Chapter 5

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Newt had was currently finishing up his assigned homework for the next day, as well as taking notes over Professor Dumbledore's lesson. He had taken this class before, so he knew what he was being taught. Everything would be smooth sailing for the first part of the year; it would be back to the books for the second half though.

"Alright, class, don't forget your assignment that's due tomorrow. You're all dismissed," Pr. Dumbledore's voice snapped Newt out of his work. He began to pack his things up before his Professor's voice spoke up again, "Newt?" The boy simply looked up before his teacher asked, "Do you have a moment?" Newt nodded, "Of course, Professor."

Newt finished pack up his things as the other students filed out of the room, not giving the boy a second glance as they passed him. Once they were gone, Newt came up to his Professor's desk. "Is there something wrong, Professor?" Newt asked. "That girl you brought to the medical wing... where did you find her?" The Professor asked. The boy knew he would possibly be questioned at some point, so he was more than willing to be corporative. Besides, he wanted answers too. "Well I was out in the back courtyard, which leads out towards the Forbidden Forest. I don't know how long she had been there; she wasn't there when I had arrived. But when I was getting ready to leave for class, she was laying there." Newt explained. "So she had come out of thin air?" Pr. Dumbledore asked. Newt shook his head, "Surely not." "Thank you, Newt. That's all I needed to know," Dumbledore replied.

"Do you know if she's alright? The nurses wouldn't tell me anything," Newt asked, still quite a bit worried. "She's in a stable condition. However, she has yet to awake. I'm sure you may visit her, if you desire, after your classes are done for the day," Dumbledore eased the boy's nerves. Newt just nodded with a small smile, "Thank you, sir." With that, the boy gathered his things before taking off to his next class.

Though Newt scurried from class to class, he couldn't help but think about the girl he had 'saved' that morning. He was trying to fit a name to a face. It was bothering him that he didn't know one of his own housemates. Especially one so pretty. Of course, he didn't much pay attention to anyone other than Leta for most of his Hogwarts career. But surely he'd remember a name and face such as hers.

His classes finally came to an end for the day as he began to make his way towards the medical ward. It didn't take him too long to get where he was going as he was quickly greeted by the same nurse he had come to that morning. "Mr. Scamander. I thought you might return. She still hasn't woken up, but you're more than welcome to keep her company," The nurse smiled. Newt nodded, "Thank you." He lightly tread over to the girl's bedside. He gazed down upon the girl, still bothered that he couldn't place her name. "Would you happen to know her name? I can't seem to recall it," Newt turned to the nurse once more. The nurse gave a look of defeat, "Unfortunately, we can't find her files. We're not sure who she is at the moment. The Headmaster and Pr. Dumbledore are looking into matter as we speak."

Newt turned back to the girl. He would wait until the girl would wake up. He just had to know her name. The boy pulled up a chair and began to do the homework he was assigned. He remained there as long as time would allow. The nurse had made Newt go to dinner, but he had returned no less than an hour later. He was rather worried, still, about the girl not waking up.

It was getting rather late as he knew he would have to return to his house soon. His homework had been completed for the next week as all he could simply do was gaze up at the girl who lay before him. "Mr. Scamander?" The nurse's voice approached, "It's nearly curfew. You wouldn't want to get in trouble." Newt just nodded as he got to his feet, "May I come by in the morning?" The nurse was surprised that Newt had stayed by the girl's side this long, but wouldn't deny him visiting privileges. If Pr. Dumbledore was correct, and the girl was from a different time, then maybe having Newt for a friend would benefit not only the girl, but Newt as well. The nurse smiled, "Of course."

A few hours after Newt had left, the Headmaster and Pr. Dumbledore had returned to the medical ward to check up on the girl. Realizing nothing with the girl had changed, the Headmaster stormed back out of the clinic and toward his quarters. The only thing the nurse had to report was that Newt had a hard time leaving the girl's side. And all Dumbledore could do was give a small smile.

The next day, Newt had come to visit the mystery girl bright and early. However, she still had yet to wake up. The nurse couldn't help but smile at the boy as he sat at the girl's bedside. He didn't even know her. "Please wake up," Newt whispered, "I just have to know who you are." The nurse couldn't help but over hear the boy and smile wider.

After Newt's visit that morning, he proceeded to each of his classes. He honestly couldn't help but fidget now that all his homework had been done. He would take notes, but he had already taken them once before the previous year. What if the girl woke up and he wasn't there? What if she didn't remember who she was? He didn't even know her! Why was he so worried about her in the first place?!

"Newt?" Dumbledore's voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he stood by his desk, "Sense your homework is done and you've already had this lesson, why don't you take your leave? You look rather ill." Newt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before he got the message. Dumbledore was letting him return to the girl's side. With a simple nod, Newt gathered his things and headed out the door and back to the medical wing.

Once there, he found the nurse checking over the girl. "Is she alright?" Newt asked, walking up to the bedside once again. The nurse just smiled, "She's stirred a bit sense this morning. I'm pretty sure she'll wake up soon. I've tried to check over her but it seems she's carried in a little friend of hers who doesn't seem too keen on me touching her." Confused, Newt looked down to the girl to find that a little green twig sat on her chest, looking rather peeved that two strangers were around her friend. "That's a Bowtruckle," Newt awed. He had never seen one up close before.

The nurse kindly smiled, "If anyone knew what that thing was, it would be you, wouldn't it, Mr. Scamander?" "I suppose," Newt blushed, looking back down at the creature. "It's taken a swing at me every time I've tried to touch the girl," The nurse replied. "It must see the girl as its tree. You see, Bowtruckles fiercely protect their trees. Specifically trees that are used to make wands. It just might see us as a threat," Newt explained. The nurse shrugged, "It makes sense to me." Newt couldn't help but continue to awe at the creature. The nurse then sighed, "Would you mind watching her while I step out for about an hour? I need to report to the Headmaster." Newt nodded, "Of course."

The nurse quickly took her leave as Newt took a seat beside the bed once again. The Bowtruckle keeping a sharp eye on Newt. "What's your name?" Newt asked the little creature as it continued to glare daggers at him. "I won't hurt you or your friend," Newt tried to reassure. However, the little creature blew a raspberry at the boy as he couldn't help but chuckle.

Newt continued to look upon the small beast in a sort of staring contest. He was determined to try and make friends. It continued for a little while before the creature's eyes softened and looked up to its master's face with a delighted squeak. Newt sat up, following the little twig's gaze. The girl was waking up! The girl let out a groan before she fluttered her eyes open. Newt swore his heart stopped as he saw the most beautiful pair of blue eyes he had ever seen. They were like that of ice crystals on a clear winter's day.

"Wh-What happened?" The girl whispered, bringing Newt back down to earth again. Her voice sounded just as beautiful as her eyes looked. "Hey, are you alright?" Newt asked, getting to his feet. He was going to help her sit up but the little Bowtruckle tried to swipe at him. "Phlox? Be nice. Sorry, she's protective," The girl apologized, sitting up in the process. "Are you alright?" Newt repeated, "You've been out for about a day." The girl rubbed her head, "My head just aches and I pretty sure I hit it after I-" The girl trailed off, furrowing her eyebrows.

Newt was fearing the worst, "You remember everything, don't you?" The girl shook her head, "It's hard to say. It all happened so fast." "Well, let's start with something easy," Newt suggested. The girl just happened to look up to the boy to realized she didn't even know him. However, he was incredibly handsome. A bit nerdy looking, but handsome. He was rather tall, possibly around 5'8 or 5'9. He had light skin, deep blue eyes, and curly reddish brown hair. But she still didn't know who he was, even wearing their house colors. "I'm sorry, who are you?" The girl blurted. "Oh! I'm Newt. Newt Scamander. You probably remember me getting into trouble last year..."

As Newt went on, the girl remembered what had happened. At first, she thought that he might have been pulling her leg. But once she remembered her Time Turner acting up on its own, she knew this was something far from a joke. The second thing she had to do was remain calm, considering the Newt Scamander was standing, in the flesh, right before her eyes. She was almost tempted to let out a squeal of pure delight upon meeting her one and only hero.

But this predicament left her in a rather difficult position. Grabbing the Time Turner around her neck slowly, she began to realize she really was not within her own time anymore. Everything that had happened before she blacked out had not been a nightmare. Before her was standing her number one hero and role model of all time. She knew the rules of time travel and she knew one too many rules had already been broken. For starters, she wasn't supposed to go back in time but by only a few hours. She had jumped years into the past and she had no idea on how she would get home! But as of that current moment, she had to pretend as if she was part of his time. If she had been knocked out for a certain amount of time, then surely more people knew about her presence than just Newt.

"Of course, I'm not very well liked among our house. They find me rather annoying actually, so I understand if you have a bad impression of me. I just was making sure that you were alright," Newt rambled as the girl came back down to earth. "Oh, um, no. I don't have any bad impressions of you. I'm new here to Hogwarts. I transferred here from America. I tried to apparition into the castle and... um... I don't really remember much after that," The girl shrugged, hoping the lie would suffice. The boy looked surprised, "You... You apparitiated? We haven't even learned that yet, as sixth years. And you say you're from America? But the-" The girl smiled and cut him off, "Accent? My father is from London as my mother came from the states."

Newt smiled before asking, "Would you happen to remember your name?" She had replied without a second thought, "Rose." Though it wasn't her real name, it was her nickname for her last name; Rosedale. The boy's heart couldn't help but flutter, but he had to keep asking her questions, "What about your last name?" Rose had stopped to think this time. She couldn't give him her real last name or her true identity. "Black," the girl blurted by accident, but went with it, "Rose Black."

Sirius had always referred to her as Rose Black when she had spent the last two summers with him. He had unofficially adopted her and referred to her as a Black just for the laugh. He had seen her as the daughter he never had. This was even more so because Harry was still under the Durdly's custody during the time. That and he was possibly hoping that she and Harry would end up together at some point, for he teased her about that too.

"Are you related to Headmaster Black then?" Newt asked, a bit more confused. Rose shook her head, "Not by blood. He's most likely unaware of my existence. I was recently adopted by a friend of my mother's." It wasn't necessarily a lie. Her mother and Sirius had been good friends back in the day. Rose's story was staring to fall into place for Newt as he took a seat on the edge of the bed this time, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize-" "It's alright," Rose gave a small smile.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop makin' eyes at my mother, ya creep!" Newt jumped, a bit startled as he looked down to the voice that had spoken to him. His eyes widened when he found out just what had spoke to him. Looking down to the girl's bag, Newt found a Jarvey's head poking out from within the bag. It was a light red furred Jarvey with hazel eyes. "Ravi?" The girl asked, looking over the side of the bed, rather hopeful. "I-it just spoke to me? But a normal Jarvey can't speak more than just a few words-" Newt was cut off by the small beast in question, "Well, I ain't normal!"

Rose rolled her eyes, "It's true what you say, but it's also true he's not normal either. You see, I raised him after his mother died. With a little bit of work, I was able to teach him how to talk. And nicely at that." Ravi snickered, smirking innocently as he did, "How am I not being nice? I just don't like the way he was lookin' at cha." "Protective that one is too. But he's more reasonable," Rose turned to Newt with a small smile.

Though Newt was extremely impressed, he suddenly became very worried for, not only the girl, but her creatures. "They- they shouldn't be here. They're not supposed to be here," Newt almost panicked. "What? Why not? This is Hogwarts," Rose replied, a bit confused. "Well... After an incident last year, involving a student and, specifically, a Jarvey, magical beasts have been prohibited by the Hogwarts school administration. If they find out you have a Jarvey, of all creatures, they may just turn around and expel you. They won't even bother to hear you out," Newt warned.

Rose thought this was rather strange but found no reason for Newt to make things up. "Well, I guess that means we'll just have to keep Ravi a secret between you and I. Wait... Ravi, is Sweetie still in there?" Rose turned to her beloved creature. "What?" Newt had asked below his breath, flickering his gaze between the girl and the Jarvey, "W-Who's Sweetie?" "A pink wad of fluff that makes all girls swoon over its cuteness. Trust me, she ain't nuthin' special. Besides, she's still out like a light," Ravi reported. Rose just gave a side smirk, "Oh, and you're just so special?" "Of course! Cause I'm me!" Ravi boasted. "Wait, you have a third creature?" Newt ran a hand through his hair. "Relax, all the puff ball does in eat, squeak, poop, and sit. As I said, nuthin' special," Ravi chuckled. "Pygmy Puffs tend to do that, Ravi," Rose tried not to laugh.

Though Newt was scared the girl would get caught with her creatures, he felt very much intrigued. He had never heard of a Pygmy Puff before. He had done researched about every magical beast there was to know about. Ones that were rare, ones that were myth and legend, ones that they saw every day, ones that lived clear on the other side of the world. But never had he heard about this specific creature before.

"Pygmy Puff?" Newt repeated. Rose mentally scolded herself, forgetting that the Pygmy Puff was genetically breed by both Fred and George Weasley back in her time. Surely this wouldn't mess up the future too bad right? However, she didn't get to reply before the both of them began to hear footsteps echoing down the hallway heading for the medical ward. "Hide," Newt quickly directed the Jarvey, still within the girl's backpack. Even if it was the girl's creature, Newt knew that if he, of all people, were caught with one of the same beast that got him expelled last year, he wouldn't return if he got expelled again this year. "Like he-" Rose cut the ferret-like creature off with a strict whisper shout, "Ravi!" "Alright, alright... sheesh!" Ravi dipped back into the bag to fall still and quiet. The girl's Bowtruckle also managed to make it into the girl's pocket.

Not a moment later did the nurse return with the Headmaster and Pr. Dumbledore. Of course, Rose immediately recognized her own Headmaster, but Newt had mentioned that Hogwarts was clearly not under Dumbledore's authority as of yet. Instead, it was someone with the Black name.

"Oh! Good! She's awake!" The nurse scurried in with the two men behind her. As the nurse began to look the girl over and ask questions, Pr. Black spoke up, "I suggest you get back to class, Mr. Scamander. We'll take things from here." Newt would have protested, but he was not willing to oppose Headmaster Black. The man already didn't like Newt as it was. "Yes, Headmaster. I'll be on my way," However before he left, he turned to the girl, "I hope to see you around, Rose. It was a pleasure meeting you." Rose waved as the boy soon left.

Once they were all sure Newt had gone, Pr. Black spoke up again, "Serene, have the girl clean up and escort her to my office." "Yes, Headmaster," the nurse, Serene replied. Both men then left the medical ward as the nurse urged Rose to clean herself up. Within a decent amount of time, Rose managed to take a shower, dry her hair, brush her teeth, brush her hair, and change into an extra set of robes the nurse had brought her.

Unto her surprise, the Time Turner still refused to be removed from around her neck. She could now handle the piece of jewelry, but yet it took all her strength just trying to take the darn thing off. It would glow in protest of being removed and would go no further than just below her chin and the base of her head. Though the necklace wouldn't come off, she was just glad it didn't shock her like it had before.

Once ready, Rose allowed the nurse to lead her to the Headmasters office. Of course, it came as no surprise to her that it was in the same place as where Dumbledore's office was in her time. With a brief knock, Rose was quickly ushered in, along with nurse Serene. The Headmaster sat behind his desk as Dumbledore stood off to his right. "Come forward," Pr. Black demanded. Rose did so without protest. "I'm going to ask this once. Are you from the future?"

Rose quickly came to the conclusion that they had noticed her Time Turner when she had been unconscious. She had hidden it under her robes after she had gotten ready, just in case anyone asked. She could have given the story she gave Newt, but she knew with the Headmaster being of the Black family, she could never pull it off. Not to mention that Dumbledore would see through just about anything. She knew that much.

She had no other choice. She nodded weakly, "I am in fact from the future. However, it's completely by accident." "By accident! So you were irresponsibly playing around with a Time Turner of all things?!" Headmaster Black scolded. "No! Not at all, sir-" Rose went to defend herself but the Headmaster cut her off, "Do you even know the rules of the Time Turner?! You have gotten yourself into a lot of trouble!" "Headmaster, I don't mean to interrupt, but why don't we hear of what she has to say? Give her a chance to explain herself," Dumbledore suggested. The Headmaster thought for a moment before calming himself down, "Very well. Explain yourself."

With the green light, Rose began to explain, "Well, I was given the Time Turner from

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