Sigyn's Revenge
A thousand years ago Loki was chained up in a cave as punishment for the murder of Baldur. For a thousand years, Sigyn has stood by her husband, holding a bowl over his head to catch the venom dripping down from the snake above his head - but now she has had her fill. Change is coming to Asgard as Sigyn sets out to get revenge on Odin for killing her sons and chaining up her husband. With only Loki's children and the newlywed humans Max and Ian, Sigyn sets off to do what no one has ever done before: Bring Odin to his knees and make him admit his own guilt. Sigyn's Revenge is a story about justice, standing up for yourself and what you believe in, about love that is worth fighting for, even if everyone else thinks you are insane for it, and about family and the strength that it gives you. Go on the journey of a lifetime, through Midgard, Helheim, and Asgard, and feel the love between the loyal Sigyn and the unaccountable trickster god Loki.…