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I spent more time making the cover than writing this chapter.

It's fine.


Leo cleared his throat loudly, unable to pull his eyes away from the girl. Sense she had turned away, she had kept the conversation flowing. With of course the help of eager jokes bursting from Leo. But one of her latest comments on his newest project (Buford the Wonder table) had made him realize-

Who the heck was she??

"I never got your name" Leo noted. The girl didn't look up.

"And I never got yours." Not a real answer. Dang it. She probably didn't want to tell him. He would just have to keep calling her 'the girl' in his head. Not that he would get her confused with anyone ever. Anyone else was incomparable to this random girl.

Like a candle next to the sun.

They sat in silence for a moment longer, his failed attempt at trading names making Leos cheeks burn. He hated it. His hands were fidgeting, his leg was bouncing, and he had to say something.

That was his only proverb- when in doubt, keep talking.

When in pain, keep talking.

When under attack, keep talking.

When dying, keep talking.

When a gorgeous girl randomly approaches you and proceeds to watch you make a complete fool of yourself, guess what? Keep freaking talking.

"I'm Leo" now her eyes did move, looking up. If she wouldn't share her name she probably hadn't wanted to hear his. Dammit. Nice one Valdez.

Her dark eyes trailed him, lowering from his face, to his hands, wrapped snugly around his cup, to lower. She took him in. this was the first time she had looked at him. Really looked at him.

Why oh why couldn't he be built like Jason? Or heck, even Annabeth. That girl was toned.

Leos leg was still bouncing like mad. The sudden attention freaked him out, so he did what Leo Valdez does best- spit out the first bullshit that comes to mind.

"Leoooo." he dragged the word out "Leo Valdez at your service. Yup." he popped the p and nodded vigorously. The girl just raised a brow. "That's me. Leo Mcschizzel man. Bad boy supreme. Master swooner. Uncle Leo." he shot her finger guns at her and wanted to die.

If for one more moment she stayed silent and kept looking at him like that, Leo seriously was gonna burst into flames.

He should really rethink that freaking proverb.

Leo was about to run away and crawl into a hole, when the girl extended her arm towards him. Her hand was pale and smooth and flawless and open, skin bright in contrast with the red of her dress. Turned slightly sideways, fingers stretched out her hand looked inviting. He stared at it. Her eyes were expecting and glinting and perfectly almond shaped.

And dark. Oh so dark. Like bitter coffee under fading sunlight.

He stared at them too.

"Calypso." she said.

Calypso? Like the Greek legend? What about her?

Was this supposed to be a clue that she was a firm lesbian with a girlfriend named after a Caribbean singer?

Heck, maybe it was a hint she was straight but would rather date a Greek rando lady than the scrawny 5'9 Latino ball of explosive energy she had stumbled across in a New York bar.

Leo just sat there. Blinking, and confused.

Then something clicked.

Calypso was her name.

And she was probably holding her hand out so he could shake it. Like she had been for the last thirty seconds. Oops.

After a few more moments of blank staring, a stupid, impish, crazy grin began to grow on Leo's face. He knew for certain by the amused look Calypso was giving him that she wasn't ignorant to his inner confusion. She looked like she was regretting approaching him. Leo was somehow too happy to care.

Eagerly, he slid his hand in hers, cringing at all the callus surely on his fingers. Scrapes and cuts and bruises from fights and his workshop. Their hands together looked...strange. Rough tanned skin wrapped in her smooth light hand. Like a newly polished part fitted onto a rusting machine. But to him it looked perfect.

Leo's leg was bouncing harder now, partly from excitement. He felt as if someone had given him a new puppy. Heck, he felt like he was a puppy who had found another, much cooler puppy that wanted to play with him.

"Nice to meet you Calypso."


What a great freaking name.


Is it getting better? Is it getting worse? Tell me pleassseeeee!! 😩😩

Also I'm going on vacation so i plan on no new chapters next week.



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