"Okay, this next one is going to be different. The genre that is," said Vortex "Is it fantasy?" asked Pyrrha "Yep, medival for a matter of facts. This will be one with Roman and Ruby in it," said Vortex.
(The screen started showing Ruby walking around, with Crecent rose in her hand. She seemed to be wearing some sort of armour along with her cape.)
"Interesting world," said Glynda 'Reminds me of the old times' thoughts Ozpin who then turned and asked "Do you know about the context?" "Not really, I'm not familiar of this universe. I know of it's existence, but it's a world I need to explore," replied Vortex.
(Ruby continued walking and then got to some stairs when she noticed Roman squatting on a stone looking at her.)
"Did he know she was coming?" asked Blake "Probaly, unlike the real Roman, who never anticipates that you lot could be right behind him," said Vortex "Hey!" shouted Roman, glaring at Vortex. Adam the leant in and said "It's true though."
(Roman then spoke up.
Roman: And there you are again.)
"Again?" said Ruby "Yeah, I'm not going to explain much, since I don't know much about this. It's interesting though," said Vortex.
(Roman: Couldn't keep your greedy fingers off my old armour, I see.
Ruby just look's at him as he speaks.)
"Wait, why are you wearing Torchwick's armour?" said Weiss "I don't know. But it does look kinda cool," replied Ruby.
(Ruby then seemed to get into a fighting stance.
Roman: Oh no, don't look at me like that! I won't grovel in the dirt this time. We've left those petty grievances behind us, don't you think?)
"Yeah, but he's still annoying," said Ruby "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but yeah. I agree with the small human," said Adam "Hey! I'm not that short," "To me you are," replied Adam "I mean, your taller than most people in the room, Adam, so she would seem short to you," said Vortex.
(Roman: You know, I've realised... We really couldn't be more different, you and I. And yet, here we stand, the both of us, undead. Yet unbroken)
"Wait! I'm undead?" said Ruby "Yeah, you both are," replied Vortex "So, are we like, zombies or something?" "Not really, again I'm going to have to do some research."
(Roman: Me, I'm simple. Truely unbound. Nothing to gain, nothing to lose. But you... I've seen your Ilk... time and time again.)
"Jeez, how old is Roman? 1000?" said Yang "Hey! I'm in my 30s. I'm not old!" shouted Roman "Wait a minute, you're in your 30s and get beaten around by kids while I, a guy who's barely an adult is feared in all of Atlas?" said Adam, Roman turned away sulked a little "Gods, sometimes I feel like I'm the only mature one in this group," Adam muttered.
(The screen then started to show Ruby's predecessors as Roman continued to talk.
Roman: Your grasp for the faintest glimmer of hope. Kind-hearted fool you are.)
"Hey, what's wrong with being kind-hearted?" asked Ruby "Nothing, in fact it's a good thing to be," said Vortex. Meanwhile Raven muttered "She really is just like her mother."
(Roman: You are blinded, by the very light that guides you. So you stumble, searching for answers... Driven into madness, by the things you uncover. And still you remember... What any sane person would rather forget. You want to save everyone)
"That definetly sounds like Ruby," said Yang "Well that's what huntressers are meant to do, help people," said Ruby, Adam snorted which caused her to turn to him.
"What's so funny?" she asked "Very few huntsmen and huntresses actually want to do that. They mostly want all the fame and glory," replied Adam "Well that's not completly true," said Ilia "It is... Although there are some huntresses who actually want to bring good to this world. I remember when I was young, a human huntress visited my village," he then turned to Ruby "She had silver eyes, similar to you. I remember she took care of several Grimm attacks and anti-faunus attacks. I may hold a grudge against most of humanity, but she's an exception," Adam then returned his sights back to the screen.
However, Ruby, Yang, Ozpin, Tai and Qrow knew who he was talking about, but kept quiet. Ruby was going to talk to him later about this. They then all returned to looking at the screen.
(Roman: Pitiful, really. You can't even save your self. (Yang: Yes she can!) And the more you try to help... the more you will lose)
Qrow sighed at this and took a swig of his drink, he understood that and so did the rest of the adults in the room.
(Roman: Whether you risk everything for glory... or offer all you have left... with boundless compassion. No one can foretell the consequences...of your good intentions)
"Unfortuntly, that is very true. Sometimes, no matter how compationate you are, you still get scorned," said Ozpin "Indeed, I learnt that lesson the hard way," said Adam.
(Roman: I'll never understand what drives you. Is it your thirst for knowledge?)
"Definetly nope, Ruby doesn't liked studying," said Yang "It's important though, the power of knowledge can be stronger than the power of a cannon," said Ren "Not when I'm around," said Nora grinning as she imagined smashing up grimm.
(Roman: Faithful duty? Petty revenge? No matter, you shoulder as task far beyond yourself and through all your trials... you realise... that you measure up to it after all. And when even the gods despair, and shy away from their duty.)
Ozpin gritted his teeth at that but stayed silent.
(Roman: When the last fire fades, and the abyss grabs at your heart. You hold the embers that burn your fingers, and you face the end, unknowing, deceived, yet always sure of yourself.)
"That's my girl," said Tai "Hm, she'll be as good as her mother one day," said Qrow, Tai sighed "Yeah, let's just hope she doesn't end up like her," as he remembered that one fateful day.
(Roman: And the one things I just can't understand. Why?
Ruby just shrugged seilently.)
"Yep, that's definetly a Ruby response," said Yang "Perfect response, really," said Jaune.
(Roman: Bloody hell.
He then stood up.
Roman: No matter, it's not like I care. but I suppose I've amends to make and a debt to pay. The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh? So, how about I help you with... well, whatever is behind this door. You do like to stick your ugly nose where it doesn't belong, don't you?)
Ruby felt a little insecure about her nose as Yang just hugged her "Wait, so I'm helping little Red?" said Roman "Yep," "After all of that speech?" Yep."
(Ruby the walked forward towards the door.
Roman: Well then... lead on!)
And with that the screen darkened as it ended "That was actually pretty interesting," said Weiss "Yeah, but where's all the action?" asked Nora "Don't you worry Nora, there will be alot more action packed stuff," replied Vortex.
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