"Okay everyone, these are interviews of 9 different mercenaries," said Vortex "There better be action in this," said Nora "Oh there is, lot's," Vortex then remembered something "Oh this is also quite a violent world, so be prepared," and with that, Vortex activated the screen.
(The video started of with music containing bongo's and woodwind, as a garage door opened revealing two people. Sun (Scout) and Cardin (Soldier) preparing to charge)
"Sun and Cardin? That is not a combination that I thought would work," said Jaune "What do you mean by that, kid?" asked Qrow "Sun's a faunus and Cardin's a racist bully," the faunus in the room narrowed their eyes and gritted their teeth angrily.
(There was then a BLU sniper looking from a window with his sniper rifle, the camera then moved to see BLU spy lighting a cigarette as an engineer approached his sentry before changing to Pyro watching soldier juggle)
"What's the context of this?" asked Ozpin "Basically two mercenary sides fight each other. The RED's and the BLU's who are both owned by two different brothers. I don't know much about the law, but I still love this universe," replied Vortex "Interesting," muttered Ozpin.
(Sun then cocked his scattergun before running out along with the rest of his team, as the battle comences. The BLU sentry aimed at Sun and shot at him but he managed to dodge the bullets)
"Be careful, Sun," said Blake "I think he'll be fine," said Yang "How is he dodging the bullets? His semblance isn't speed!" said Jaune "In this world there are now Grimm, no aura, no semblances but there are special abilities and technology," Vortex explained "Interesting, I may have to look into this more," said Ozpin "Not if I do it first," said Adam.
(Sun continued running but then started shooting at his enemies, a rocket managed to pass him as his continued on. He was then seen jumping across two small buildings and running while a BLU Soldier and Pyro were chasing him.)
"Okay, why are there two different versions of the team? Is this some sort of Clone War?" said Winter, Vortex smirked at the mention of Clone War before saying "No. Again I'll have to read the comics to understand more of this. I just like to watch and enjoy this universe," "There's comics of this?" said Jaune "Oh yeah, there are comics of many things we'll be watching. You can read them later on if you want," said Vortex.
(However suddenly, a train then hit the two BLU mercenaries and barely missing Scout as he just continued running.
Then a title card appeared saying, Meet The Scout, with jazz like music in the background.)
"How many types of mercenaries are there on these teams?" Ozpin asked, Vortex counted on his finger before saying "Nine mercenaries in total in each team."
(Sun then walked onto the screen, confidently, before speaking. "Uhm, I don't even know where to start with you. I mean, do you even know who you're talking to?")
"He seems rather full of himself," said Glynda "Indeed," said Ozpin. Ilia leaned to Blake "Is he like this in real life?" she asked "No, not really," Blake replied.
(The scene thene changed to a blue hevy who was about to eat a sandwich when Sun tapped him with his metal bat, getting attention before saying "Yo, what's up?)
"He seem's pretty confident," said Ironwood "Yes, but I fear that he's a little too confident here. He may underestimate that one," Winter replied.
(The screen then returned to Scout talking about himself "So you have any idea? Any idea who I am?" The screen then turned back to Sun and the Blu heavy who was attacking him with his fists while Sun screams.)
"And that is why you should never underestimate an opponent," said Tai who then turned to his kids "I doubt I have to tell you two that," "Pfft, come on. Do we look like the type to do that?" Yang said. Vortex stopped mid drink as he remembered that she rushes into battle a lot, which may one day cost her, her arm privilege.
(The screen returned to Sun explaining himself again saying "Basically, kind of a big deal," the screen then returned to Sun vs Heavy, where Sun is attempting to strangle heavy out with his bat around his neck as they both scream.
Screen then turned to Sun admiring his muscles saying "Oh man, that's beautifal.")
"Definetly very full off himself," Glynda said, Ozpin nodded as he sipped his coffee as Vortex looked at him, with a look on his face saying 'Where the hell did you get that from'.
(Screen then changed to Heavy trying break Sun with his bare hands as they both scream before returning to Sun. "Listening? Okay. Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines and brother. I hurt people.")
"Does he take pride in that?" said Weiss a little disturbed, Vortex just shrugged. "Are you sure he isn't like that?" Ilia asked Blake "Definetly not. He's not the type of guy to take pleasure in killing people. Unlike some people," Blake replied as she glared a little at Adam who turned and glared back.
"You think I take pleasure in killing people?" Adam said "You do with humans," Blake replied "The ones I kill deserve it. Do you not remember what you saw them doing to our people?" Adam shouted "Guys can we please get back to the video," said Ilia.
(The screen then showed Sun hitting the heavy in the gut with his bat saying "Boink!" before the one talking said "I'm a force of nature," Sun continued hitting the heavy as the other talks "If you were from, where I was from. You'd be F(Censored by video)ing dead," as he lands one last blow to the heavy as his other counterpart went "Wooo!.)
"Sun comes from Vacuo, right?" Yang asked "Yeah," Blake replied "Is it possible that there's some truth here. With what he said at the end?" Blake pondered that for a bit before Qrow said "It's possible. Vacuo's a tough place to live in," he then took another swig from his flask.
(The end title then started as the same music played, showing Sun along with several other mercenaries who all looked familiar. It then showed at the end Sun sitting on top of the dead heavy, eating his sandwich.)
"Okay, that's a dick move," Roman said "Says the criminal," Adam said "Says the terrorist," Glynda said, causing Adam to turn to her with a finger up saying "Uh, actually. I prefer the term revolutonary," Ilia nodded in agreement.
"So, did you enjoy that?" Vortex asked "Yeah. Bit excentric, but it was entertaining," Pyrrha "What's next cyber boy?" Nora asked causing Vortex to ponder before saying "Well, we;ll have to see, won't we?" (I don't know what's going to be then next viewing)
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