Dealing with his new life

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Katherine slowly moved around the still broken house. But it was funny to watch Clark trying to get the windows repaired.
"Promise to stay calm this time. It gets costly to replace the windows allot."
"And the front wall."
"Yeah that was new. You actually threw me through the wall."
"I was mad."
"You've been mad before you've never been able to do that before. What was that?"
"I don't know maybe my powers are evolving? At times it scares me. You do know that when you go patrolling I am alone with my thoughts. I have no one to talk to. Lots of time to think."
"About what?"
"Clark everything. I still have no idea what happened to me. There is three weeks of my life that is a total blank. Then I come back to find you've gone into hiding."
"Making the mistake that was made and loosing Jimmy was hard but loosing you on top of that was bad."
"Does Chloe know you've been staying with me?"
"No. I am afraid to tell her. Shes angry that when you did come back and she found I might be able to fix what happened to Jimmy and wouldn't she just became angrier."
"Well little miss watch tower might want to behave I am still not in the mood not to start what she really can't finish."
"You made a mistake and admit to it and your now paying for it. Had you not wanted to keep me from destroying more than your parents farm you wouldn't have ever returned."
"How do you figure?"
"Clark I've known you long enough to know that you would stay way to keep all those you care about safe. Where have you been living?"
"Gone during the day training and patrolling at night. So gone all the time."
Katherine looked at him, she wished she could answer where she had been for three weeks but even she didnt know. Maybe it was time Katherine talked to Chloe.

"CHLOE!" Katherine screamed entering Watchtower.
"Katherine? Is there something wrong? "
"I'd recommend you not lie to me. I know he lives and you are the reason he stayed away. Your own petty anger and resentment towards him pushed him away."
"Kat it's not like that."
"LIAR!" She screamed two computer monitors exploded. Chloe backed away from Katherine.
"Calm down."
"Calm down? You want me to calm down. He found me and you pushed him away. Yes I get it a mistake was made and Jimmy died. They all suffer because of it. All of them. But it's him that you blame it's him you take your anger and resentment out on." She growled, another monitor exploded. Suddenly Katherine collapsed to the floor unconscious.
"That's not going to help."
"What or who is that?"
"That would be Katherine. Clark's girlfriend. She was missing for three weeks."
"Ok and the telekinesis?"
"That is an after effect of being experimented on. She has both Clark's blood and that of a phantom running through her. The phantom part makes her temper hard to control."
"Why is she angry with you?"
"Because I told Clark if he couldn't go back and save Jimmy he shouldn't come back at all. And basically telling him to stay away from Katherine."
"How does she know he's fine?"
"My guess he showed up at the farm. How long is she going to be out?"
"Couple hours. More if we need to. But I am guessing you don't want her left in the center of the room."
"No, probably not. And then I will find a way to contact Clark. She is going to be so pissed when she wakes."
"Tell me something Chloe."
"What Emile?"
"How much damage can she do?"
"Angry enough. She could destroy the entire building."

Chloe stood near where they had moved Katherine while she waited for Clark to arrive. She looked up as Clark entered the room. He looked around at the destroyed monitors.
"I didn't think she would come here."
"What did you expect her to do Clark. I am the reason you were gone. And she knew it."
"And she had every right to be angry. You lied to her Chloe. How long will she be unconscious?"
"A few more hours. I touched up the seditive after we hadn't heard from you in an hour. She will be fine."
"No she won't because I have to keep her from loosing her mind on Chloe again. Maybe we might have to make her listen to Chloe."
"How Clark? Tie her up and make her listen? She has no control when she's angry."
"She will understand Chloe. Let me talk to her. I'm going to take her home. You and I will talk later as well."
"Good idea."
"Answer me this though. How did you get close enough to do anything to stop her?"
"She didn't hear me come in. And when I saw what destruction she was causing I knew I had to do something."

Clark lifted Katherine into his arms and superspeeded out of the building.
"Has she always been angry with you?"
"No, Katherine and I were close friends once but she has a point I did lie to her. But I never expected her to react that way."
"You might want to be careful around her if she gets angry so fast."
"She just needs time to adjust. Clark has always had a calming effect on her. Thanks for the save though. I think she might have done worse than she did." Chloe ran her fingers through her blonde hair and looked around. At least it wasn't a bigger mess.

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