Calming her anger

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Clark lay Katherine on the couch and pulled a blanket over her. He knew she was going to be angry when she did wake and doing what they did to calm her was probably a good idea but she wouldn't see it that way.
An couple hours later he heard her moving and looked to see her sitting up.
"Clark." She hissed. He was taken aback when she answered the way she did. He knew she was angry and would be but he was hoping maybe he could calm her.
"Do you know where you are?"
"The farm. Who sedated me?"
"A doctor friend."
"I'll kill him."
"No you won't."
"THE HELL I WON'T. SHE DID THIS AND SHE LIED TO ME!" She screamed at him. Windows exploded around him. He lifted her into her his arms and went outside. The less damage the better.
"You need to calm down."
"Calm down? Where are the others? I hear Oliver is drinking himself to death. And the others have vanished. And yet here I am looking at you. A man who went into hiding because of what happened. A mistake was made."
"Yes it was made. And I take my part of the responsibility for Jimmy's death."
"HIS DEATH WASN'T YOUR FAULT.!" Katherine screamed. Clark had never seen her so angry, and if he didn't get her calmed down he knew she would destroy the house and most of the property.
"Kat, please calm down. I made my peace with what happened. I know that I shouldn't have had faith in Davis as much as I did. And it cost Jimmy his life. But because I wouldn't travel through time to go back and change what happened that was when Chloe became angry with me."  Clark could tell this was not calming her, her body was glowing purple and her eyes matched as she became that angry. He finally moved closer to her and he was pushed backwards by her powers but he just kept moving until he was standing in front of her. He pulled her close to him and held onto her. He could feel the electric current that was coming off of her. But he refused to let go, he needed to get her to calm down he needed her to understand that what had happened was partly his fault and he knew it. She was angry and pushed out with all her might sending him flying backwards slamming into the barn.  She walked to him, he looked at her in shock. He quickly stood and again grabbed her by the arms.
"You've never been this angry. There is more to this than what happened with Chloe and why I was gone. Kat talk to me."
She shoved him away from her and turned and just walked away from him. Clark waited and then followed behind her. She sat down on the porch and sighed. He waited as the she started to calm down before he sat down next to her.
"I'm sorry."
"Kat, you shouldn't have to be sorry. I should have come to you when I found you the day you came back."
"How did you know?"
"I caught the train. Kat I know your upset and I do take the blame for that.  Don't take this out on Chloe."
"I will get over it. It will take some time. Everyone else is gone?"
"Yeah. Oliver took it the hardest. I threw myself into my training. And I did tell Chloe when I couldn't find you that Clark Kent was dead. So in a way I was the one that made her say what she did to you."
"Without you I was dead. Kat you need to understand you are my world and have been for a long time now. When you left I died. I stopped being Clark Kent and became only Kal-El."
"On your own?"
"On my own. And now there is a new threat."
"Chloe said she thinks there are other Kryptonians here. Someone named Zod."
"Him again?"
"No an actual person."
"I dont know but please be careful and stay away from anyone you've never met."
"Clark I haven't met allot of people. What am I going to do? Just sit around the farm?"
"You could come work at the Daily Planet."
"I hated that job the first time."
"You can be in Metropolis where I am most of the time anyway and that way you can be safe."
"Until someone pisses me off and I end up destroying something again. I am having one hell of a time controlling my temper as of late."
"We will figure it out. And if one thing leads to another I know someone that can calm you the hard way."
"Its true and might have to happen if you ever get out of control again. You tossed me out a window like I was a rag doll. No one else is physically capable of doing that."
"Your fine we will figure it out."
"I'll come with you to work." Maybe I can go apologies to Chloe about today."
"Give it a couple days."

Katherine was still upset but she knew she needed to get a handle on her anger and maybe being near him in Metropolis would help. She hoped

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