Chapter 34

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The group of four was now being held in the cells. Newt was sitting in one of the front corners, opposite of the cell from Tina, fretting over the well being of his creatures. Jacob was sitting on the bed, not really sure what was going on or what was about to happen next, so he sat quietly as questions buzzed around his head. Tina couldn't find the means to sit still has her hands fiddled around with anything her fingertips could reach, as she was almost in tears. Rose had stood along the barred barrier between the cells, beside Newt. She was trying her best not to worry; she had been in much more dangerous situations than this. And, of course, she was fretting over Ravi and Sweetie.

For once, she had felt like she had lived for two lifetimes. Once upon a time, she had a friend that had gone by the name Harry Potter, but the world wouldn't know that until another seventy years or so. He was always on the run from a wizard of which no one spoke his name, out of sheer and utter fear. Every year, while attending Hogwarts, she, Harry, and their friends would always find ways of getting themselves into trouble; always on the run and trying to fight off the ever expanding darkness. But she had also lived a life that was simple; one with creatures, in a country cottage home, in love with her best friend she had made friends with back in Hogwarts.

A sense of nostalgia washed over her as she felt the tension rising in the air around them. However, she couldn't pinpoint when the danger was to come; but she knew it was coming. The danger always came. Maybe that's why she was so calm; she still had the courage Harry had given her each time they faced Voldemort and his followers. Rose sighed. She missed Harry, and Hermione and Ron. And, of course, Luna, her closest friend from her future.

"I'm so sorry about your creatures, Mr. Scamander," Tina apologized, snapping Rose out of her thoughts, "I truly am." Glancing down at her friend, Rose could tell that Newt was not happy with Tina in the slightest as he remained silent. Seeing this, Rose refrained from mentioning, or making a snarky comment, about Tina using them and his creatures to previously save her job. "Can someone please tell me what this obscurial, obscurus thing is, please?" Jacob asked, genuinely curious.

The three magic folk contemplated on answering his question. Of course, Rose knew why Jacob was asking; for Newt had one in his case and, surely, he'd have answers. However, it was Tina who had spoke up first, "There hasn't been one for centuries." She had been peering out the prison bars in worry before she had turned to the Muggle. "I met one in Sudan three months ago," Newt confessed, pulling at his fingers nervously and refusing to look away from them, "There used to be more of them but they still exist. Before wizards went underground, when we were still being hunted by Muggles, young wizards and witches sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution. Instead of learning to harness and control their powers, they developed what was called an obscurus."

In the midst of his explaining, Newt had almost come to tears; his face flushed and his voice shaky. Jacob had nodded, realizing how serious the matter was and why no one talked about it. For Rose, the topic of an obscurus became so much more real. Back in her time, the chance of there being an obscurus was a million to one; wizards no longer had to hide out of fear, only for protection to preserve their own magic within their world.

"It's an unstable dark force that bursts out an attacks," Tina clarified, "and then vanishes. Obscurials can't survive long, can they? " Her last question had been directed at Newt. "There's no documented case of an obscurial surviving past the age of ten. The one I met in Africa was eight when she..." Newt abruptly stopped his sentence, swallowing hard before continuing, "before she died." "Miss Black," Tina caught the other witch's attention, "You said you had seen the damage an obscurus could do. Have you see one before?"

Rose couldn't help but sigh, she knew she couldn't hide anything more from Newt. Though she didn't want to open up to Tina, she really didn't have a choice. "My little sister," Rose replied, void of emotion. Tina's eyes softened immediately as Newt's eyes snapped up to look at her face. "She had, not only lashed out at my father's lab assistant, but the live dragon they were to be experimenting on as well. She only had one episode before her passing a week later. She was an extreme case, being only three years old. I never saw her lash out... I was locked away. However, it wasn't the obscurus that took her," Rose admitted. "I'm so sorry," Tina whispered, her teary eyes returning.

"So, what are you guys telling me? That, senator Shaw was killed by... a kid?" Jacob asked, completely bewildered. "If an obscurus can kill a fully grown dragon, yes. It's very likely, considering his wounds, that the senator was killed by a kid younger than the age of ten," Rose answered, giving a elongated sigh. "You never told me that your sister was an obscurus," Newt almost whispered. "Well, it wasn't what killed her," Rose replied, finding the ground interesting. "What did kill your sister, if I may ask, Miss Black?" Tina dared to ask.

Rose didn't find Tina to be asking out of being nosey, she was genuinely curious. Seeing that Rose had nothing to lose, she honestly replied, "My father. He was abusive; experimenting on my older brother, little sister, and I. Fused us with dragons. My brother and sister didn't survive the procedures as I was my father's greatest and most dangerous creation." Tina was simply speechless, aside from giving her condolences. Newt's head had gone back to hanging low as Jacob was finding the entire second half of their night to be very eye opening.

It hadn't been but a few seconds before the guards came to collect Tina, Newt, and Rose. Newt had wished the Muggle well as they would most likely never run into the man again. Jacob would more than likely be obliviated and sent back into the regular old routine of his human life. Rose really did hope the man got the chance to open up his bakery. She would never forget him; the only Muggle she had ever befriended.

The three wizards were soon led into the interrogation room, hands in chains and Mr. Graves sitting at a cold, metal table. Tina and Rose were left to stand in the back, constantly guarded, as Newt took the chair across the table from Graves. "You're an interesting man, Mr. Scamander," though, the man didn't sound impressed. "Mr. Graves," Tina tried to object. However, he just gave the girl a solemn look and shook his head, as if telling her that she really shouldn't say anything. Tina silently obeyed as she took her place back at Rose's side.

"Thrown out of Hogwarts for endangering human life," Mr. Graves began to read through Newt's records. "It was an accident," Newt quickly replied, speaking mainly over his shoulder to Tina and Rose. "With a beast. You had one of your teachers argue strongly against your expulsion. Now, what makes Albus Dumbledore so fond of you?" Mr. Graves asked the Magizoologist. "I really couldn't say," Newt replied. "May I?" Rose cleared her throat, catching the man's attention. Graves gave her a look too, but Rose ignored it.

"First of all, it wasn't his fault a beast got lose; innocent accomplice is more like it. Dumbledore see's the things that not many other wizards see. He's wise beyond his years and knew that Newt, here, was innocent in the matter then. More often than not, Dumbledore is always right," Rose explained. "It sounds like you know Albus Dumbledore very well, Miss Black," Mr. Graves commented. "I've known him for many years, sir. He's like the father I never had," Rose replied. Graves just nodded, seeming to take the girl's words into consideration before turning back to Newt.

"So setting a pack of creatures lose here was... just another accident? Is that right?" Graves asked. "Well, why would I do it deliberately?" Newt countered. "To expose wizard kind. To provoke war between the magical and non-magical worlds," Graves gave examples. "Mass slaughter for the greater good, you mean?" Newt clarified what the man was getting at. "Yes, quite," Graves nodded. "I'm not one of Grindlewald's fanatic's, Mr. Graves," Newt seriously replied, making eye contact with the man in front of him for the first time during their time being questioned.

Graves gave a small smirk before it disappeared, leaning up off the desk separating him and Newt, "I wonder what you can tell me about this, Mr. Scamander." Graves had brought out the obscurus from within Newt's case to show all the eyes within the room. Newt had turned to tell Tina exactly what it was, "It's an obscurus. But, it's not what you think. I managed to separate it from the Sudanese girl as I tried to save her. So I carried it home to study it. But it cannot survive outside that; it cannot hurt anyone Tina, Rose."

"So it's useless without the host," Graves concluded. "Useless?" Newt repeated, "Useless? That is a parasitical, magical force that kill a child. What on earth would you use it for?" With that simple question, Rose automatically knew that something was very, very off. No one in their right mind would try and use something like that unless they were mad. Tina seemed to pick up on this too as the gears in Newt's head were just about reeling.

"You fool no one, Mr. Scamander," Graves got to his feet, ignoring Newt's question, "You brought this obscurus into the city of New York in hopes of causing mass disruption, breaking the status of secrecy, revealing the magical world." "You know that can't hurt anyone, you know that," Newt protested. "You are therefore guilty of treasonous and betrayal or your fellow wizards and are sentenced to death. Ms. Goldstein aided and embedded you," Graves accused. "No! She's done nothing of the kind-" but Graves cut Newt off, "She receives the same sentence, as does Miss Black. Do it immediately, but keep Miss Black for a moment longer, if you please. I'll inform the president myself."

Newt tried to comfort Tina, but Graves cut him off with a simple shush. Tina burst out into sobs as the two executioners began to lead both her and Newt out of the room. "Rose," Newt had turned to his best friend, but was continued to be shoved out of the room. "Wait! Please! Rose!" Newt cried. "It's alright, darling," Rose gave a smile, knowing this wasn't the end. Her words calmed him immediately. "It will be alright," Rose whispered before her and Newt were separated by the door leading out of the interrogation room.

"Miss Black," Graves caught her attention, giving a gesture to the chair in front of him. Rose just huffed, taking her seat; she really didn't have a choice. Graves sat back down and folded his hands together, pulling out another file from the desk below; most likely her own records. "You came to Hogwarts after being adopted by the headmaster at the time; Professor Phineas Nigellus Black. Spent your last two years in Hogwarts, Hufflepuff, top of your class, and was the trial run Triwizard Champion the year you graduated. But, that's all there is. No past, no future, no birth certificate, no medical records, no job, no passport, no identification, no wand permit; the fake one in Mr. Scamander's case doesn't count, by the way. It was like you never existed." Rose couldn't help but mentally giggle; he had no idea how right he was.

"It was all lost when my mother sent me to live with Pr. Black's sister, who married a Muggle. They both had passed when I had come into the care with the headmaster at the time. My mother passed not long after I moved to London," Rose replied. "Was that rehearsed?" Graves asked, almost like he knew she was lying. "I get asked the question quite a bit," Rose sighed. Graves just smirked, "You're not of the Black family, so what's your real last name?" "Scaleheart," Rose answered, almost boredly.

"You're lying to me," Graves stated. "And you are lying when you gave us a death sentence. Takes a liar to know a liar," Rose countered, "Is your name really Percival Graves?" She had got the man to chuckle as he stood up to slowly make his way around the desk, "You're good, I'll give you that much." "Flattery will get you nowhere," Rose informed, eyeing the wizard who was making his way around the room at a slow pace; it was as he were stalking her like a Nundu on the hunt. "You're hiding," he stated. "You seem to speak from experience, 'Mr. Graves'," Rose mocked.

"Are you one of, 'Mr. Grindlewald's fanatics', Miss Scaleheart?" Graves continued. "It's Miss Black to you, Mr. Graves. And no, I'm not. If anything, I'm hiding in plain sight," Rose shrugged. "As am I. It's a shame you have a death sentence, Miss Black. You possibly could have made a very successful witch," he straightened himself back up by the time he made it back to the other side of the desk. "Very much so," Rose agreed.

Graves leaned on the table, giving a slight huff in frustration, "Tell me, Miss Black, how are you so calm when you know you're going to die?" Rose giggled, "Oh, Mr. Graves, I've faced death time and time and time again. Death, at this point, is like an old friend who keeps letting me live just a little longer. My life has been a living nightmare... you cannot intimidate me with the threat of Death. When my time is up, I will gladly accept it's invitation to pass on." The man just nodded before, glancing over the girl once more, "Take her away. And take a few extra guards with you; there's no doubt Miss Black here is a fighter."

Oh, he was smart; Rose gave him that much. With the extra guards escorting her, she knew there was no way she could run or escape. She knew Tina and Newt would find a way to escape, but there was no saying if she would or not. Technically, Rose was already lost to time. If she returned to her time era, time would continue. If she died here and now, time would still continue. It was that simple. For the first time in twelve years, she had wished Horatia wasn't completely sealed; one of the wishes the dragon could grant could have come in handy right about then.

Regardless, Rose was brought into the white walled Death Cell and led to the edge of the floor; the Death potion rippling out before her. A chair hovered above the sickly black potion as one of the executioners came up to her side to pull out her fondest memories. However, Rose wasn't fazed when her memories had been cast out before her to sink into the abyss of the potion; at least, not at first. She knew what she would see.

Her first memory was with Faris and Armione; the first time they had seen a real Thunderbird. The second one had been when she had met Harry and Ron on the Hogwarts Express their first year. Of course, it dabbled through her years at Hogwarts in her time, showing her all too familiar faces she hadn't seen in years; Draco, Luna, Ron, Hermione, Jenny, Neville, Fred and George, Cedric, Rolf, even Hagrid. The next was when Sirius had 'unofficially adopted' her, gifting Rose her current name. But none were more fonder than when she had met her best friend, Newt.

While beginning to become caught up in her memories, Newt and Tina had burst in to take down the guards and retrieve Rose's wand. Phlox had long picked the lock on Rose's wrist to free her human tree, but the woman was too deep in a trance to notice. Once Newt had made it to Rose's side, he had pulled her back and glanced into the pool of memories himself. He had caught a glimpse of her and Harry on one of their many adventures. Another had been when she and Rolf had been in a flirting stage, as Newt distinctly heard Rose call the boy 'Scamander'. He had witnessed Sirius deeming her part of his family and declaring her, henceforth, Rose Black. But the memories of him were the ones he also found he most treasured; and there were many of them.

Tina had glanced within to find this out quickly. It had come as no surprise to her though as she simply continued to watch. Rose and Newt's first kiss had appeared, snapping Newt's attention to the woman beside them... that had been twelve years ago. "We need to go," Tina reminded Newt that they were in the process of escaping. "Right," Newt nodded before trying to pull his friend from her trance, "Rose? Rose, we have to go."

However, the moment Newt touched her, Rose's memories began to turn dark. Cedric's dead body and Harry being thrown to the ground by the Triwizard Cup port key, Delores Umbridge making her inflict damage to herself, the fight within the Ministry of Magic with the Death Eaters, Voldemort's snickering pale face, Bellatrix Lestrange and her ruthless and quick torture she had forced upon Rose's skin, and the horrors of her childhood.

Newt hadn't fathomed how bad Rose's past had been until that moment. Maniacal laughter of a bloody handed man, the screams of agony from the children of Faris, Rose, and Armione, the slaughtered dragon corpses... her sibling's copses. "Get her out!" Tina begged, beginning to push Rose towards the door, "Get her out of here!" However, Rose protested, "No! I can't leave them again!" Newt's heart broke for her as he picked her up, bridal style, and forced her to leave the room. She cried, tears streaming down her face, but Rose had snapped out of her trace the moment they entered the hallway.

"Newt? Where are we?" Rose asked. He gave a grateful sigh, hoping Rose wouldn't remember anything for the time being. "Escaping," he answered simply. "Oh, good. If you put me down, we can hurry this along," Rose nodded, whipping her tears away as Newt let her get to her feet to run. The three of them rushed through the chambers of MACUSA. Tina had taken the lead only to be pulled back by Newt to avoid her getting blasted by a spell from security.

Newt wasted no time throwing something into the air as Rose immediately figured out what it was. "Swooping Evil?" Rose awed. "Yes," Newt simply nodded as the creature took down all the security guards. The creature had a metallic blue underbelly but was a plant like green on top with a few purple spots here and there. It had a carnivorous like bird beak and a long tongue like an anteater. "You had a Swooping Evil this entire time and you never thought to show me?" Rose scolded, tough it really wasn't the time. "I showed Jacob," Newt replied. "Last time I checked, my name was Rose," the woman snapped playfully, taking the lead.

"Leave his brains, come on!" Newt called to his creature, taking Tina by the hand and following Rose. Rose had whipped out her wand to fight off more security guards that came in, making a way for her, Newt, and Tina. For some reason, Rose felt young again. She almost felt like Harry, Ron, and Hermione were running along beside her. For a moment, she thought she had seen them out of the corner of her eye. However, she had been snapped out of it when Tina asked, "So, what is that thing?" "Swooping Evil," Newt simply answered, refusing to stop and rest from constantly running. "Well, I love it," Tina smiled.

The three of them rounded the next corner quickly, but skid to a stop to find their path blocked. Rose could only smile and whisper, "Wonderful timing." Queenie and Jacob stood before them. "Get in," Queenie ordered, lifting up Newt's case. "Oh, Queenie you're brilliant," Rose smile grew. They quickly all hopped into the case as Queenie shut the lid from the outside as Newt, Rose, Tina, and Jacob all waited in the shack.

Newt went around, first checking over Tina and Jacob before making his way over to Rose, who had sat back down on the cot behind the ladder leading down into the case. "Are you alright, Rose?" Newt

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