Chapter 4

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It was a rather chilly day in September at Hogwarts. The year was 1914 and everything seemed absolutely normal. Normal in the eyes of a boy that went by the name of Newt Scamander, that is. It had been a rather long first few weeks to say the least. The previous year, he had been expelled due to one of Leta Lestrange's plans gone wrong. He had taken the fall for her. And what did she do? She acted as if nothing had happened. Now he was picked on and teased more often than not.

    He was currently sitting in one of the courtyards no one ever seemed to come and visit. It was a place he had come to know quite well over the years, and served him well for when he wanted to get away from it all. A sort of safe haven. Sense the accident, Newt had no one to call a fellow friend. Headmaster Black wouldn't even allow him an owl! He just considered himself lucky that Hogwarts readmitted him so he could be able to graduate.

    The boy sighed, already having accept the fact that he annoyed people and it was the reason everyone avoided him. He didn't want to burden them, nor did he want to annoy them. And after Leta, Newt had given up on trying to make anymore friends. It was true he was lonely, but it was better to be lonely than to be stabbed in the back.

    The sun had risen not too long ago as he knew classes would be starting shortly. He didn't want to go. But he would never dare skip a class. His mother would be furious if she ever found out of such events. The previous year had made her very disappointed in him, and he had rather not give her anymore reason to.

    Taking another deep sigh, he pushed himself up onto his feet and began to head toward the castle. But he didn't get more than a few steps before he found a girl laying on the ground. He hadn't heard the girl walk in, nor had he seen her. Looking around calmly, wondering if this could have possibly been a prank, but he found no one. He slowly walked up to the girl, "Hello?... Are you alright?"

    He kneeled down beside her, quickly noticing that the girl was unconscious. She had been laying on her side. The moment he rolled her onto her back, Newt's breath got caught in his throat. Though her eyes weren't open, his first thought was that the girl was gorgeous. Her wavy brown hair pooled around her head as her light, fair skin glowed within the morning light. But he soon realized her robes and found them to be one of his own house colors.

    The girl wasn't young enough to be a first year and he had certainly never seen her before. He made it a personal goal of his to at least remember the people within his own house. Newt sucked in a shaky breath before he placed a hand on the girl's neck to feel for a pulse. He had found one, but it was soft. Not only that, but she was freezing cold to the touch. Something was seriously wrong. Whether he recognized her or not, he had to get her to the medical ward. Without a second thought, Newt slung the girl's backpack over his shoulder, picked up the girl in his arms, and rushed off to get the girl the help she so desperately needed.

    After arriving with the girl in hand, the nurses shooed him away as he was promptly told to go to class. However, he was very much worried about the girl. After calming himself down, he headed off to class. He'd visit the girl once the day was over and see if she was alright. As much as he reassured himself she was going to be alright, he felt the need to stay beside her.

    Meanwhile, while Newt attended his to his day, the nurses had rushed around aiding the girl they somehow couldn't identify. She was in serious condition and needed to be attended to, regardless if she could be identified or not. After a few hours or so, the girl's heart rate had returned to normal as her body temperatures stabilized.

    "What is this about an unidentified student?" A rough voice barged into the medical wing. "Mr. Scamander brought in a girl this morning. She was out cold and in serious condition. She's been unconscious sense Mr. Scamander brought her in and she's currently still resting. She's wearing Hufflepuff robes but I can't seem to find records of her anywhere," The nurse explained, "Would you happen to recognize her Headmaster?" The man looked over the girl who laid in a bed closest to the window. His brow scrunched in confusion, "I can't say I do." "Perhaps she had been missing at one point?" A new voice entered the room, coming up to stand by the Headmaster. "Ah, Dumbledore! Would you happen to recognize this student?" Headmaster Black asked.

    A younger Dumbledore looked over the features of the girl before them. If anyone knew every student within the school, it would be Dumbledore. He admired every student that walked through the doors of his classroom and made it a point to understand each and every one. He memorized each of their faces and learned how each of them ticked. He was solely dedicated to his students, young and old, current or alumni.

    After a short pause, Dumbledore shook his head, "I have never seen this girl before." "She must be a spy of some sorts!" Black began to jump to conclusions. "Then how did she obtain her robes?" The nurse defended. Before Black could respond, Dumbledore had spoke up to catch both of their attentions, "Actually, she might be from Hogwarts after all. But she might be just ahead of her time." "What do you mean, Albus?" Black demanded. "Look at the necklace around her neck. I think she is very much a student. Just not one in our time," Dumbledore explained.

    Looking over, the Headmaster's eyes widened in shock, "A Time Turner?!" It came as more of a shouted whisper, "How can that be? Scamander probably has something to do with this!" "I doubt that, Headmaster. We'll only know for certain when the girl wakes up. I'll question Mr. Scamander, just in case, and report back after my Transfigurations class this afternoon," Dumbledore replied. The Headmaster briskly nodded before turning to the nurse, "I want to be notified the moment she wakes up." "Of course," The nurse nodded before tending to the girl once more. Both teachers quickly left as they were simply baffled by the girl's appearance.

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