrender.

Kevin gets up and gets ready to leave the room, as he senses shit's about to go down and he wants no part of it. Either would I, but I'm apart of the shit, but matter fact so is he. We all are.

"You dumbfuck do you not understand??" She says standing up, ready to charge. "He is sending threats."

"Like a troll online to get under you skin." Scott replies, pinching his skin.

Something really isn't right. I know he isn't exactly a fan of Avi, Kirstie, and Kevin but this his

"Kirst, you're being really stupid, stupid enough to call me a dumbfuck. You're the dumb one because you clearly aren't understand what he's trying to do!" He says standing up.

This triggers Avi, causing him to react the same way.

"What do you know, you've been here cuddled up with Alex all day, all night not even paying attention to the one who's been by your side since the beginning." He shouts causing me to flinch. I was just so easily scared.

Kevin motions for me to follow him into the kitchen, without any hesitation I make my way out.

"They're going to fight, aren't they?" I sigh following him.

"Probably. But I found something you might need to see." He says motioning towards one of the cupboards. I wonder why he was going through the cupboard in the first place, but I'm not concerned.

"SAYS THE MAN WHO FELL LIKE HUMPTY DUMPTY AND FELL ON HIS DAMN HEAD!" Scott's voice echoed, sounding gritty.

Me and Kevin both look at each other with wide eyes, but he then proceeds.

"Does Scott need anxiety medication?" He asks curiously, looking at the bottle then handing it to me.


"ALSO BECAUSE OF YOU MITCH HAS BEEN GETTING FUCKING MANHANDLED FOR FUCKS SAKE AND YOU WITH HAD NO IDEA!" Kirstie screams. Luckily there would be no complaints, since this house is located in a secluded area.

"BY YOUR BOYFRIEND. HE SHOULD'VE NEVER CAME NEAR US. So yea..." she surprisingly simmers down for just a while. "Its not because of you Scottie," I hear her sneakers sweek against the wood floor.

I shake my head immediately, as I look at the orange bottle closely. "No--Woah wait." I interrupt myself, somehow. I found a name printed in small, faded letters who it was perscribed to, but it didn't read Scott Hoying.

"ITS BECAUSE OF YOUR ASS OF A BOYFRIEND, ALEXANDER!!" Kirstie yells at Scott. I hear foot steps then a smack, that echoed.

Silence filled the home.

Kevin immediately ran towards the living room and I tagged along before anything else could happen.

We were close but a little too late.

Kirste stood in shock, holding her hand up to her cheek, which was a bright red while Avi instead, punches Scott in the jaw. "Don't you ever put your hands on her,"

Me and Kevin both walked over to Kirstie, who still held her hand to her face, tears filling her eyes. No sound, just tears.

"Kit, do we need to leave?" Kevin asks with a concern look on his face. No answer. She looks at me, then at Kevin. Then her eyes slowly glide to Scott. And they're stuck to him.

Scott holding his jaw in pain he looks at her with an exhausted, annoyed look. His lip clearly bruised.

I didn't care how bad he looked, or how much he hurts. I show no sympathy for him, he doesn't deserve it anyways. I should've noticed this before. But here's one rule that all of us got straight.

You don't, and I mean never, hit Kirstie.

That's a no no.

With a blood curdling scream she plunged, and soon enough began to punch the living shit out of Scott for a few seconds before being pulled off by Avi.

I grab Scott by his hand, but as soon as I pick him up I push him away. I glare at him up and down with pure disgust and shake my head once.

"I have a question." I throw him the anxiety pills and he catches them, looking at me with shock as he soon realized what they were.

"Why do you have Ben's medication?"


I had to make sure I published this ASAP.



Peace and Harmony ~ Nyah

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