1: Rip and Tear until it is done

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(The video started with a booming voice which was actually just a dramtic sounding Proffessor Port. There was also a symbol forming

Port: Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce.)

"Woah, that's Proffesor Port," said Yang "Who is he here?" asked Jaune "He is an ancient king," said Vortex.

(Port: We will send unto them... only you.)

"Who's he talking to?" asked Tai, Vortex just pointed to Qrow "This is a badass world with a badass guy," he said.

(The symbol could be seen better now and had fully formed but the scene then changed to the surface of mars.

Port: Rip and Tear, until it is done.)

"Rip and Tear? Sounds brutal," said Torchwick "Aw, is Torchwick too afraid to see a bit of gore?" Adam taunted "Hey!" replied the crimelord as Adam and Ruby chuckled.

(The voice stopped as Mars could be seen more before transitioning to space. Asteroids could be seen everywhere, one even passed the camera. After the asteroid passed, it showed Earth with large fire cracks, there was also the moon which looked damaged)

"That doesn't look like remnant," said Blake "That's because this isn't, this is Earth, my world, but in a nother timeline," said Vortex "Why does it look like that?" asked Weiss, Vortex just smirked "Just wait and see."

(The sounds of Millatry radio chatter could be heard as the voice of a female soldier could be heard.

Soldier 1: Can't hold 'em off!

Then the voice of a civilian could be heard.

Earth survivor: I can hear them, oh no...

Soldier 2: Fall back, now!

Earth survivior 2: They're killing everyone!)

"Those poor people," said Weiss "I would say that the threat is Grimm. But no, this threat seems, worse," said Ozpin.

(Soldier 3: They're everywhere.

Earth survivor 3: Transmitting from H2 1556.

Reporter: ...Casualties range in the billions.)

Qrow did a spit take at that as everyone looked shocked "Billions! That's more than the Great War!" said Ironwood, Adam looked down and muttered "These things are worse than even Atlas," "Yeah, it's hard to imagine," replied Ilia.

(The camera had zoomed further and you could see a pentagram on the surface.

Earth survivor 1: They're breaking in!

The camera then began to move where eventually some sort of building could be seen)

"A building in space?" said Glynda "A space station maybe?" said WInter "No, part of it looks like it's made of stone," said Ozpin.

(Street prophet: ..We must pray now brothers...

The camera zoomed in towards the building and the audience could see it better.

Street Prophet: Pray that he is watching.)

"Who's that guy talking about?" asked Yang "A god maybe?" said Blake "Who knows? But I think we're about to see this, being," said Pyrrha.

(The inside of the building was now being shown, it looked very high tech.

Earth survivor 5: Please, anyone. If you can hear me, if you're out there...

A man in green armour is then seen, the man had dark brown hair and big muscles, however some people recoginsed the man.)

"Uncle Qrow?" said Ruby "Huh, so I'm this world's savior?" said Qrow "How? What's he doing there?" shouted Raven "Oh, are you jealous that I'm the main character here?" replied Qrow.

(The camera moved to a computer screen showing earth and it's contnants, suddenly a robotic voice is heard.

VEGA: Attempting to acquire Hell priest signal)

"Hell priest?" said Jaune "Sounds like the the name of a band Adam would make," said Blake "It's a good name for one," replied Adam "I agree with the boy," said Raven "Yeah, if your total edgelords," said Torchwick, Adam and Raven both turned and glared at him "Are you two related or something?" asked Torchwick, Adam and Raven looked at each other and then back to Torchwick "As if I'd be related to a human," said Adam as the two returned to the screen.

(Qrow is then seen walking towards something. A casing with a gun slowly begins to open.

Reporter: ...Nearly 60% of our planet has been consumed by the invaders...

 Qrow then picks up the gun and some ammo as music is heard in the backgrounds)

"Huh, a shotgun?" said Ruby "Of course you would know," said Weiss "Yeah, those are shotgun shells, although they are kinda rare in Remnant," replied Ruby "If you're buying you're ammo legally that is," Adam muttered.

(VEGA: We have the Hell priest's signal locked in. The targat is marked but the signal will not hold for long.

The scene changes where the audience see's Qrow tesing out his arm blade)

"OH MY GODS! That's such a cool weapon, oh I'd love to have armour like that," said Ruby "Good luck trying to run in it," replied Vortex.

(Street Prophet: For it is he that they fear, not man or his armies... they fear the mark of the beast...

Suddenly the music changed from just synths to heavy sounding guitars as Qrow picks up his helmet.

Earth survivor 1: Is anyone left?

Qrow put his helmet on as it started up. Suddenly some of the controls moved and stairs were being made as a gate like structure is constructed as a blue portal openes up.)

"Woah, that thing looks cool," said Jaune "A portal," muttered Ren. Meanwhile Ironwood was of course taking notes as Tai talks to Qrow saying "That's like Raven's semblance, only blue and made by a machine," Qrow just nodded as he continued watching.

(Earth survivor 1: Somebody... p-p-please help us!

The screen then showed Qrow with his shotgun as he cocked it and then the music got heavy and faster as the screen came up saying. DOOM Eternal!)

"Ohh, I want to watch more of that!" said Ruby "Yeah, I'd love to watch super uncle Qrow kick some ass," said Yang "I have one question," said Ren, Vortex turned to him "And taht is?" "What are these, invaders?" Vortex drunk some water and said "Demons."

After he said that there was a loud uproar from the audience "Demons exist?" said Blake "Oh gods, I'm gonna get killed by one of these things," said Jaune "Specialist Schnee, when we get back we will be monitoring for any anomalies and we will deal with them immediatly," said Ironwood, Adam had his scroll out "Everyone shut up! I have to call the high leader," Vortex turned to where Xi was, he was leaning on a wall, and nodded. Xi pointed his arm gun in the air and shot it, getting eveyone's attention.

"Right, now I have your attention, you don't need to panic the demons can't get to your world at all, they are from a different galaxy and universe," said Vortex, the audience blew a sigh of relief "Alright, everyone ready for the next one," the audience all mostly nodded.

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