Team Rwby and Jnpr were just hanging out together, they were having a good time when suddenly something happened. A bright white light filled the room "Ahh! What's going on?" said Ruby as they dissapeard.
Ruby and her friends all fell down onto the ground of an unknown building, Ruby was the first to look up "Ugh, where are we?" she then looked down and saw she was on top of Weiss "Get off of me!" shouted Weiss as Ruby jumped up. Jaune rubbed his head "Ugh, what happened?" he said.
The two teams were up and standing trying to figure out where they were "It looks like a cinema," said Yang "Oh, are we going to watch a movie?" asked Nora. "What the hell?" said a voice, the two teams turned to see several other people.
There was Qrow Branwen, Ozpin, Glynda, Tai, Ironwood and Winter, Ruby and Yang ran over to Qrow and Tai where as the others wondered what was happening.
As the group was talking they then suddenly saw as a red portal opened and four more people appeared. These four people were Raven, Torchwick, Ilia and Adam. "Torchwick! I told you not to give Perry those controls," shouted Adam "But I didn't," replied Torchwick "Well then, explain this," said Adam as he pointed around and that's when Torchwick noticed the others and so did Ilia and Raven.
"Oh no," said Torchwick "Uh Adam, I don't think you'll like to see who's behind you," said Ilia, Adam turned and looked at the others. Qrow and Tai were glaring at Raven, Blake was trying to hide behind Yang who was looking at Raven with surprise, Ironwood and Winter were glaring at Adam and Ruby was glaring at Torcwhick.
There was silence for a bit before Adam shouted "Schnee!" He went for Wilt and Ilia went for her weapon when suddenly all their weapons dissapeard.
The groups turned when they heard footsteps and saw two figure. One was a tall, cybernetic warrior with a gun in place of his arm and mechanical parts all across his body. Next to him was a smaller figure, a teen around the age of 16, he to had cybernetic parts including a red mechanical eye.
"Who are you?" asked Ozpin calmly "What did you do with crescent rose?" asked Ruby "Did you bring us here?" said a glaring Glynda but all were silenced when the cyborg warrior pointed his arm gun. "All of you shut up, all will be explained. Now master, will you tell them?" it said "Yes. Welcome people of Remnant, my name is Vortex or Jake to my friends and I have brought you all here so you can experiance the multiverse," said Vortex "Wait? The multiverse?" said Jaune "Yes, here you watch different worlds of yours. Different timelines. An example I have is Remnant's resident edgelord Adam Taurus over there," he pointed to the bull faunus as all looked at him "Is a well known guitarist. Or Ozpin is actually the evil one and Salem is the good one," there were people asking who that was, except for Qrow, Ozpin, Ironwood and Glynda "How do you know this?" said Ozpin, Vortex sighed "Allow me to explain."
(One explaination later)
The remnant people were currently taking it all in "The main people we'll be watching will be Ruby, Jaune, Qrow and Adam. Of course many others will have their stories but that lot are the main focus," said Vortex "But why?" asked Yang "Well Ruby is the main character, Jaune seems to be able to be everywhere, Qrow is a popular one and Adam is both my favorite and is schedueled to be dead," "What!" shouted Adam, Ilia looked then whispered "Can I have your sword when your dead?" But Adam just glared at her.
"Please tell me I go out in a good way," said Adam, Vortex gritted his teeth "Do I at least die against a human?" "Well yes but also a faunus," Vortex then sighed and turned to the cyber warrior "Xi, could you please explain for me?" "As you wish master," replied the cyber warrior.
Xi told the group about Cinder getting Torchwick to help her and force the White fang to help her destroy Beacon. He told them about Yang losing her arm and Pyrrha dying, her team all started hugging her, he told them about team Rwby being split up and each of them struggling with their own thing. "And then after some fights, Adam get's killed by Yang and Blake," finished Xi "What!" exclaimed Blake, Yang, Ruby and Ilia, Adam just sighed "Well, if that's the case. I'm not going to give you two the satisfaction of killing me," he then reached for Wilt but felt nothing, he looked down before saying "Oh right, it dissapeard," "Now with that out of the way, let's begin this," said Vortex as he snapped his fingers and everyone was in their seats.
Vortex whispered to Xi telling him to be on standbye if needed. Vortex looked around the room and the guests, Raven and Qrow were flipping each other off, Adam was still looking down at the ground muttering "Killed by my apprentice?" as Ilia sat next to him just waiting while putting a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down, Roman was currently trying to pick pocket Ironwood and that ended with Torchwick knocked out in his chair, Team Rwby and Jnpr were discussing the future and Tai was just keeping an eye on Adam, just in case he take's his daughter's arm.
"Alright ya gits, you lot ready?" said Vortex "Yes," said Ruby "What did you just call me?" said Weiss but Vortex ignored her, he then turned to the screen this one is going to be about Qrow, although in this version he is the Doomslayer, he may have to worn the group about the violence "Eh, I'm sure they'll be able to handle it," Vortex muttered as he began.
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